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Everything posted by yoda

  1. That's good enough for me at this point in time
  2. I got my first ever university essay back from my History tutor today. In the grand scheme of things, is 63% an okay mark? He didn't really say if it was or not.
  3. No. It is a great film, but no where near "Goodfellas" in my opinion.
  4. I'm the Arjen Robben of Scotland. I'm injury prone (that's as far as the comparisons go). Yet again after 5s, I have got an injury. This time it's a nasty massive bruise down one side of my right calf which has seemingly hardened It's a lovely shade of purple. I can't fucking walk either.
  5. Right, my cousin has a swimming competition tomorrow at Tollcross Sports Centre or Leisure Centre. How can I get there by bus from George Square? Need to get there for before 11am.
  6. The BBC Football page has a headline in their "Comments & Analysis" about how to stop Gareth Bale. Jack Ross (yes, Jack Ross) apparently explains how to prepare to face Gareth Bale.
  7. Almost getting chucked out of the Geography course because my tutor thought I was someone else
  8. There was a boy like that who I had the unfortunate pleasure of knowing in secondary school. Last year after County had been cuffed by some diddy team and Rangers had won, attempted to rip the piss. This backfired spectacularly when someone asked him who his favourite Rangers player was in the current Rangers team. "Barry Ferguson" the boy replied. I think the words "You are a gloryhunting fucking moron" were aimed at him.
  9. It's not "love". It is "idolising".
  10. They could well be wrong though. Man the f**k up, go to your teacher and ask him how it should be done. Aye he might give you a bollocking for coming in this late but you will be getting the best advice available to you.
  11. If he says that then you need to say one of the following: Factorise this cunto! OR THIS IS FACTORISING! AHHHHH! Then throw your maths jotter at his face before storming out of the classroom. Remember, timing is the key to this.
  12. I'm not an expert on this but going by the excessive amount of porn on t'internet, sexual favours towards your teacher can make you pass no problem at all.
  13. Tut tut. Should have done it earlier then. Anyway, are the answers not at the back of the maths textbook? I assume it's Maths but it could be CDT for all I know.
  14. Well last Friday he was in what appears to be typical Finlay wear (it turned out we didn't have him on the Monday, instead some useless bitch who read of a sheet turned up), the leather jacket, the jeans, the white shirt, and a blue Ralph Lauren v-neck jumper. I can't remember what shoes he had on. No scarf yet, but as soon as I see it I'm going to find one and buy it, no matter what the cost. I will try and give regular Finlay-wear updates.
  15. That "Barbara Streisand" song is stuck in my head. Irritating fucking thing.
  16. I read that as Ellen Page I have no idea who Elaine Paige is. I assume she isn't nearly as nice as Ellen Page
  17. "Blade Runner" is on iPlayer. Should I watch it or should I not watch it?
  18. I did my work experience at a primary school. Infact, it was the one I used to go to. I was lumped with a P1/2 class, but I was literally left in charge of the P1s whilst the teacher dealt with the P2s I almost took my finger off with a Stanley-Knife whilst helping them made paper mache pigs - "Ah you bas...bad, bad stanley knife". I covered my self well there.
  19. After one lecture of using this counter, we are already on 10.
  20. I think it is his dad. I could be wrong.
  21. I can't sleep Had the problem for the past couple of weeks (although a couple of days I have managed to get to sleep alright). I eventually get to sleep at about 4am. I then wake up without fail at half 7. It's absolute murder
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