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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Don't get me started on Fucking ebay. Bought an adidas jacket off someone in the West Midlands on the 30th of June, was given a delivery date of the 6th of July. Kept getting told it would be here soon, or here tommorow, the usual spiel. Messaged the seller on Monday, he told me would contact the post office, and if it wasn't here by Wednesday he'd refund me, plus a few extra quid for the hassle. I'm still Fucking waiting.
  2. Looks like div has got a wee sideline going.. check the van out.
  3. That boy in the back has got a heed like a steak pie. Meat in the middle, crust round the sides...
  4. Congrats throbs. Better get looking for some Lonsdale babygro's....
  5. They were actually very good, now wheest you and away and play with your big train set.
  6. Had a go at making onion bhajis today, no too bad
  7. What's black and sits at the top of the stairs??? Stephen hawking after a house fire.
  8. Just renewed my car insurance through money supermarket
  9. Maybe Bert, I did have a badly bloodshot eye for a few weeks after crashing my car.
  10. Opening the post, and leaving it lying on the corner part of the sofa where i sit, then fucking off to do something else. When challenged on this, I always get "I was going to move it"
  11. I'm surprised he wasn't wearing a flat cap, what with him being a whippet owning c**t* *A good c**t though.
  12. You're getting battered over the head with a loafer tonight throbs.
  13. I struggle to see why any c**t could see that shite entertaining.
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