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Everything posted by philpy

  1. By f**k, my legs are aching tonight. Had 3 gym sessions this week. Had a "pacer" session on the bike for 25 minutes, kept ahead of the pacer by 0.11 miles for most of it, but by the end it was only 0.2 behind me. 6.03 miles in total.
  2. I don't know how you can do that, I tried to cut out crisps, I lasted a week. I'm always partial to a packet or two in the pub.
  3. Was speaking to Laurie Ellis at my work This morning, he thinks naming a Stand after turnbull seems like a good idea. First time I've met Laurie, he's a top lad. Would have talked about the rovers all if he had the chance.
  4. If Yer ill, have a lemsip and a w**k. If not, just have a w**k anyway.
  5. The pay dates at work being changed. As from next month we'll be going from being paid every 4 weeks to getting paid the last Friday of every month, which will include a few five week months as well.
  6. What a lovely day it is. Sitting out the front garden with a cold ale, got some of the family coming round later. Beef brisket, leg of lamb, veg, roasties, all prepared, plenty of wine and cider chilling in the fridge.
  7. Idiots at the gym fannying about and dropping weights on the floor. Just f**k off please.
  8. He must have been buzzing when he posted that.
  9. Just wondering, has anyone suffered with depression and anxiety issues due to work related stuff?? This may sound daft, but work has been affecting my sleep patterns of late. I've a habit of worrying too much about not getting things done on time or going through scenarios or things that I've done wrong over and over in my head. I had a holiday on Friday and I spent Thursday night worrying that I'd fucked up with the orders for Friday, then I spent Friday night worrying that I would get a row about something when I went in on Saturday. This happened a few times at my previous job, so much so that I went AWOL for 3 Days, getting the bus so far in then waiting till I knew my wife was away to her work then going home to lie In bed and stare at the ceiling. I'm a bit worried that it might happen again, but I'm unsure how to take the first steps towards dealing with this strange fear and anxiety.
  10. My dad always has half a glass of milk with his meal.
  11. Well done rowan. Always good to see some positive stuff on this thread.
  12. Was having a browse on gumtree earlier, someone was giving away a free double "matterace". What is wrong with these people??
  13. I was very happy with that result as well, as were many other raith fans i would imagine.
  14. Got a pair of air max at the nike store at straiton today, £35, £100 RRP. Comfy as f**k, first pair of Nike in ages.
  15. Day off today, switched the alarm off, and still woke up at 5.40 Am. f**k you, body clock.
  16. People (aye you, the wife) that turn the telly down when they are on the phone. Piss off to another room!!
  17. Today, I've tidied up the garden, cut the grass, made 2 trellis' for out the front, took some rubbish to the dump, and cleaned the house from top to bottom. As a man, I'm a bit worried about me doing all this without instruction to do so from the wife. Should I seek help from my GP???
  18. I've only just minded that the liverpool vs man utd game is on, never mind, at least i'll get to see El Classico tonight though.Oh, I've added you back in facebook, deleted you by mistake lol
  19. No me, been busy In the garden, got to take the advantage of the weather while it's decent
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