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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Had my appointment this morning. They are removing it just to be safe. Now a case of getting the date organised.
  2. Wife got an Email from Eon to tell us That's us only paying £100 a month for gas and leccy now.
  3. This lot has been in the sink since yesterday lunchtime. Good to see the bosses instructions being adhered to.
  4. I genuinely believe that some folk on this thread are genuine simpletons who should not be allowed an opinion or be allowed near the Internet. The level of thickness and unwillingness to grasp the fact that he was JUDGED TO BE A RAPIST BY A JUDGE is utterly astounding. See also the levels of whataboutery. Going on about martindale for instance. The guy has shown genuine remorse, held his hands up, done his time and has done something with his life in his role at livi. Has goodwillie done any of that?? Has he f**k. Civil court or not, mud still sticks.
  5. Post deleted as I posted it on the wrong thread
  6. Don't jest, next thing you know the trophy will be a giant gravy boat...
  7. I'd imagine there will be a few wrong 'uns on here who wear them, but crocs are an absolutely hideous piece of footwear.
  8. It'll probably be taken to the cat and dog home till the owners are located. When I worked across the road from it, the polis would be there multiple times a day handing dogs in.
  9. 12" chicken pakora pizza, jaz's musselburgh.
  10. We've got a guy that's been with us for a couple of months, travels up from Melrose to east lothian every day, and he always rocks up just after we start. He always complains about getting stuck behind certain traffic in the morning, but yet he doesn't do the sensible thing and leave a bit earlier. He also thinks everyone is against him or talking about him behind his back if he rightfully gets pulled up for making a mistake or damaging something. Getting the grasp of basic instructions seems like an alien concept as well, you'll tell him to do something and he'll forget before he's even started.
  11. Were the new pies etc any good?? Some lad on twitter that does reviews only gave the mince pie 5/10
  12. Brewdog hazy Jane. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea, but the co-op was selling 4 packs for £3.60. Also picked up a 4 pack of Camden pale for £3.30.
  13. My wife cut all ties with her sister at the end of last year, and believe me it's the best thing she's ever done.
  14. New guy at work hasn't got a clue. 2 months into the job and he has learned fuckall. Does the complete opposite of what you tell him, and If he does something wrong, it's never his fault. I'm sure he thinks sheffield Wednesday is a Bank Holiday.
  15. Brooklyn lager, £4.49 for 4 in home bargains. Where i also spotted this abomination. If I go back next week and it's all gone, I'll be surprised that anyone's bought it. Just so fucking wrong
  16. Was that big sinky inglis In goal for tranent yesterday??
  17. Confirmed that my first English game this season will be carlisle vs Wigan on 15th August. Not completely random, as this will be our second visit to brunton park. Good day out nonetheless. Hopefully get a few local games in before then, already done dunbar, preston athletic and mussy, so tranent, haddington, dalkeith, Newtongrange, arniston, bonnyrigg, easthouses, and Ormiston are still on my to do list.
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