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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Homemade spicy meatballs and rice. For the meatballs - 500 grams of lean mince, onion salt, parsley, chilli flakes and paprika. For the sauce - two Tins of baked beans (blended of course) onion salt and paprika.
  2. Aye, they use the term widely here in east lothian.
  3. I'm going to join the one at ocean terminal. It seems better than the council ones. And a wee bit cheaper.
  4. Chris you've mentioned that pure gym place, is that the one that's open 24 hours?? I was talking about it at work today, who the f**k wants to go the gym at 3am??
  5. Can the OP please change the thread title to "petty point scoring that gets on your nerves". Fackin 'ell.
  6. Nobody said he COULDN'T get involved in the debate though did they? He doesn't need permission FFS
  7. I've been going to the ice hockey for the best part of 20 years now. It's actually a decent night out once you get into it.
  8. I've still got the monobrow, but I've improved slightly on the hygene front.
  9. True dat. All she talks about is cakes, cakes, and more fucking cakes.
  10. Work was quiet all morning, I went to go for my lunch at 1, and then bang, 2 deliveries and 4 customers. Nearly 45 minutes later, I got my fucking lunch.
  11. I'm addicted to oranges I think. I'm eating about 5 a bloody day.
  12. I've lost 5lbs in a week, the wife has lost 8lbs in 2 weeks. Delighted.
  13. It's light snow down here at seafield, its not lying but it's fuckin freezing
  14. Tell the silly fuckers you'll take them for a happy meal the next time. Sounds like their kind of thing.
  15. Did my first ever batch of tattie and leek soup in the slow cooker. mmm! stew is one of my favourite things to cook in it though. nothing's better when you pick a piece up and it falls right off the fork.
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