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Everything posted by philpy

  1. We won today. We kept a clean sheet. A striker scored. Shut the f**k up. Thank you.
  2. Hope he doesn't hit someone with it. Parmo violence.
  3. Maybe we can get a tricky Italian winger that knows how to get pasta defender or 2. Might cost a pretty penne for his wages though.
  4. Striker desperately needed at raith. Knowing us we'll probably take a punt on MgGinn. The way things are I'd take niall quinn!
  5. Unfortunately for you, I'm very much alive. Anyway, 10/10. Very nice. The liquer wasn't overpowering, and the pastry and filling were spot on.
  6. Wonder what Ever happened to pompey and saltyTon??
  7. I've done it hundreds of times, but the walk along links street to starks Park is still a pain sometimes. Especially if you have a very weak bladder...
  8. I'm worried that a bigger team will come calling for Simpson soon.
  9. Can't remember what "happened" exactly, but didn't he claim to have had some rant against PC World or argos or somewhere like that??
  10. Wasn't law stud Stuart dickson?? He was some character him.
  11. If we had the wages for him, I'd take a punt on marc mcnulty. was at hibs and dundee utd, plenty of experience.
  12. I think there was one of the those F1 shops in the metro centre. My wife said she already knew about it. How did chicane it was there??
  13. Despite not feeling 100%, managed to drag myself out for a couple of pints, then up the road for a lovely Xmas dinner followed by a lovely big snooze on the sofa.
  14. Merry Xmas . https://youtu.be/af7LwnA913g
  15. In that box is a one-off spiced rum, not in a hurry to open it.
  16. We need to be looking around the lower leagues, for instance there's a 21 year old banging the goals in for Bo'ness. Tiwi daramola. Yeah, no experience at championship level, but who knows??
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