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Everything posted by philpy

  1. I'm sure his dribbling skills will be on show.
  2. Right. I'm looking get a decent bridge camera with a good zoom for wildlife stuff. I've a budget of £250. Any recommendations?? My trusty old sony has given up the ghost.
  3. My eyes are sore. Not just because of the fitba on offer, but because the cameraman forgot to use his fucking zoom function.
  4. How many times have you sneezed and pissed yourself??
  5. Yep. Sometimes with stuff like that, you can often get the sense of "doesn't do exactly what it says on the tin", but fierce have nailed this one.
  6. The lack of experience in the defending and striking departments is going to haunt us this season. Yeah, there is scope to address that in the January transfer window, but it could be too little too late by then...
  7. Too much of that and you'll be Gdańsking in the street.
  8. Left The kongo and cracked this open. Was going to leave it for tomorrow but f**k it. Really nice.
  9. Had a couple last night. I enjoyed it but Kongo was the highlight. Its excellent. That's up next. Possibly followed by the supernova imperial stout...
  10. Go to sainsburys and you'll get 4 cans for £6.
  11. Was very Close to being widowed on Saturday and it's hit me big style. Wife collapsed in pain on Saturday and was taken to hospital where she had a double operation to remove an ovary and some tubes, and they also sorted her hernia. She had the start of an infection, and found out after surgery that she was borderline septic. I'm on paid leave from work but every time I try to switch off, everything is playing over and over in my head.
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