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Everything posted by philpy

  1. I've kind of fused Flashdance with mc hammer shit.
  2. Squeal piggy, squeal!!
  3. A cat with covid-19 then eh?? Won't be the first pussy to have an infection...
  4. Aye. They always look after the darts players well, put pies and sausage rolls out.
  5. The whole programme can be comedy gold at times though. I remember one episode where it was a takeaway, and the debtors kept claiming he wasn't the owner, they phoned a mobile number, his phone rang and he still claimed he was someone else
  6. I was watching an episode of "can't pay we'll take it away" this morning. Neil ruddock was on it but they blurred his face out. We know what he looks like FFS.
  7. Wallyford miners welfare club - members only at the moment, with a touch card entry system on the door, so your details are stored on the system. 3 different drinking areas, including benches around the sides of the bowling green. 2 staff at each serving area, and plenty sanitisation points. And only £2.65 for a pint of tennents. 10/10.
  8. I'm trying my best to get a hold of one, but a combination of it being the season we won the league and it being a 125th anniversary kit, will make it very hard to track one down for sale.
  9. I've done 18.5 miles of walking since Monday. Feeling 10 times better for it. Got 8.5 miles planned for Monday already. Far end of porty prom, along to ocean terminal, back along great junction street (might see @throbber outside the foot of the walk in his Lonsdales), through Leith links and back through porty.
  10. Wife picked up a chapati tikka wrap kit thing from aldi. Indian fajitas basically, but quite nice all the same, and you use mango chutney instead of sour cream.
  11. Nicked from the premiership thread. If you had to pick one kit only from your team over the years, which one would it be?? For me, this one. Absolute cracker of a strip. Lost the one I had when my parents moved house and I can't find one for love nor money
  12. Don't think we'll see calvin Miller, looks like he is going to amiens in France.
  13. My best mate knows Lewis' brother quite well, he said he could get me free tickets to a gig in the future. I think I'll politely decline the offer should it arise.
  14. Sunderland till I die has been interesting so far
  15. There should be a third option - heating up full blast, all windows open.
  16. First one since the pubs shut, and it's fucking lovely.
  17. If she's upstairs getting ready to go somewhere, she will always have music on loud as possible, and there is no chance that she'll hear me shouting up about anything, or the doorbell going. Even shouted "THE HOUSE IS ON FUCKING FIRE!!" on a few occasions, but nope, she still didn't hear me. I might try pressing the test button on one of the smoke detectors the next time....
  18. She ended up having brown sauce instead. But today she had stovies with curry sauce.
  19. Just heard Gareth bale is coming to sign for east fife cos he's fed up sitting on his arse at Madrid. Seemingly a p/t deal which will see him being the janny at the amusement arcade.
  20. What's happening at ER today?? Few fans milling around when I walked past earlier, and a couple of security folk as well.
  21. Never mind throbs, it's not the end of the world. Here's a wee photo to cheer you up.
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