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Zapp Brannigan

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Everything posted by Zapp Brannigan

  1. Wow this Man Utd team are miles off it. Looking unfit, unmotivated and uninterested. I don't know what's happened to McTominay in the past 18 months or so but he doesn't deserve to be in the Scotland team just now let alone Man Utd's.
  2. Surprised he's not on the list. I'll go for the fat racist, Malky Mackay
  3. If I was a player, the only numbers I'd care about are the ones going into my bank account
  4. You're welcome to it. Hopefully your editing skills can do a better job than mine!
  5. Sometimes it's just not your night, like it was for Spain tonight. I was very impressed with how quickly the Germans surrounded the forward Spanish players when they got the ball, making it impossible for them to dribble or pass their way out of it.
  6. One thing I've been really enjoying about watching the women's football is there is a lot less play acting that's become rife in the men's game. Puts it to shame really.
  7. Never a pen for me to start this all off but the England wingers in particular have been superb since. Norway have been horrendous also
  8. That Lundstrem is reeking. Utd playing more expansive without Shankland than they ever did with him
  9. Baby steps... Rome wasn't built in a day etc. Could do with sticking one of these good chances he seems to get each game away
  10. Still a few levels up from where it's been until now tbf
  11. Fair fucking play St Johnstone. Amazing performance and deserve result. Can your defence manage another half in Iceland?
  12. Good draw for once, assuming we get past the Icelandics. The heat in Cyprus or Azerbaijan will be stinking though
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