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PB 4.2

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Everything posted by PB 4.2

  1. Somebody reading scripted jokes is very rarely funny. Situation, or improvised comedy shites all over it. Imagine paying £60 to watch John Bishop.
  2. It has proven health benefits for your liver.
  3. Your confusing the game of Golf which is an excellent sport and a very good way of keeping fit (burns about 1,000 cals) per round, with the high percentage of absolute wanks who play the game, and generally sit on committees. I play just short of £300 pcm for Gleneagles membership ( including club membership) which is a sizable outlay, but I only drink once a week and have a 5-figure income. Generally speaking the top end golf clubs ( Gleneagles, Turnberry, even Muirfield) are very customer focused. It's the pretentious wannabe clubs with delusions of grandeur which normally house the golf club wankers. With the Gym thing, I actually quit my membership at Bannatynes for the council Gym, got disillusioned by the inferior equipment, stopped attending and put on 14 stone. I like how the Bannatynes membership allows me to use the health clubs in Edinburgh I've I'm running late. I've been around 40 times already this Jan, so I don't see the £47 PCM as a poor value.
  4. Houses. More expensive ones tend to be bigger Golf membership. Gym membership Shampoo
  5. Found out today my Mrs is pregnant again at 6 weeks stage after losing two at the 9th week, I'm hopeful 2018 will bring us joy and closure. x
  6. Have you ever smoked a cigarette in your car and tried to throw it out the window and a minute later you smell something and turn around to find your grandma fingering herself in the back seat?
  7. Been done before Unleash the Anger. Don't be too upset.
  8. Such a rude man! I knew you were a wrong-un from the moment we found out you had names for your bikes. But I suspect your callous approach to life extends beyond threats of violence and mindless thuggery. You strike me as the sort of cyclist who would intentionally take lunch by the riverbank to feed used inner-tubes to geese. I'm updating the database and moving you to a category 3 (attack likely) cyclist. Our third highest level.
  9. It's violent character's like yourself which make me proud of C.A.S.T and all the lives we save.
  10. Ma choppers' no that big fella. Although I do I have a black chequered spot on my left teste.
  11. He took exception to me doubting that during his training he was told to drive with a 10 second gap, and to never emerge into traffic if he broke this traffic gap, albeit back or front. The HC suggests a 2 second gap. After that he banned me. around 200 times despite never receiving a warning point.
  12. You haven't witnessed the Falkirk Mafia in full swing. A fusion of corruption and jealousy. Tynieness is a good c**t. A dude's, dude.
  13. How many sets are needed to win the semi?
  14. Mineral water sadly. Ive got a stomach bug.
  15. Thought you'd have got your misses to open the can and bottles?
  16. promenade is my fav U2 song.
  17. Imagine not thinking you'd be more likely to fall, or crash a car on snow and ice.
  18. It would be interesting to know whether Scotland in EFTA/EEA would fare against UK out the EU.
  19. Very much on demand. But It didn't feel like I was on a diet given being able to eat a packet of crisps every waking hour. But I was consuming only 1100 cals, and very low levels of Sat. fats. The beauty of this diet is there's no meal prep or washing up.
  20. Glad the quavers diets working out for you. I managed 105lbs in only 14 weeks. For me the key was not buying the (cheaper) 24pack, instead buying a 15pack. I liked the idea that once I had finished my 15th packed of the day I was done. A bigger multipack could have led to overeating and a slower weightloss.
  21. Actually I took myself for a bike ride last month. I posted about it on here. Prior to that you would be correct though, I hadn't ridden since the autumn of 1971, when my mother forced my to cycle to school for emptying the biscuit tin. 1971 of course was the year Greepeace was founded and Disney World was opened. Until this afternoon 1971 was also the last time ST Johnstone won at Ibrox! GIRUY
  22. I treat every post with an open mind. I then apply my marking scale: Green dot: Excellent or very good post. No dot: Good, average, or quite bad post. Red dot: Very bad or truly awful post. As a new cyclist, I decided to read the entire 282 pages last night to get some advice before I take the plunge and join a club. Rest assured I won't be joining you on a ride because I believe you would have little tolerance for a newbie, and with your anger issues I wouldn't want to risk hospitalisation.
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