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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Thanks for that. I think this transcends everything else.
  2. Okay, maybe better leave political ideology to another forum. At least, we can agree on this.
  3. Agreeeeeeeeed. Also, why are we so far behind England? Time for civil disobedience.
  4. I think he means right wing p***ks, you might know of a few most of us do ? Okay, thanks. The reason I’m right of centre is that people of the left tend to be far more authoritarian and want to control the lives of the public to a much greater extent. I much prefer a belief in the individual rather than state control.
  5. I agree with you about ‘the greater good’ and we’ve certainly had our kids fully vaccinated against all the usual stuff but this is a case where youngsters aren’t themselves in any great danger and the safety aspects haven’t really been finalised. However, on balance, I’d probably go with it. Its a decision you can only make as a parent and one that needs to be considered carefully.
  6. I am going to wait until I see us against Arbroath on Wednesday before commenting on the team. All we’ve seen of the Hearts game were short clips of the goals, where admittedly our defending was terrible, but it’s not fair to judge purely on that. I would imagine Sheerin will be looking for a decent display on Wednesday against a side closer to our level knowing that a large number of our fans will be watching.
  7. If England makes it voluntary, it will never hold here.
  8. Yes, I agree. It’s a very finely balanced decision and not one for ‘ranting’ either way.
  9. Okay. What’s your take on it, then?
  10. Thanks i suppose it’s a fair point as that group are not in any great danger. Personally, I just don’t know what’s best?
  11. Could you clarify please? Was he ranting for or against vaccinating children and what were his reasons for that POV? What fake news are you talking about?
  12. Fantastic news that the UK government is likely to make mask wearing a matter of personal choice as from July 19th. Imagine SG will follow suit, albeit a week or two later, as per usual.
  13. Carole Cadwalladr is a left wing fanatic who writes for the Guardian. She has started numerous conspiracy theories and constantly loses legal cases and I think stands to lose lots of money.
  14. Thanks for that. I hired him in the mid 90’s to perform at a Rotary conference. He was excellent and had the audience eating out of his hand. A superb talent.
  15. Thanks. That’s him. He was brilliant at the accents and dialects.
  16. The defending on the clips was horrendous. At least Sheerin should now know where the problems lie.
  17. Question for the Dundonians on here. There used to be an entertainer from Dundee, I think, who could take you round Scotland with all the regional accents. He was brilliant. I think his first name was George? Probably died about 20years ago.
  18. Totally agree. The excitement is building up and the family are also in full ‘rumour’ mode regarding signings, formation, etc. Coupled with the Euros,Wimbledon and the Covid business almost over,it’s great. Maybe I’m just ever optimistic but until things start to go belly-up, I’m going to enjoy the next few months.
  19. Pity as he would have been just what we were looking for. Never seemed to kick a ball for Torquay.
  20. Reported today in CityAM that London is back in top spot for trading volumes. Brexit isn’t all bad by any means as witnessed by Nissans big investment in the NE.
  21. Littlejohn in the Daily Mail has some good ones for politicians NS - wee burney Theresa May - mother Theresa or ‘the maybot’. Keir Starmer - Max Headrom Thats all I can recall at the moment
  22. No sense to this. Just shows how hopeless the Scottish media are. They appear to act as agents of the state.
  23. My wife’s brilliant. Its a strange person that doesn’t have prejudices (a robot). Its likes and dislikes, prejudices if you like, which make humans distinct and interesting. I have lots of prejudices but I don’t allow them to make me break the law. You don’t sound terribly interesting but , hey, none of my business.
  24. Funnily enough, my wife is much more prejudiced than me which is saying something. She hates female commentators on tennis and football. She can’t see why women are commentating on men’s football when they have their own game? On tennis she loves McEnroe and Becker and the Scottish chap. Regarding Sturgeon, first sound of her voice, the tv’s off.
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