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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. Mrs Brown's Boys for the buckfast generation. Inexplicably popular. Up there with Rangers, Celtic & religiously segregated education as something to despair of in the Scottish culture. Is it too late to vote for 'The Vital Spark' ?
  2. This is it exactly. The problem isn't Collum, Dallas (Andrew or Hugh), Tom Wharton, Bobby Davidson or Jack Mowat it is two clubs who, due to the fact that their support is almost exclusively made up of ill educated bigots, seem to think, indeed need to think, that referees are either proddy dogs or cathy cats and thus officiate against them accordingly. The SFA, The SPFL and all our clubs need to stand as one and accept that while our refs may be inept they are not biased. Any club that does not accept that should be thanked politely and invited to immediately seek another country in which to play their football.
  3. The Day Today should be high in any list for Partridge's Race Horse reporting alone - "Two Headed Sex Beast" - "Massive Bereavement" - "Platitude Queen" ...
  4. If you grew up at a time when Celtic 'won nothing' you must be in your mid 80's at least so I will bow to the wisdom of your years but as someone who grew up in the 1960s/70s I have never known a time when Celtic 'won nothing'. I've known times when Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs, Dundee United, Dundee, etc etc 'won nothing' but never Celtic so we can park that little tale of woe. You can support who you want without anyone's permission if that's what makes you feel good.
  5. Clement & La Frenais's not quite at the level of their masterpiece 'Whatever Happened To The Likely Lads' but then what is ?
  6. So what is it about Celtic that you like ? The obscene financial advantage that ensures they are almost always guaranteed to win domestically. ? Must be a nice , secure feeling knowing that 'your' club will always win.
  7. There are certain things for which Gerry Marsden should never be forgiven.
  8. Well on his way to becoming one of the ten most overrated players in the history of Scottish football.
  9. It's becoming increasingly untenable in this day and age for anyone's claims of anti-bigotry and anti-secterianism to be taken seriously when they continue to support and financially back Rangers & Celtic. The overwhelming evidence that the clubs actively encourage and need the cretins among their support, Celtic 'welcoming' back The Bigotry Brigade to 'improve the atmosphere' being but the latest example, can no longer be ignored . If you despise and are repulsed by bigoted tribalism then do not support clubs who encourage it. It's really that simple, otherwise don't get upset when people assume you're ok with all the garbage that comes with these clubs.
  10. Competitiveness, fair and equitable balance of finances, referring decisions and media arse licking between all clubs. Exciting, close and unpredictable matches. I know what these things are without knowing or caring what goes on on other country's leagues because I have seen them in Scotland in my lifetime. And I know that these things are now almost totally missing in Scotland's top flight. That's all I'm saying. Saying 'but look at Greece or Austria or whatever' is just the kind of 'whataboutary' that our beloved Old Firm indulge in
  11. Quite frankly learn some manners you foul mouthed half-wit ......it's Christmas after all, especially in Morecambe !!!
  12. Your ability to spout humourless abuse is to be admired. But why are you so angry ?
  13. I think Morecambe & their fans don't have the slightest interest in how they would fare in Scottish football anymore than they'd be interested in how they'd fare in Puerto Rican football . And they certainly wouldn't pay attention to the semi-literate ravings of the idiot McFadden who I doubt many would have heard of in any case.
  14. Which would be fine if Scottish football was either factually, actually or contractually great. But it's not. It's tedious predictable garbage and the longer that fact is ignored the longer it will stay that way.
  15. I'm not comparing it to anything. The Scottish top flight is dismally poor. The state of Czech, Moldovan or Baffin Island football is irrelevant. However crap it may or may not be won't suddenly make our game better.
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