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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. No, we go out in the group phase as per .....
  2. From what we saw last night Norway are beating Spain in Oslo...so we should still qualify as group winners
  3. I'm sure David Baddiel's viewpoint is as worthwhile as anyone's on these matters , what baffles me about him is why it appears to be seen as more important and therefore garners him endless media opportunities .? He appears to have no descernible talent other than occasional appearing as the unfunny half of a comedy double act, although to be fair to him he has done that twice.
  4. Despite getting knocked out in the preliminary round of the European Cup in September of 67.
  5. This Colonel Tom character softened people up to believe that the NHS is a charity to be funded by pensioners doing sponsored walks up and down their garden - little wonder the Tory press loved him and little wonder his family are selfish grasping chancers !
  6. A frankly nonsensical analogy which both insults golden retrievers and does nothing to address the continuing bigotry of the entity called Rangers. But I'm guessing that petty little point scoring over what or who 'died' and when is more important to you than that.
  7. To be replaced by a similarly vile entity with the same name, playing at the same stadium, supported by the same fanbase so.....no.....one of them, sadly, did not die. It smells like Rangers, looks like Rangers, sings like Rangers. It's Rangers. Nothing much changes.
  8. Place all directors of Rangers & Celtic under house arrest and send the bulldozers into Ibrox & Celtic Park ..... Should have done it Baillie Bias, should have done it ! Scottish football, and more importantly Scottish society, would be in a much better place if you did.
  9. Zero......the same as Celtic then. Joined at the arse in both bigotry and European mediocrity. Anyone spare a comb ? Two tedious bald twats back here wanting something to fight over.
  10. Why so negative ? They played well, there are positives , they're bouncing about in their High Chair at the top table of European football while simultaneously being laughed at and patronised by the big clubs. And they suffer predictable defeat after predictable defeat. It's a perfect mirror image of how things are for them domestically. It will teach them humility and respect for those they call 'the diddies' as they are the diddies of Europe..........or something like that. Can I have an amusing wee cartoon gif now, please ?
  11. I would ban him from all broadcasting simply for saying he 'never dived' when he clearly meant to say he 'didn't dive' or "I haven't dived'. He probably says 'how' when he means 'why' and pronounces 'December' as though it has a 'z' in it. Slavering toddler haired half-wit.
  12. Arthur Montford's finest hour and a half....'Disaster for Scotland' ; 'watch your legs, Billy' (or was it Willie ?).......and much, much more.
  13. Yep, it's one of the last refuges for those who like a good laugh about women being skelped in the face !
  14. Well, we can forgive Ajax almost anything for giving us the finest, coolest, classiest , most beautiful club side of them all from 1971 - 73. Their fans, maybe not so much.
  15. David Martindale went to the Art School. ? Has Pat Nevin been made aware of this ?
  16. Ex-professional footballers do not possess wisdom of any sort on any topic. We don't ask journalists to take part in penalty shootouts so why do broadcasters insist on having illiterate ex-footballers do journalists' jobs ?
  17. You will move on, undoubtedly, but in what way is this season any different to the previous number of seasons in Europe where Celtic manifestly did not learn from their constant defeats ?
  18. No.... in fact you didn't get any of it. Not to worry, there's always next time.
  19. Do Sportsound/Sportscene concur with their English colleagues ? Or is it all the fault of unfair budget constraints and those pesky Johnny Foreigner referees who won't do Celtic's bidding ?
  20. Go back and watch the match. I also watched it as it happened on TV. As big a horsing a 2-1 as you are likely to see. Similar it must be said to a 2-1 in the final three years previously. I'm just stating historical facs.. Maybe avail yourself of them before your usual glib and self satisfied retort ?
  21. I wonder if Feyenoord fans mention 1970 as often as Celtic fans mention 1967 ? I'd imagine the probably do. But then again, Ajax ! So maybe not.
  22. In football terms Scotland has been 'a nation' for over 150 years. But , to coin a phrase, Let's Be Very Clear - you can support Scotland fervently and equally fervently wish for a socialist Republic of Great Britain, or a socialist Republic of Scotland or, though why you would wish it, a continuation of the current UK. It really isn't for the likes of you, or me, to decide who should and should not support Scotland.
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