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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. Pedentary I know but Canadians(and indeed Mexicans) are as American as people in the United States in the same way that Italians are as European as Germans. America is two continents not one country. But certainly Nova Scotians should know how to pronounce Mackay.
  2. For years my favourite line from Bob Dylan's 'Visions of Johanna' was, "She's delicate and seems like Vermeer", which I still think is a much better image than "seems like the mirror".
  3. Yes but he was out of step because he had been decapitated in a car crash three years earlier. So there you go.
  4. No domestic competitive club football between May 15th & August 15th is the way forward. The summer months are for Wimbledon Tennis, Open Golf, Test Cricket, Euros & World Cup Finals & Secterian marches. We all need a break from the high octane thrill that is Scottish football (or indeed 'fitba').
  5. Unless we have a posthumous bellends thread. He was it must not be forgotten a potty mouthed little bully.
  6. Peter Lawwell - fanned the flames of secterian bigotry for financial gain in an extraordinarily successful and utterly shameful manner.
  7. Sean Batty is in danger of becoming 'the boy who cried snow'. Since making his name as the first to forecast the 'beast from the east' a few years back he now constantly exaggerates any slight chance of snow in the hope of repeating the trick.
  8. Stop calling this penis flashing half-wit 'Yogi'. You insult the memory of the original and best John 'Yogi Bear' Hughes, Hanna Barbera and the late great Yankee Yogi Berra.
  9. It's 'Christmas & New Year' or 'The Festive Season' NOT 'The Holidays'.
  10. Sad to see. Just hope he doesn't hang around too long and that he gets the acclaim he deserves for being Scotland's finest ever sportsman.
  11. "A plate of plain chicken, please, bring the condiments to the table and I'll add them myself and to my own taste, thank you"...there , not difficult. Imagine on the other hand, ordering chicken with all sorts of all sorts smeared over it and vomiting all over your dining companion...or having a severe allergic reaction....but hey, at least I'm not boring. !!!!
  12. Save some of that succulent jobby for Celtic Park my feathered friend.
  13. Quality over quantity - Ian Dury & The Blockheads....1, Tiffany's, Sauchiehall St, Glasgow 1980......' very good indeed !' Talking Heads....1, Ingliston ,1979.....'see something once, why see it again !'
  14. I would imagine that Dave Hill would at least have told potty mouthed Uncle Walter to 'GTF' !!
  15. The original radio 'Only An Excuse' , when it was a very funny one off parody of 'Only A Game' and not the Hogmanay horror show of recent years, featured that very joke....."one of the immortals, he's died now of course".
  16. Why have a three week break mid season at all ? Who's it for ? What does it achieve ? Am I the only one who thinks the summer close season is too short ? That's why players are knackered and that's where an extra three week break should go .
  17. Never understood this Glasgow Empire business. Always seemed to say more about the stupidity of the audience than the quality of the acts in my opinion. Presumably Des O'Connor, Mike & Bernie Winters et al were still paid whereas the 'smartarse' heckling in the dark had paid money to watch someone he had no interest in. "Why do that Glasgow ?", as any comedian worth their salt might have said.
  18. So if something happened before you were born it's somehow meaningless ? No sense of history that man. Won't forget when he and Jane Lewis kept insisting on referring to the 67 Scotland side as 'The Wembley Wizards' and then getting all uppity as only Cowan can when people pointed out that nickname was already in use for the 1928 5-1 side.
  19. Bin the nonsensical break which only really benefits the bigots, more midweek fixtures in August/Sept and finish the season early May and restart in August. Give players and supporters a proper summer break to recharge batteries. None of this Cup Final in June, season starts again in July garbage.
  20. No. The correct answer is Danny Kaye. Jimmy Johnstone, however, does appear to resemble a loveable little puppet that Roger DeCourcy decided not to use in his act.
  21. Nothing wrong with liking so called 'easy listening' from before you were born if it's the good stuff like Tony Bennett or Sinatra's Capitol recordings but with Tam Cowan it's always the lowest common Humperdinck or Tony Christie or Christian denominator. Also why has he no love or knowledge of the history of Motherwell. He whitters on about to the 1991 cup win yet never mentions them being champions in 1932 (a greater achievement) or indeed their first cup win in 1952.
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