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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. I would imagine they're considerably better than just about anyone in the Scottish top flight outside the Old Firm. But I'm sure Brendan won't make the same mistake Stein made and fatally underestimate Feyenoord. It's a 2-1 Celtic win for me .
  2. All clubs and the national team have mentally insignificant idiots among their support. The point I think is not that but how certain clubs deliberately market themselves as being representative of some perceived section of society, usually it's lowest common denominator, as a cynical money making exercise. Rangers do this. To a less odious degree do Celtic. I know of no other professional football clubs in Scotland who are guilty of this. If you are a fully functioning adult who supports Glasgow Rangers you must know what they, and by association you, are.
  3. What part of England have you been to that are anymore of a shitehole than the fruitier parts of Scotland ? I've been to a few but why would I go to a football match and sing about it. Tediously boring behaviour really. Just like booing a 'song' . Not offensive, not edgy, not revolutionary. Just boring and predictable.
  4. "The Duchess of Kirkcaldy always smiling and arriving late for tea.."
  5. World class to me is a Bale, for example, who could almost single handedly drag an ordinary Welsh side to the semi finals of the Euros. Andy Robertson is a wonderful player but sadly not wonderful enough in a Scotland shirt to do 'a Bale' but then I don't think Scotland have ever had such a player.
  6. Yep and sitting on your couch booing is neither daft or stupid. We will boo them on the couches, we will boo them on the toilets, we will boo them in the kitchen , we will boo them searching the internet for pornography, we will boo them ticking our dogs and our cats , we........well, you get the picture. That's you telt, Charlie lad.
  7. I'd say there has been a few excellent results rather than excellent performances. People getting those two things mixed up led imho to the insane hyperbole before the England game. What that match showed is that contrary to the perceived wisdom we do not have a world class midfield or a world class anything or anybody. What we do have is our best manager in charge since Willie Ormond. We must trust that Mr Clarke steadies the nerves.
  8. ....and get exactly the same result when up against better players. But I'm sure we'll get to the Euros, though I fear it will be merely to make up the numbers and boo the anthems. Still, that's progress of a sort.
  9. Did it make you feel like a really big boy. ??? Or a small minded little racist p***k who's so insecure in his own identity that he has to indulge in pound shop Green Brigade politically illiterate bullshit ???
  10. "I'll boo to the national anthem of any team we play" Shall brothers be for a' that ? What a crappy small minded wee nation we are at times.
  11. Of course I realise that but I can't fathom why people don't just change their mind based on new information. You like examples, here's one. I loved football as a boy and kept on at my dad to take me with him to games. I became a fanatical Celtic fan but didn't, as they say, 'know the history'. Once I was old enough to understand I stopped supporting Celtic but didn't stop loving football. I still have a nostalgic fondness for that Celtic 'team' that my dad took me to see but I just don't like the Celtic football club.
  12. That's it I think. Respect another nations anthem if they have one but not if they commandeer one that isn't theres in the first place.
  13. Mmmm...... parhaps we're not yet ready to take our place at the top level of international sport ? ..
  14. Don't know why the other 'home' nations aren't having a wee word in the English ear and suggesting that as Scotland & Wales have got their own anthem then maybe England should follow suit & stop using the UK/GB anthem as their own. I suggest they use 'Jerusalem' , though that might show up our own effort for the tedious dirge it is.
  15. The only 'moon howling' I see on these pages are from those who would accept, appease, tolerate and accommodate sectarianism, bigotry and religious tribalism. Some things don't have a black and white , or orange and green, answer but some do and zero tolerance to racism, bigotry and sectarianism is one of them. If anyone I was close to developed a fondness for Glasgow Rangers I'd be concerned as to why.
  16. Parhaps up to a point. However I believe that the pandering to secterian sentiment from Rangers for financial gain - orange tops etc - is so overt that you simply cannot be against secterian bigotry and religious tribalism and support them. Rather than sweep this garbage away Rangers seem to have doubled down on it in recent years.
  17. But you and your fellow fans have 'achieved' nothing. You merely paid money to watch a football team achieve something. I'm sure you enjoyed it, parhaps it even excited you. But feeling a sense of achievement about something in which you played no part ? That's strange. Why not feel a sense of achievement over the many thigh slappingly hilarious GIFs/cartoons you have graced these forums with. That's your own work, your own achievement. Feel a sense of pride in that not some random group of professional footballers over whom you have no control.
  18. "I can tell they're Proddie from a mile away". Not my words, but the words of Bob Dylan.
  19. Uncalled for and unacceptable. "Shut that child up" is sufficient.
  20. 'Hadaway 'n' shite, man..Wor Carver's a reet bonny lad, aways ready wi a bottle o dog an a tab for the bairn like, ye canna gan about takkin' him doon, man' or words to that effect
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