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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. A wee diddly memee giffy.... always your pal when coherent argument using words proves too difficult. Remind me again, who is out to get rid of Mr Postegoclu. ???
  2. A competition which you can't win is not only pointless it is not a competition.
  3. There's a gentleman who posts regularly and clearly regards himself as a 'scholar of the Celtic' . He expects all to accept that Celtic's Lisbon triumph is the single greatest achievement in the history of world football. That a good enough example for you ? A Club Like No Other ? We're expected to roll over and acquiesce to that fragrant crock of horse shit ? Ange Ball ? Need I go on..?
  4. Think how much better that season would have been for Celtic if every single referee on the planet hadn't been against them.
  5. Ah the meme or Gif, or whatever it's called. Friend of those who struggle with cogent arguments using the written word.
  6. Even weirder that you think that's what I said. Read it again and read it correctly this time.
  7. Either, as Mr Postegoclu says on an almost weekly basis, VAR in Scotland is operated in such a way as to be institutionally, deliberately and regularly biased against Celtic, which is disgraceful and tawdry at best, racist at worst. Or, Mr Postegoclu makes these claims in order to put pressure on officials to try and ensure that any 50-50 calls alway go Celtic's way which is also disgraceful and tawdry. Either way it stinks.
  8. Perhaps a Scottish football 'journalist' , if there is such a thing, could ask the Blessed Ange Postegoclu if he is of the opinion that there is an orchestrated conspiracy to do down Glasgow Celtic via the biased application of VAR and , if so, could he provide evidence for his claim . Then we either root out those who are making it almost impossible for Celtic to win anything fair and square or we tell Big Ange to shut the f**k up, politely of course. There really is no middle way. Sadly what passes for Scottish 'football journalism' is so firmly wedged in his antipodean anus that no one will dare ask Mr Postegoclu to put up or shut up.
  9. Certainly the Scottish top flight is doomed, its, bent, it's broken, it's beyond salvage as long as the bigot brothers aren't kicked out or brought to financial heel. Attendances are irrelevant.
  10. No, I think its the Arsenal manager (Bertie Mee ?) who is thinking that. Best get yourself to Newcastle young Kieran....and only a couple of hours Gallowgate to Gallowgate...
  11. Who's this 'they' that 'cannot wait to see the back of him' ? That statement seems to me to be testament to the fact that secterian paranoia is like mother's milk to a certain breed of Celtic followers. Let me tell you one thing. If there is anyone out to 'get' Celtic or Rangers it's certainly not the Scottish football media whose slavish devotion to our tedious duopoly disgusts just about everyone in Scotland .
  12. I always thought his version of 'More Than A Woman' superior to the Bee Gees original to cut him some slack.
  13. Livingston is a 'new town' and thus not allowed a senior football club. It's the one form of discrimination still deemed acceptable. See the shite thrown MK Dons way down south.
  14. And the brave hail hail Bhoys were cheated by those snidy wee Calvinist Aberdonians yet again at Parkhead in December of that year with the referee, who, so I've read somewhere, kept Catholics as slaves at the bottom of his garden, blatantly cheating to give Aberdeen a goal which wasn't and not giving the Celtic two goals which were. !
  15. Unlike you I was alive at to the time and attended the Celtic Aberdeen cup final which Aberdeen won fair and square. What you would have read was the usual paranoid 'always cheated never defeated' ravings of a minority of Celtic fans. Wonder what these peoples excuse was when Feyenoord slaughtered them a few weeks later ?
  16. "And they gave him medicinal compound now he's emperor of Rome" .......
  17. Anyone who doesn't like 'Lily The Pink' should be made to listen to the horror that is 'Get It On with Bryan Burnett' in perpetuity. Same for those who'd dare mock 'Winchester Cathedral' , 'England Swings' and 'Judy In Disguise (With Glasses)' to name but three.
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