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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. We do not have a top flight 'league competition' in any meaningful sense. There is no achievement in 'winning' it. I have no feelings other than contempt for the Old Firm and all that goes with them but for their sake, never mind anyone else, we need to kick them out of Scottish football and kick them out now ! After that we find our level, get to enjoy a proper league and realise that life without glory hunting bigots is a life worth living.
  2. According to Tam that's not 'real fitba' which starts back up again tomorrow night.
  3. The link between Henry Hall and former Tory PM Edward Heath always intrigued me.
  4. Don't tell the poor deluded wee fool that there are lots of things "quite like Celtic" , most notably their brothers in bigotry Rangers !
  5. They were part of my childhood which Thatcherite individualism/consumerism did away with. The very idea that you can have there minute public information films on TV which weren't trying to sell you something or make you part with your money for something you don't need is a bizarre concept for today's generation. I actually seem to remember one about playing on ice which featured the Grim Reaper at the waters edge.
  6. Can't we just have the World Cup/Euros every alternate year for 9 months and the pointlessly tedious secterian dominated Scottish 'top flight' for three weeks every four years ?
  7. Wise words young sledger...and well constructed for one so small ! Stick at it, a tobogganing future awaits
  8. That photo with St John is, I would quess by the hair from 1969 or 1970. Shankly clearing the snow is 1964.
  9. And you just know he pronounces December 'Deezember' Utter swine that he is. !
  10. You think Celtic winning the European Cup half as many times as Nottingham Forest is the greatest achievement in the history of club football and you dare to 'lol' at me !!?? I'm stung I tell you.
  11. Anyone whose parents were married in the early 70s are too green around the gills to post on an 'unpopular opinions' forum. Can we agree a cut off date of parental marriage set at June 10th 1965 ?
  12. I think it's only right to refer to Istanbul as 'The Bull', East Kilbride as 'The Bride' & Coatbridge as 'Wee Coaty'.
  13. Exactly. It's a crazy idea to attach numbers to these type of things. Just like Celtic going on about winning the European Cup once and simply reminding everyone they've won it half as many times as Nottingham Forest. The Old Firm ! Ya gotta love 'em !
  14. Sorry that the Dons changed to their name back to plain Aberdeen FC. 'Aberdeen, featuring Craig Brown with hair' had a nice ring to it . Even better would have been 'Aberdeen, featuring Craig Brown in the musical Hair' . That's what I call half-time entertainment. Pittodrie would have been stowed out !
  15. That someone makes his craven Old Firm sycophancy even worse. Paul McStay. ?? I ask you. !
  16. Are you a special friend of Paul or something ? How horrid , I know, for some ingrate not to bow down before the old firm media erected alter of Mr McStay. I feel for you. If it's any consolation Danny McGrain was truly world class at his peak. And he stayed in Scotland. That good enough for you, Mr Old Firm sycophant ?
  17. Saying he was a different level to anyone else in Scotland at the time doesn't mean he wasn't overhyped. It really is the faintest of praise. Most people wouldn't recognise Paul McStay from the hysterical nonsense you write. McStay stayed in Scotland because he wasn't good enough to play at a higher level, as demonstrated by a succession of non-descript performances in a Scotland shirt.
  18. Nothing to do with age. Simply the fact that he is a very good facsimile of the fabled Mr Stein. A rather tatty pound shop Stein obviously but good enough to fully deserve the 'Baby Jock' accolade.
  19. Gentlemen, you are both bald. No need to fight over the right to use a comb. Can't we all just agree that Baby Jock is , as has been proven time and time again in Europe, scarcely capable of finding himself out let alone anyone else and that Steven Gerrard was a great player and nothing more. ?
  20. The ones good enough to play for the Japanese national team certainly did do alright on the world stage. Well done them !
  21. Oh they work alright, just not very well outside of Scotland. Exactly like Baby Jock, so that's a good match....... trebles all round
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