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Everything posted by bdu98196

  1. Even if he kicked dodds in the baws, this needs resolved and Ridgers back in for Sat. We are not in a position where the rest of the outfield team is strong or settled enough to be changing keeper. We need solidity and continuity.
  2. That's very polite, but given your statement Therefore if you are indeed correct, then you can substantiate your position instead by demonstration Otherwise stop trolling Caley threads like an obsessive. Its again encouraging questioning if you're in a fragile state. I'm sure Raith have a game this weekend, perhaps there may be actual football matters you could involve yourself into and forget the horrific nightmares the mere mention of Caley seem to bring to you.
  3. Slightly concerned over the rising number of key players injured, but overall satisfied sitting where we are expected. Its proving a competitive league again this season and still see PT & Dundee (expect they will invest further in Jan) to be the main contenders for the play-off spots but as we have seen nobody in the top 6 should be written off yet. Defensively given the injuries we have still performed well, however some more goals being scored would be nice.
  4. Any seeding would always be based on previous league positions or club size or seating capacity - whatever would give one half of the duopoly in either side unfortunately. While we always have the hot & cold balls open draw which seem to work pretty effectively (as seen again in this years LC semi draw) - a split side seeded draw will be nothing more than a vehicle manipulated to get both into the final every season - least for now we can all live in hope they accidentally get drawn together.
  5. Thanks. All but guarantees the type of opposition play we can expect if its triggering the fans.
  6. Hopefully we wont need to rely on our sparse bench providing your team isn't full of cloggers and hammer throwers..............however given what we have seen in recent games this season the opposition seem to want to injure our silky starlets to try halt the Caley skooshing this competition.
  7. Exactly this. They enter the competition as sides in Pot4 and finish bottom of a 4 team group, therefore clearly the performances align with their hierarchy position within that structure. While its nice to exceed expectations there is no guarantee and for every success there is a failure or in this case delivering at expected levels. Too much in the media and fans thinking they are worth more just because they are big fish in small ponds building up the expectations in the minds of those who are easily influenced. Other than Brugge and Marseille, all the remaining Pot 4 teams are also rooted to the base of their respective groups. Lessons in realistic expectations seem to be harder for fans of some clubs than others.
  8. ^ Why turn up at all? Be better just forfeit the game - least then its only a 3-0 loss!!!!
  9. Not high enough IMO, If only we saw those kind of price increases starting during Covid across the board. Number of reports at the time that alcohol sales went up by over 25% in supermarkets and other outlets while huge swathes of the public spunked their furlough money on getting drunk is yet another scenario coming back to bite everyone on the arse through healthcare impacts and the obvious furlough deficits.
  10. 6 teams, 3 points separating them. Might be that it's shite quality teams but least its entertaining.
  11. Really hope that there's nothing contentions like that today as I think the obsessive level of seethe being shown is genuinely not healthy. Football is only a game for entertainment afterall.
  12. You write about referees on pretty much every caley thread you troll. Shame you appear to be living in some false idea that a team can't just be better that we seem to get preferential treatment in games. Going to Raith games is one of the season highlights as it's usually validation of the match costs knowing there's a really high chance of seeing a caley win.
  13. It's a boring narrative you produce, constantly moaning about the referee performance in every game against Caley. Fact is you can't seriously be so deluded that there is some kind of Scottish football conspiracy where they want a team from Inverness to dominate Kirkcaldys finest for eternity.
  14. BoJo and his team are masters of spin and self-promotion. FFS remember when he allegedly got Covid and nearly died. If he wants #10 back he is manipulative enough to get the gammons excited and the Brexit championing disillusioned Labour racists floating voters back on his side risking taking the Tories from dead ducks a few days ago to potential GE favorites in less than 2 years.
  15. TBF, he's hardly going to come out with - 'here, we are fucked, the team I'm putting out will be pish'..........................standard manager line spouted for media and not to loose fans or player confidence. Unless he really believes that Raith are the Caley bitches and doesn't rate your mob at all?
  16. Both were naive, the first while a soft call he must know you cant do that - wasn't even a proper pull really, just enough that show the ref you made an attempt to hold back, definitely dived for it. The second was poor but could be blamed on being rusty and not familiar yet with game pace and his team-mates. Hopefully wont have dented his hopes of more game time coming. Can only benefit his development for international football playing in such varied environments and understanding the cultural and behavioral differences rather than just the hammer throwers we have in our domestic game.
  17. Going to boldy try predict this week why its probably going to be a hard listen. No European drubbings, so it'll all be about VAR Apotential 'duopoly' diddy cup final will be while ignoring the fact there are semi-finals to play Also expect some kind of teary tribute to the SlippyG discussing why he never had the same success and if he would be right to come back to Ibrox to relieve Gio of his struggles...............melting into another European discussion and competition in Scotland etc What wont be covered is calling Lafferty a c**t and ripping into this cancer of sectarianism that exists within certain factions of Scottish football and calling for the same level of punishment for any players/officials/clubs or fans who exert the same behavior
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