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Everything posted by TxRover

  1. Alex Scott seemed to do fine in PVC…maybe you should try it yourself?
  2. Right up the road from Intercourse, PA? You have to go through Blue Ball, MD to get there. The other way is Short Pump, VA and Climax, NC on the way to Sugar Tit, SC and Butts, GA. To be honest, Incest, WV is more appropriate.
  3. The comments about “always get it checked are spot on. My insurance here allows a skin check every year, in to the Dermo, whip off the clothes and stand there while she scans the body. Found a few they lopped off and checked, two of which were considered pre-cancerous. Now I make it a point to get checked…easy ways to think about moles… The first five letters of the alphabet are a guide to help you recognize the warning signs of melanoma. A is for Asymmetry. Most melanomas are asymmetrical. If you draw a line through the middle of the lesion, the two halves don’t match, so it looks different from a round to oval and symmetrical common mole. B is for Border. Melanoma borders tend to be uneven and may have scalloped or notched edges. Common moles tend to have smoother, more even borders. C is for Color. Multiple colors are a warning sign. While benign moles are usually a single shade of brown, a melanoma may have different shades of brown, tan or black. As it grows, the colors red, white or blue may also appear. D is for Diameter or Dark. While it’s ideal to detect a melanoma when it is small, it’s a warning sign if a lesion is the size of a pencil eraser (about 6 mm, or ¼ inch in diameter) or larger. Some experts say it is important to look for any lesion, no matter what size, that is darker than others. Rare, amelanotic melanomas are colorless. E is for Evolving. Any change in size, shape, color or elevation of a spot on your skin, or any new symptom in it, such as bleeding, itching or crusting, may be a warning sign of melanoma. If you notice these warning signs and symptoms, or see anything NEW, CHANGING or UNUSUAL on your skin see a dermatologist promptly.
  4. Looks like the GM is overseeing the work himself...makes sense given his background, but not what you'd normally expect.
  5. So, while bored waiting for our version of Evri to deliver a package…promised at 9AM, delivered at 12:15PM…I was wandering around various YouTube locales and found way too much that makes me despair that the “gun problem” is solvable without a literal revolution in the U.S. of A. There is an entire sub-level of the gun crowd that believes the only possible answer to the current “gun problem” is Heinlein’s “an armed society is a polite society”. There is an absolute rejection of any concept of what seems obvious in the rest of the world, that more guns causes more problems to be resolved with guns. The entrenched nature of this position makes it extremely clear that Australian or Canadian style solutions aren’t viable in the U.S., and it leaves me dubious of the viability of the current U.S. style of government…the open question is what happens and how it plays out.
  6. Just an encouraging note, I reached out to Greg Mcewan about a question on international shipping and a website discrepancy from the new Commercial Brochure, and received a very rapid and informative response. Very good sign for the Club!
  7. It’s his actuaries I’d like to meet, as I’m confident that a hit, in a manner of speaking, rate like that isn’t the product of a single individual…just, no way. Of course, if in a few years we find that a certain P&B member had the fabled “heart attack gun”…
  8. Watch any locally produced programming and you will quickly find the producers spin things to impact things that people know and relate to. Consider program names…The Office is nice and generic, but Man About the House morphed into Three’s Company because the U.S. test audience didn’t relate to the title…in the U.S. it was a term used exclusively for married couples.
  9. Having a “cable TV” provider that constantly breaks into programming with “weather alerts” that you can’t disable. The problem is the geographic area they do this for makes 90% of the warnings irrelevant to me, and for that 10% I have other means of being warned. It’s freaking Texas, in the spring and summer these alerts happen every two to three days! Let my programming be!
  10. The frustrating thing is it’s not something that needs to be taught, simply something that shouldn’t be modeled. You take any kid and raise him/her/they without seeing you dumping your litter wherever, and the kid will generally act the same. The ones most guilty of the littering have, effectively, been taught to do it. Around here there’s been improvement over the past 20-30 years as “adopt-a-road” programs have expanded, and people seem marginally less willing to litter when the roadside doesn’t look like an absolute tip. The worst ones are the unlicensed handy men, and some licensed ones, who dump recycling trash in various locations…however, the handy nature of battery powered cameras these days is resulting in more of these arseholes being caught, as they tend to reuse the same few remote spots.
  11. Not a biggie for the hugging routine, but I can safely say that the vast majority of people on here seem to be sane, rational, and sound people who love their team and fitba. The few that deviate from that can drive ya mad, but every team seems to have at least one nice normal poster who can keep it on track and stay focused, as @++Ammo - Airdrie++ mentioned…they are the deserving ones.
  12. As I stated up top, I’m only posting the full price season tickets and PATG, not renewals, earlybirds or other loyalty. It made the whole thing unwieldily to maintain last year…much like adding in season ticket totals did. Sorry.
  13. Sunset that day (29/11/1980) would be 3:51 PM…the other option (12/4/1980) would be an 8:18 PM sunset. Assuming a 3 PM kickoff, I’d have to say the November match seems more likely given the mostly clear sky and the low angle of the sun.
  14. Since the current reports are of a general nature, it’s impossible to tell.
  15. Got interested in the question, and from a bit of looking, McCullouch seems much shorter than Wilson in the team pictures, and the keeper in those shots looks shorter than the nearby players. Though there might have been a clue on the absence of numbers from the blue shorts, but that didn’t pan out.
  16. Strangely, it seems they’ve replaced the homes/away kit sponsors with a single player sponsor…I say strangely because that’s 38 x £200 = £7600 vs 19 x £275 = £5225…unless they plan on keeping both, but the kit sponsorship isn’t mentioned in the new brochure.
  17. The rest of the continent was tired of the incessant rows between the various residents and simply dug a huge ditch.
  18. Much prefer the 20th…the 21st promises mortality and despair. Thanks for the remodeling update, did a bathroom a few years ago and grey plastic was the thing then…won’t have to remodel anything for a while now, can’t afford it either. ETA: USB’s in the bathroom…weird
  19. It certainly is, but a letter or two in the middle, especially generic ones, can be very frustrating.
  20. IDK, the bounce that many promoted teams have had recently makes it a decent proposition.
  21. Yes, but I despise both options…either choosing a new word with five different letters or a manic mental racking of the options and weighing of the best choice to eliminate or confirm additional letters. Granted, that’s what this game is about, and the flash of realization when you find an elixir is a rush, but it’s a blooming pain in the arse.
  22. Welcome to our divided state of language…what’s your preferred pronoun verb? FYI, check the Cambridge Dictionary.
  23. I really despise getting a couple of nondescript letters early on…very lucky with the third guess… Wordle 722 4/6
  24. I know the back boxes and conduit may be, which are grounded…they go heavily to plastic round these parts, even the back boxes too. I did suggest they’d be doing that if they were smart, I guess the Village Idiots are showing us all up. Nah, significantly less hair, don’t go for the bronze look glasses and missing my cowboy hat and six-shooter!
  25. Love to see your reaction when the £1 key doesn’t work because they rekeyed it.
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