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Andy groundhopper

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Everything posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Somewhere in the future I think people have to accept that the LL, HL, WOSFL are Senior Leagues now - maybe to keep the Junior Cup going, the amateurs below, are the new 'juniors' sitting under the Senior Leagues. Don't think the majority of ex juniors will be interested once the pyramid settles down.
  2. The infamous 'lines' and boundaries certainly stir things up eh, seeing as we see Gloucester City in the National North I'm guessing things in Scotland won't ever be 100% due to geographic problems. Can clubs be forced to enter a league out of their area ? or is it a case of clubs applying for a particular league ?
  3. Feel sorry for the lower league Champions who then have to go through the play off lottery, win the league by 20 pts but come unstuck over 1/2 games. Similarly finishing 20pts adrift but we'll give you another chance. Champions up automatically, 2 definitely relegated. You're bottom and crap so get down. When will the OF Colts story eventually finish ?
  4. As with most FA's they have a fair bit of cash stashed away - maybe the money could be used by (ex) Junior clubs if they need ground updates etc ? They don't need to have bulging bank accounts,just help those who made you rich eh .
  5. Horrible things those 3g cages, not the greatest viewing places on earth. Re Glasgow Perthshire's Keppoch Park : couldn't they use the speedway club or is that too far away ? Roll on season 21/22 can't wait ! Glencruitten looks good, couldn't they develop down the one side to meet criteria ?
  6. Similar to down here in England, every league has a date when ground improvements need to be done, in order for promotion. Ground grading visits are done regularly, especially when going from amateurs to step 7. Always found that many youth clubs who run from say under 9 up to 16 don't really want to move to adult football, is that the same in Scotland ?
  7. Think the majority of clubs will look towards going 'senior' in time ,leaving those who wish to stay amateur, somewhere to play. Good sticking points would be the criteria level required for each division - thus stopping someone throwing money around, unless the ground is developed similarly. Given the current climate, finances are going to dictate. Fully expect many youth clubs to form links before too long.
  8. Correct, NO exceptions to any club, accept the rules or don't join up. Maybe the WOSFL can grow to have another division for the new clubs to join, then progress naturally. Are there any rules where teams finishing 1st will have to accept promotions in the future ? We've had many occasions down south where champions don't want to move upwards for varying reasons.
  9. Many clubs have struggled for years, and there are some big non league clubs in waiting to progress,open the pyramid for them of course. Biggest stumbling block to the OF Colts must be that Celtic CANNOT play Celtic Colts in the SPFL, thus stopping any promotions. Must be rules in place I'd imagine ?
  10. Not convinced that a Midland League etc would happen soon, just think that any ambitious clubs need to see a clear path through to 'senior' football, if needs be. Obviously not everyone can see the rewards over increased costs, and we don't want to lose any clubs. Good luck to clubs trying to progress .
  11. We can only hope that cash strapped spfl clubs go against the Colts idea, but I'd expect any restructure would have to include a rapid way back into spfl2 for relegated clubs. They're running scared of being in the HL/LL for years, loss of fans and income possibly. Give me Brora,Kelty,Talbot etc rather than Colts any day.
  12. Can imagine the OF sat around the table saying 'Lets go into a closed shop, no relegation super Euro League with £ galore mmm. Now, to keep the Glasgow spfl going, we'll put our colts into the league just to keep our names going. What about bunging some cash to the struggling clubs, they're bound to agree ? ' 42 clubs, majority vote of 22 needed ? Don't think this story will go away now.
  13. Darvel looking good, well done and keep progressing. Guess we don't know whether the rest of the ground was suitable for putting up lights - what lays underground etc. Well done to ALL Scottish non league clubs, brilliant ground improvements - something I take for granted down south.
  14. Correct decision as there's a possibility that another stop-start run of games could have happened. Onto a glorious new season with every club intact financially, and (hopefully) increased attendances across the league's. Well done to all clubs for trying, and to all volunteers behind the scenes.
  15. Shame this nonsense continues, can't be workable coz the Colts teams wouldn't be allowed in the same division as the OF. (SFA/spfl rules ?) They're using the current climate to try and buy their way in , hopefully clubs won't fall for that. I am ringing my solicitor to demand entry for a women's team, should please the PC gang.
  16. Yeah the Downs League is the still the same, 30-40 pitches spread out, but some run parallel to each other. Can imagine it'll be the same as before - turn up changed, shoot off after the game etc. However IF the pubs reopen then I'm guessing the clubs would go there afterwards. Guess it depends if players feel safe ?
  17. Really think the OF shoot themselves in the foot when they don't push through an 18/19 year old Scottish lad - but are quite happy to spend £thousands/millions on Um Bongo from some unknown country. Reserves, Project Brave, Developments, etc etc The big clubs get the money, make your scouting system work AND give kids a chance.
  18. Interesting to see how the English clubs deal with things now, reading most websites it seems that most clubs can't afford the testing AND are against playing without spectators and the match day income. The FA have stopped the National League North/South clubs staging a mini league so isn't it just better to cancel this season for good ? Give everyone a chance to prepare for 21/22.
  19. Down here in Bristol some of the grassroots leagues have said that they may play cup games after an April restart,to a June finish, with the Downs Lge Twitter saying clubs want to play Sat Tues Sat just to give it a try. No idea whether any protocols will remain in place, think it's risky as I can imagine big crowds turning out. Hopefully next season will be almost normal everywhere.
  20. Just throwing this in, because the West has now gone Senior, couldn't you just name the Conference's and below as ' Juniors ' with only the top divisions being called Senior ? / Or rename the amateurs status ? Only trying to find a way to keep the Junior Cup going somehow, as it seems to retain the interest among fans.
  21. Think it's becoming difficult and possibly unfair to try and attempt to finish the season , the training and trying to get 50% of games played would be a mad rush, especially when there are no promotions or relegations on the table. Get everyone 2 jabbed, see the numbers come down, and push on for next season.
  22. Don't have the answers but.... promotion and relegation IS part of the spfl I believe, so there must be a ruling that you cannot have two teams of the same club in the same division ? Only just read of the OF bribes on offer to other clubs, dear oh dear. Wish the SFA would announce that the colts thing is a non starter once and for all.
  23. Thought the decision was to allow spfl 1&2 clubs to resume training - with regards to what, to resume playing sometime ? To play Scottish Cup games is probably financial, but can't see any way back for league fixtures -the current season won't be finished to allow promotions etc imo.
  24. At least the powers that be(down south) have showed some sort of interest in non league, grassroots football etc in trying to restart (with fans) even though it never came to much. Seems as though the Scottish government have almost too much on their plate, unwilling to make decisions about the game itself. Almost as if they don't want to be held accountable for any unlikely surges that occur IF the game restarted.
  25. Think that most clubs will eventually find their level, when things return to some sort of normality. Things are difficult when there's no fan income or sponsors money etc, but I believe clubs will look to progress as far as possible - the majority of grounds will look so much better in years to come, and hopefully there's a place somewhere for clubs who just can't afford to move on. Give the pyramid 5-10 years to settle down eh ?
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