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Andy groundhopper

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Everything posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Thought the integrity of the spfl would be promotion and relegation, a pathway for the HL and LL champions to move upwards. Tell the clubs to sort their academies and get it working, I've seen the dross of reserve football, not a pretty sight. Think the clubs and the league are finished IF the OF get their way.
  2. Can't see anyone gaining anything from the Colts, the better players probably won't get into the OF first team squads anytime soon. Guessing some of the spfl clubs can be bought with their filthy lucre, everything has a price eh. Pointless being in spfl2 as i believe that the colts can't be promoted ? Never known an issue drag on for so long, still being given airtime. In the trash it goes.
  3. Wonder if there really is a ground/ruined ground in Glasgow that they could use ? Maybe the £ spent on rent over the years could have been better used, I don't know. What will happen after 3 years at Ashfield, still be in the same homeless position ? Plenty of clubs down south have spent years ground sharing, with no interest in finding a home.
  4. Would look nice with some of the pre built terraces either side of the stand. Good luck Dunbar, Scottish non league keeps on progressing upwards with facilities us fans have asked for. Now lets get back in bigger numbers asap.
  5. Hopefully there will be someone with the time and ability to maintain the site, been absolutely priceless for my travels up north. Maybe it would be possible to release the updated details into a book - like the Non League Directory by Tony Williams etc. Many thanks for everything, enjoy your ride to the sunset, well deserved.
  6. Just out of interest ,because I don't know the answer : how many Lowland League clubs and fans would rather see a 5-0 win over the Colts - rather than the improvements of the national side, say 5 years down the line ? How many colts will force their way into the 1st teams anyway ?
  7. Really think any club that has to groundshare, if only for a short while, have to pay for any upgrades required- the least I'd expect. Aren't there many derelict sites around Glasgow that could be used and improved ? although I realise that it could be costly to acquire the land etc. Imagine that you'd all know about unused grounds left rotting away.
  8. Think the idea of other spfl colts coming in at the bottom, along with hopeful Amateurs, would probably help some of the players. Question, are there enough talented players ready to come through the non league system AND be given a chance by the spfl ? Scottish youngsters and not loads of cheap imports.
  9. Tried that Buckfast a few years ago, must be an acquired taste ! Just wondered about drinking on the terraces IF the clubhouses are/were a possible no go area. Getting old I can handle a couple of pre match pints - then try and hold it in ! Glad that fans are getting a few games now - back up in Sept and Nov, can't wait.
  10. Just throwing it in, say IF around 10 amateur clubs are looking to go senior sometime, questions spring to mind 1) are there enough grounds that meet criteria, 2) would these clubs have finances to upgrade and 3) are there enough players who wish to go senior ? Seeing as most are already signed by current WOSFL clubs I'd guess. Have realistic dreams and ambition.
  11. Looking from the outside and having only seen a handful of games in SOS, how do fans view this league ? seems like it's a league for clubs out on a limb (geographically) and I'm unsure of its strength. People always mention both the HL and LL, now the strong looking WOSFL, but the South gets left behind.
  12. Looks a tremendous draw,tbh, always going to have a few problems early doors, but this is the biggest non league cup in Scotland now - the Junior Cup WAS great I agree. The zones are helping clubs, hopefully fans are allowed back and give these clubs bumper gates and £££ galore.
  13. Glad that you're getting back to games now, I'd be happy to be around crowds of 2-300 within reason, I don't know the % risk involved. Really think that the problems are 100% within the clubhouses - massive income streams. I've seen loads of non league in Scotland but have one question (applicable now more than ever) Can you drink alcohol on the terraces ? Not seen it very much before.
  14. This happens so often down in England, that it doesn't surprise me. Manager joins club A with a bigger budget. Club B sees the majority of players follow the manager, leaving them to struggle along. Most times it's a sponsors money that drives the scheme, eventually to backfire after say 5 years. Now with the majority of Scottish clubs gone Senior, this will happen more and more, sadly.
  15. Whether it's my failing eyesight or just the stupidity of people around Bristol and beyond, but social distancing doesn't exist anymore. Felt better with one way systems and floor marking along with folk being sensible but that's gone now.No idea how long this will go on, or whether we'll just have to manage our lives around stuff (my choice )
  16. From what I've heard down south, crowds of 500, no distancing, no masks, no taking of details for tracking etc, just a free for all it seems. I would be glad to attend, but would be masked up and at arm's length from everyone - unsociable I agree
  17. Confusing stuff over the fans, down south anyway, thought fans couldn't attend at 'proper' grounds - then heard of 500+ at low level parks pitches, with NO protocols except for the clubhouses. Hopefully you can see some games asap, I was meant to be in Scotland for July but that's died a death, sadly.
  18. Once I'd done that think I'd either miss the game or be unable to find the ground in my drunken stupor ! Will definitely give it a go asap.
  19. Is the South Region Cup open to all tiers ? and I'm guessing that clubs don't need to be licensed either ? Maybe open it up to some Amateurs seeing as the Northern lot don't seem interested in a national non league cup, don't know if that would work though. I'd go for the SFA Senior Trophy as a new name
  20. Never been to Whitburn, ground looking good - don't usually like sticking seats onto terraced areas - looks crap. Maybe I could try staying a week in Edinburgh rather than Glasgow Liked LTHV when I went, possible room for more improvements, so a good ground for someone. With clubs going to Oriam, would they be using the 3g or grass ?
  21. Could they follow the English and maybe call it the Scottish F.A Trophy or something. Really think it will eventually take off, could it be possible to tinker with any SFA payments , rather than the Scottish Cup money. Just redistribute monies per round etc, winners and losers get so much. Only an idea.
  22. In reality with so many clubs going 'senior' these days, I'm guessing that Scotland only has a smallish pool of players to pick from - so the tie up with youth clubs will no doubt flourish in years to come. Whether clubs lose identity or change their names, time will tell. We get it down south, manager leaves, 'his' players usually follow him fairly soon. leaving the other club having to rebuild.
  23. Be interesting to see how the clubs cope with the new tier 6 leagues, whether they would need ground upgrades in the future - how many want/need/have to get licensed. Could be a cost too far, maybe, with the jump into senior football. Good to get a solid pyramid under the HFL at least.
  24. Agree, was trying to see how a poorly supported, part time non league club could survive in the spfl. Wonder how much part timers get paid in relation to non league, and what break even crowds would be needed. Would expect some of the ex junior 'big hitters' to attract decent crowds when they get promoted.
  25. The Juniors gave me my first look at non league Scotland, brilliant clubs, tired grounds and great passionate fans. Now we have Senior , the remaining juniors, and the Amateurs below, unless I'm wrong. Just enjoy your football at whatever level, before your playing and watching days come to an end. Got the impression that the juniors were in a state towards the end ?
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