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Andy groundhopper

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Everything posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. It's the clubs business how much they pay players - and whether they can afford to. Guess they have a time schedule to get promoted, what happens if they don't ? (maybe the £ disappears) At the end of the long and winding road, the hardcore fans remain to pick up whatevers left. Good luck to Darvel - I have no gripes.
  2. Kelty and a few others have decent budgets, and really good hardcore support, so I'd expect quite a few LL and current West clubs to replace the struggling spfl clubs who have had better days. Got to have promotion and relegation, let clubs find their levels to compete.
  3. Think the ambitious clubs have to grab promotion while they have the momentum, too easy to drop off and fall back. (maybe £ related) I'd hope anyone that gets into the HL has the intentions to keep going - upwards.
  4. Deserved the red for being the same, with the comedian crap and the stupid attendances at different times. Fully support the effort being put into the websites by few people, excellent work. The crowds are all I need, wasn't putting down the guys efforts at all. Don't misread what I said. Give it a rest.
  5. Basic, result 1-1 attendance 250 . Comedian ? Didn't make me laugh when I wrote it.
  6. Always think that the Lowland sits at a crossroads, are clubs being relegated more important than ambitious clubs trying to climb the ladder ? Both the EFL and SPFL clubs have a fear of dropping down into non - league, hard luck, get down. Hopefully ALL champions should get promoted, bottom 2 should go down. (All leagues)
  7. Basic but everything that you need, just look up the fixtures and see the crowds. Don't need averages or totals, just give me the attendance ! Excellent work and updates, keep it going.
  8. Guessing that Tranent took a few to Tynecastle, considering the drop in the next game . Do clubs take that many away from home in the EOS ? Will try to do some games in October and November, any division, I can't wait !
  9. Just to say that when the fixtures were compiled, there weren't any league tables to go on. If you play the top teams later, just makes it more interesting doesn't it ? Always thought that apart from some castaways, teams can take points off each other in the WOSFL.
  10. I know it's hard to watch a club struggle, if they've spent silly money on average players - that's stupid, but they're not the first. Clubs in the West will find their place eventually, able to compete on a level that suits. Good luck to the club and it's fans, hopefully you'll see the season through.
  11. For Christ sake, just leave the cup dates blank - easy to do fixtures as clubs are knocked out. To then be so strict without seeming to help clubs is 'blazers gone mad' Surely games could be arranged for midweek now that floodlights are up ? Bizarre.
  12. Yeah all about players progressing through the age levels, hopefully onto the 1st team fairly soon. Good to watch the youngsters, the future is definitely bright. Must make both clubs and parents proud after their hard work and support. Just keep playing - avoid the temptations
  13. Excellent updates and some really good crowds, keep up the good work. Anything 200+ at this level is brilliant, who's the biggest club in the EOS ?
  14. Congratulations to all involved in getting the ground up to a decent standard, couldn't imagine that when I last visited. Hopefully floodlights will see more midweek games for fans to enjoy, back up in Oct
  15. Just press everything and see what happens, no idea on tech stuff I'm afraid. One bit I liked was seeing everyone's points total next to their name + or - 2.500 etc. Can you still see the numbers somehow ?
  16. Brilliant stuff, think the pyramid has helped clubs push on with improvements, and hopefully crowds will increase along the way. Take it for granted down south, really well done to every Scottish club and it's volunteers hard work through the summer.
  17. Just interesting to us ground hoppers, a headcount gives a decent enough number - doesn't need to be exact. Good to see around the 100 mark upwards, positive to get the cash flowing again, hopefully covering some or most of the matchday expenses.
  18. Not sure of all the rulings of the spfl, SFA etc, but what if a man in a blazer turns up and says 'I want to inspect your books' then surely monies and attendances must tally ? Just me being cynical. Would say that any club that has a hard core of 100 upwards, has a good chance to go further. Down south the Isthmian, Southern and Northern have crowds below 100, must do well to stay afloat.
  19. Following success brings crowd rewards, anyone getting 350+ in ex Juniors could see rises up to 500 in the WOSFL, and then the Lowland (600+) then anything from say 750 would be brilliant in the spfl. Every non league club has a core support, time to grab the fans of the future.
  20. Being an outsider, I am open to being told all about St.Rochs - never seen a game there yet, but have been past the ground. Whether some of the crowd are idiots, doesn't take away from the 5-600 they attract, hopefully that stays all season long.
  21. Thanks, usually try the WordPress for fixtures, venues etc - been really good help. Will check again for October and November when I hope to be in Scotland. Enjoy your games
  22. Will definitely grab a Friday night game when I'm up in October, enjoy watching youth games - don't need the ridiculous scores though, doesn't help anyone. If you can attract 50+ then it's worthwhile going along. Are the majority played on the 1st team grounds ?
  23. Sounds like someone is putting his name forward for the website job ! Probably a modern day fan who wants everything done yesterday, but doesn't actually help at all. Think the fixtures , k.o times are important, results sometime in the evening (on a Sat) We can usually get stuff from each clubs website IF we are impatient.
  24. Good luck with the website and getting over covid, yet again the job's down to one man and people just grumble ! Sure all the various leagues website folk can communicate with each other, to iron out any problems. We can get most news from other places until you're up and running 100%
  25. Can't blame clubs for asking more - as said on here, trying to recoup £ for ground improvements etc. Going Senior, it's great to pay just £7-8 imo, hasn't really increased much over the years. Would be happy to pay between £6- £10 for any division in the WOSFL, around the going rate. Better than £30+ for some Elite Lge shite.
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