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Andy groundhopper

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Everything posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Wow is that just the weather, or is there a river nearby ? Can't honestly see the HL bothering with this season, getting a bit pointless to say the least.
  2. Can see the benefits of restarting IF testing is increased, but again the costs come into it. Can't see anything lower down the pyramid before March/April at best, guess there are various options on how to finish the season - dependant on whether any promotions are on the table. Am just hoping for a better future for 21/22 with fans back.
  3. Hopefully enough games can get played so that the cups and medals can be given out, something to stick on the mantelpiece eh. Am guessing that the no relegation or play offs would start from the spfl2 downwards ? Or could some leagues think of increasing numbers for next season ?
  4. Would be great to see both the East and West (ex Juniors) make the move into a more senior league, connected to the EOS and Lowland. All progressive, with clubs making upgrades etc when they can - the more ambitious can climb the ladder (to success) Always thought having more divisions was the only way forward,under the EOS,Lowland umbrella. Will the vote get carried through ?
  5. Think the majority of the Amateurs will suspend or end the season now, too far gone to try and do anything worthwhile. Hopefully all leagues will recover and restart for 21/22 and maybe clubs will get help with running costs as sponsorship may be scarce.
  6. Fair point, suppose the only way to finish the season is by playing everyone just the once ? At least that gives those currently playing a decent chance. Always going to be difficult making decisions mid season.
  7. Brilliant, so many clubs looking to get licensed, get the floodlights up and running, get grounds tidied up and improved. Should have been in Scotland next week, can't wait to return !
  8. Maybe put the current season on ice, then eventually finish it next - call it the 2021 season ? May buggar up some play offs etc, or just give them a miss OR make spfl2 larger just for next season (no relegation in 20/21) PS I believe you can (unluckily) catch the virus outdoors but we can't stay locked away indefinitely,can we ?
  9. Optimistic but hopefully next season will be almost back to normal, with the sponsors queueing up to help ! Best days of my life playing sat/sun wish I could turn back the clock can remember in the 90's paying £3 subs, £300 for a season's fixtures (maybe 15+ games) , £10 to get the kit washed etc etc.
  10. Think that unless something is decided before the season starts - PPG or something, then most titles will be tainted in some eyes. That's what upset the majority of clubs down south - teams running away with it and clearly getting promoted, were cruelly denied. Hopefully the current season can end without the null and void.
  11. Think if all the spfl had been tested, and had got maybe halfway through the season - then even a return in March could have had games sat and midweek all the way through to June. Don't think the governments are anti football, just don't have the answers regarding crowds, gatherings etc. Been hypocrisy all the way so far.
  12. Think the big question with the EOS and other leagues, is IF the season can't be completed, how is the 20/21 campaign going to end ? Personally I'm against all divisional splits, playing each team once at least gives some sort of semblance. Hopefully we can see a March return for all leagues.
  13. So long as all games are played, BCD or not, then the title has been won fair and square. The PPG nonsense would make titles look a bit cheapened, what is the difference - win the Lge with the likes of Talbot not playing OR win the Lge when the likes of Talbot have a below par season (it may happen). this and next season could be the best chance to progress.
  14. Would be interesting to see leagues calling it a day after 50% of games, or maybe the divisions could split in half or something, to create mini lges just to complete the season sometime. Hopefully by March things may look a lot brighter with everyone more positive
  15. Was basically the shambles of how to end all the league's in both England and Scotland, PPG etc etc. Should have come from the top, a bit of leadership, far fetched I know. Hopefully next season can be a bit nearer normality with all clubs still intact with fans back !
  16. Health and finances always said to stop , IF fans had been allowed to watch, then maybe we should/could have carried on playing. Maybe didn't learn from last season's null and void chaos.
  17. Good luck amateurs, maybe a rejig of the leagues will help next season with possibly lesser teams still playing. Lost leagues (sat & sun) down here in Bristol, looks like a skeleton thing now. Think most players up to 35-40 will hope to keep playing in a full 21/22 season,just to return to a normality.
  18. Agree totally, delay until March then if possible to continue - the better weather will give us sat-midweek games until June maybe. If clubs and players don't feel safe then fair enough. Shouldn't affect any monies from the SFA as these ain't normal times and knock league cups etc on the head.
  19. Think quite a few leagues down south, probably step 5 downwards , will decide to call a halt to the season - clubs have played so few games by now. No complaints over extending the season into June if needed, may need next season to be delayed ,not a big deal really. Hopefully by March we can see the proverbial light in the tunnel and decide whether to restart or finish.
  20. With the jabs on the increase over the next few months, and the hopeful lowering of figures - just put this season on hold and get around to a full completion when possible. All non league football has nowt to do with the Euro's taking place, we don't need the chaos of another null and void fiasco. If that means next season maybe different, so be it.
  21. Possible answer, let the OF go to the Atlantic Lge but then allow their colts into spfl2 and see how many fans turn up. Only an idea, trying to release their stranglehold on the Scottish game a little
  22. QuiteLet the babies come in, the spfl / SFA ruling IS promotion through the divisions, so when/if the OF reach the top, they're gonna allow colts or reserve teams in the same division ? Give it a rest and forget it please. Young uns play until 21/22/23 then bang them in the first team. Good enough Old enough. Coaches DO your jobs !
  23. Always thought that an Atlantic/European League was the only way forward for the Scottish clubs - the Old Firm are too big for English League's 1 & 2, in fan numbers alone. Not sure how relegation would work in an Atlantic set up ? Don't want a closed shop situation.
  24. Wouldn't surprise me to see the spfl actually increase the 42 to say 44 in a bid to preserve their status and reduce the fear of relegation. Good luck to the progressive WOSFL - one question : Are the top six West clubs bigger than the bottom spfl 6 ? Definitely a yes, which is why the big boys are scared - gone a bit stale so get relegated ! !
  25. Correct, believe that the game should stop until February or March, get the vaccines out to the elderly folk - hopefully get the case numbers down AND an end to the daily 400+ deaths . Can people please behave, not have stupid anti lockdown marches etc, demanding their freedom (to die ? ) Clubs cannot survive without the older volunteers, let's look after them eh.
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