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Posts posted by Tattie36

  1. 1 minute ago, John Lambies Doos said:
    3 minutes ago, Tattie36 said:
    Why does daft Wullie and his irrelevant party get so much airtime and column inches? They are almost non-existent yet he’s always there havering his pish.

    Because its a branch of an irrelevant established British party.

    Aye, it was a bit of a rhetorical question. The media up here are insane, they’re deliberately cutting off their nose to spite their face and destroying themselves by continually backing the wrong horse. Are they that thick that they don’t understand the political zeitgeist? I understand that most of them are London/foreign owned which will influence their editorial content but Jesus f**k you would think they would look at the polls occasionally and stop insulting their audience.

  2. 51 minutes ago, unknown1954 said:
    1 hour ago, unknown1954 said:
    Its clear as day our problem all season has been scoring goals Dick has tried to address this and when J Hamilton arrived it looked to have worked unfortunately his form has dipped not helped I think by constant changes to the midfield which occasionally has been unavoidable . Today was another example of how well we can compete in this league and as long as the team have more belief in themselves than some of our supporters I for one think we are good enough to stay up we have lost 3 league games from 12 this season which is not bad form and the teams we have still to play we have already taken points from . C"mon Arbroath.

    Lost 3 games from 12 this YEAR I meant

    True but when you realise that those 3 loses are in the last 4 games and we only have 1 point out of 12 it doesn't look so impressive. Also only 2 goals in those 4 games - both in the same (heavy defeat) game.

    340 minutes without a league goal. Add in Tuesday's cup game and we've scored 1 goal in 430 minutes and that was a complete fluke/goalkeeper error. I would also imagine we've had no more than 6 or 7 attempts on target in that time.

    Definite relegation form I'm afraid. Need a win and big performance next Saturday.

  3. 26 minutes ago, clashcityrocker said:

    3 home games against Alloa, Ayr and Morton and away matches against Raith and Dunfermline.

    It's still in our hands and all to play.

    I think we need 10 points to be safe.

    Last game of the season at home to Morton - this could go to the wire.



    In theory these are games we should be looking to win but I personally wouldn’t back us to beat anyone at the moment - see Tuesday. 

    The QOS capitulation knocked the stuffing out of us and were now playing like we were in the first third of the season but we now have the added problem of being missing some of our better players. We need to fundamentally change the way we’re playing to even look like scoring goals, never mind winning 3 out of 5. Basic all out attack IMO.

  4. 9 minutes ago, timlichtie said:

    3 home games left against fellow strugglers. No need for despair. Low looks a tidy player and not out of place today. He certainly looked better than Sumo Scott Allan.
    Beat Alloa next week and push on from there.

    I admire your optimism. Unlike us, the teams around us at least seem to be up for the fight. We need to be throwing the kitchen sink at games not passing it about hoping for something to happen out of the blue.

    Find a kit big enough to fit big Rab, put him up front and launch high balls at him. I’m obviously joking but it’s getting to the point where that’s looking like a better option than what we’re doing week in, week out at the moment.

  5. Oh well, same old story. Just like the start of the season, actually probably worse. If you can’t get attempts on goal, you can’t score. 0 goals in 3 league games and barely an attempt on target.

    Hate to say it but the way we’ve collapsed since the first 20 minutes of the QOS game, I think our best possible finish now is 9th. Tuesday has proved for me that we’d struggle to win that too.

    Also hate to sound negative but is signing two players from 4 levels down the best we can do? there is no way they will be good enough or fit enough for this level, especially as they haven’t played for months. Depressing stuff.

  6. 6 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

    It'll not make an iota of difference to me but it certainly doesn't show them up as some sort of political geniuses when the thickest of the thick knew it was coming. 

    You do know how politics works don’t you? Of course political parties try to create policies in order to attract votes. That’s the fucking point... unless you’re the Tory party of course.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Glen Sannox said:

    Vaccines, furlough and currency and are massively important though, and you can rest assured the SNP will not have the answers to these impending questions. I think you might be underestimating “the broad shoulders of the UK” card, that will be relentlessly played.

    First post on this thread, sorry to jump in.

    After 2014, there is no way that the SNP will be so unprepared on the currency issue this time as they know that it was a big, perhaps deciding factor for some people.

    I really don't think it's as difficult to answer the furlough and vaccine questions. An independent Scotland would have funded furlough in the same way as everyone else, through borrowing. Similarly, the vaccine procurement would have been done though the same kind of deals that everyone else has done, I'm not sure if being in or out of the EU makes any difference. It's all irrelevant in the independence debate anyway as it will all be in the past and is unlikely to happen again in our lifetimes. If another pandemic does happen in the near-ish future then enough lessons  have been learned to make it "easier" to deal with.

  8. Just now, Monkey Tennis said:

    Yes, it probably felt for the Tories that they'd little to lose.

    It's still stunning quite how artlessly they played it though.

    Totally. Another good thing to come out of this is that the inevitable “Project Fear 2 “ will likely con fewer people this time round. It will be very easy for the SNP and Greens to use this fiasco to counter any scare tactics.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    I don't agree with your analysis of this at all.

    I think the Tory rationale for going after Sturgeon Is crystal clear.  It was utterly cynical, immoral and pretty disgusting given what gave rise to it, but attacking her would have seemed tactically sound if they'd had a better case and if they'd made a better job of it.

    Toppling Strugeon would, I think, have been massively damaging to the SNP in May, and as such, would have derailed the momentum towards another referendum.  Sturgeon is the party's greatest asset and there is no obvious successor nearby.

    For anyone who favours independence, it's hugely important that the Tories failed quite so spectacularly in a quest now exposed as so tawdry. 


    Totally agree, this was a deliberate, desperate and targeted attempt to bring her down - kill the queen bee, kill the hive. Despite what some would have us believe, she’s a hugely popular and capable politician, head and shoulders above anyone else in Scottish or UK politics. They know that if they could get her then the fallout for the SNP would at the very least have led to a reduced share of the vote in the election and, more importantly for them, would have taken talk of a referendum off the table for the foreseeable future. This is a sure sign that the opposition parties know that the union is living on borrowed time and the possible humiliation was worth the risk.

  10. Tonight has proved to me that we have to avoid the playoff at all costs. We have forgotten how to score again and, even though we dominate games, we just can’t kill opponents off. Also looking very threadbare up front, Hamilton’s lost form, Donnelly’s out for the season, Doolan is Doolan and if Linn’s injury is as bad as it sounds then where does that leave us? Push McKenna up?

  11. 23 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

    Have you noticed every Scot who works for the BBC down south is a raging Tory? Neil, Smith, Kuenssberg.

    No surprise as that’s how they get the job in the first place. The BBC have been a disgrace throughout this whole matter.

  12. I feel that we’ve hit patch of bad form at the worst possible time. Can’t see us getting anything on Saturday either, 3 defeats in a row will be a massive blow to confidence, especially as everyone else is picking up points. I think we need 4 wins out of 8 to have a decent chance of staying up but the way this league is going that might not even be enough.

  13. 2 minutes ago, lichtie23 said:

    Aye, and then lost to a last minute extra time goal at Hampden. IIRC we won twice from January to May. We beat Clyde 3-1 and Berwick 5-1. I think Ricky might have scored from half way against Berwick

    Imagine if we’d won the playoff and faced a season in League 1 with Lumsden in charge. Would we have even won a game?

  14. 2 minutes ago, lichtiekev said:

    I remember it being mcmanus that hit that bar,
    Don't remember finishing bottom, but lost in play offs to Queens Park, don't think the collapse was that bad to.end up bottom

    No, I said Montrose finished bottom, we scraped a playoff after being miles ahead at the turn of the year.

  15. The run had to come to an end sometime I suppose but I hope that result and arse collapse doesn't knock the confidence too much. Blowing a lead like that can have a big effect on how a team approaches other games. I remember in the Allan Moore season 2014/15, we were romping the league and pumping Mo in the New Year game 2-0 then missed a penalty, think it was Linn, Mo then came back and got a 2-2 draw. Barely won a game after that and Mo ended up bottom. Obviously there were other factors which lead to the collapse in form, Moore being the main one, but blowing a good lead in an important game can lead to doubts creeping in. Hopefully just a blip and we certainly shouldn’t fear anyone.

  16. 27 minutes ago, theboke said:

    ... Given they have made the greatest progress on vaccination combined with a relatively relaxed view on opening up after lockdown.

    I don't think the first part of that is true, I'm sure that both Wales and Scotland have vaccinated a higher % of over 16s than England (first dose). Scotland started off slowly but caught up and passed England's rate a couple of weeks ago, Wales' rate has always been high. Funny that when Scotland's rate was low it was declared a SG failure and was all over the media, since the catch-up it's rarely mentioned. The second part is true but not necessarily sensible IMO.

  17. 3 or 4 wins out of 9 should be enough, having said that the way this league is going it could still be incredibly tight right to the wire. Even Alloa, who are looking a little cut adrift at the moment, could start to climb the table with a good run. Not much between any of the teams this season apart form Hearts, although they’re not having it all their own way.

  18. 21 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

    There were few if any signs of us going on our recent run. From memory we had 4 points after 9 games on Boxing Day and things looked absolutely dire.

    Same with us, looked dead and buried on Boxing Day. A great run of 8 games unbeaten and things are looking good. 

  19. 10 minutes ago, stan3600 said:

    First third of the season 2 draws and a win. Second third of the season 4 wins and 4 draws. What a turnaround. If we could do that again we’d be in the top 4.

    Makes it slightly frustrating. Even half as many points in the first 3rd and we would  be in a playoff position now. Can’t complain though, amazing run.

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