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Posts posted by Tattie36

  1. 4 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    I find amusing that some unionists assume all Labour voters are pro-union - they might be in for a rude awakening.

    Aye, I know more than one die-hard labour voter who would never vote for anyone else but are very pro-independence.

  2. 2 minutes ago, BFTD said:

    "THE Orange Order has ignored calls to condemn a flute band behind a fancy dress party that was won by a man and woman dressed as Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun while two children wore rags branded with a yellow star-shaped patch like that which Jewish people were made to wear in Nazi Germany.

    Images collected from social media also depicted other parties in which members of the Orange Order allegedly dressed as the Pope with a noose tied around his neck while in another two men in Celtic shirts imitated a sex act on a child's doll."


    Aye just like the YES marches according to Edwinabore. 

  3. On a related topic. Now I’m certainly no conspiracy theorist but I’m a little sceptical of the 72% turnout for the brexit vote and even more so for the 85% independence referendum turnout in 2014. I reckon there’s at least 25%-30% of the population who won’t vote, can’t vote, couldn’t give a f**k to vote, don’t even know it’s happening, junkies, jakies, nutters etc etc. My family and my wife’s family who are all reasonably intelligent and kind of interested in politics didn’t even hit those percentages.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Soapy FFC said:

    If you look at the EU Referendum results, just under 52% voted out in the referendum, but if you look at that alongside the turnout of 72%, then only 37% of the UK actually voted for it. But that was forever rammed home has being an overwhelming mandate for out.

    Sick of reading this pish constantly from unionists. It’s as if they don’t understand how elections work. It doesn’t matter if only 10% of the electorate vote, the majority vote wins. People who don’t vote, don’t count - simple.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:
    13 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:
    Will be interesting to see if the same sentiments are expressed in July when there are the usual attempts to link the Orange Order to Nazism on here. The whole issue of trivialising the holocaust is also applicable when it is groups you don't like thar are being targeted in that way.

    Were there many posts here referring to them Nazis? Life's losers and fat bigots, yeah, but I don't recall much in the way of Nazi slurs. Having said that, they do believe a certain section of society beneath purely on the basis of religion, do they not?

    Aye and they do love a “red hand salute” or whatever the f**k they try to pretend it is.

  6. 28 minutes ago, spongeheid15 said:

    When do the schools get there free laptops and bikes, also a dentist should now be free, all promised pre election by the natzies, (lies as usual) co***** barstewards. 

    Never has a poster been so aptly named.

    Aye, because all pre election pledges normally come into force the day after an election. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

    There must be Labour party voters/members embarrassed about Labour party voters/members voting Tory. It's shameless. It'll see even more people turning their backs on the Labour party. 

    I used to work with a very proud Labour voter. The last time we spoke about politics he was absolutely despondent about what was happening to the party he’d voted for all his life. That was a couple of years ago, I wouldn’t be surprised if he still gave them his vote but he seemed to be resigned to the fact that Labour were dead in Scotland and could only regain any kind of relevance through independence. I reckon there’ll be a fair few of these old school labour voters clinging on but will vote Indy if given the choice, especially seeing what’s happening down south.

  8. I was slightly critical of the Low signing when he was brought in as I thought he was bound to be unfit and would have lost a fair bit of his ability due to injury and dropping down to non-league with Shire. Oh how wrong I was. Even though he was undoubtably not quite up to speed fitness wise in the first couple of games, his natural ability and attitude proved me wrong pretty quickly. I guess that’s one of a million-and-one reasons why Dick is the boss and I’m not, he can certainly pick a player, especially in midfield.

    Should be a massive player for us for the next two years. Already feeling confident that we’ll have another great season.

  9. 4 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

    I'm in the depths of despair now seeing Aberdeen Donside and having seen what's happening in Perthshire North.

    John Swinney had won but Tory vote up.

    Not looking great for those marginals.

    I will have at least another dozen ups and downs over the coming days though.

    I wouldn’t ready too much into these results. Swinney is despised by many, especially those with school age kids due to the school closures during lockdown and Donside has been explained already.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

    Rebecca Curran could announce a Tory landslide and she would still make me smile.

    Attractive girl, I met her a few times when she was a young, local journalist in Aberdeen. My main impression of her was that she was very ambitious and driven and a wee bit full of herself, nice enough though.

  11. 3 minutes ago, DC92 said:


    It went from 60% SNP in 2015 to 50% Tory in 2019.

    The Holyrood boundaries are slightly more favourable for the SNP I think, but I wouldn't be massively surprised.

    “The Shire” is rammed with farmers, entitled oil industry arseholes and weirdos who genuinely believe Sturgeon hates Aberdeen and the north east. I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if the Tories won it.

  12. 3 hours ago, Tattie36 said:

    Two things have to happen tonight for us to lose - we have to have a massive off day/bottle crash AND Morton have to find the form that they’ve been missing for most of the last few months. I can see one happening in isolation... but both is surely unlikely. We also have the small safety net of Ayr needing to win or draw.

    Morton have only won twice in something like 14 games and haven’t even scored against us this season.

    Hopefully this doesn’t come back to bite me in the arse ☹️

    F*ck me, did I really say this?

  13. Two things have to happen tonight for us to lose - we have to have a massive off day/bottle crash AND Morton have to find the form that they’ve been missing for most of the last few months. I can see one happening in isolation... but both is surely unlikely. We also have the small safety net of Ayr needing to win or draw.

    Morton have only won twice in something like 14 games and haven’t even scored against us this season.

    Hopefully this doesn’t come back to bite me in the arse ☹️

  14. 24 minutes ago, mizfit said:

    Yet to receive an election leaflet from the Lib Dem’s. Find it weird considering the local Lib Dem councillor writes to everyone as often as he can about he great he is.

    Had Labour, Tories, SNP, Alba, Reform, Scottish Family Party, AFU all today.

    Last election I didn’t receive a Lib Dem leaflet until the day after the vote. I think I’ll die laughing if that happens again.

    There’s a sad looking wee old wifie that hand delivers Lib Dem leaflets around my area. She’s probably daft Wullie’s auntie or something. At least it keeps her active.

  15. 2 minutes ago, lichtiekev said:

    Dick doesn't smoke cigars, 100% will be set up to win to go for 6th place
    Wonder what the prize money difference between 6 and 7th is?

    I would imagine it’s fairly significant and I think some of it could trickle down to the players so I’m sure everyone will be fired up to win.

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