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Everything posted by SmokeyJoe

  1. Honestly that team shape today was a farce! good back 5 fine. 4 central midfielders with Allan more advanced linn predominately wide left and McKenna playing as striker but never actually central not his fault being played out of position. Barely ever had anyone in final 3rd wide right, asking a fullback to do doggy’s up and down the right flank is a very big ask and one that’s not really realistic. Getting seriously fed up with dc and his farcical team selections, subs and team set ups. chasing a game 3 strikers on the bench and not one used and still didn’t bring anyone on to play right side. Shows how much he rates his attacking summer signings when any of them barely get any minutes win lose or draw. scott Allan is a good player but he’s absolutely not what we need. He needs a competent striker who will make intelligent runs so he can play his nice passes to and we don’t that. And to be honest he gives the ball away about 70% of the time passing it to the opposition or being tackled. feel we need to go right back to basics 442 or 451/433 with actual wide players and actual strikers on the park. Being awful to play against making it hard for opponents to play and being aggressive on the front foot. Even if it’s not nice to watch being direct winning the ball in the opponents final 3rd. I’ll take rubbish ugly effective wins over the dire stuff I’ve watched this season
  2. That team will get absolutely run over 4 defending and 6 attacking
  3. Honestly taking the piss another cluster f**k with recruitment dc needs to start taking responsibility instead of blaming everyone and everything else. His recruitment is why we are where we are surely finding out if the player is actually eligible to sign is one of the first things you do lost the fucking plot
  4. Dreading this be happy if we play a striker and a winger on the wing never mind the result
  5. Only seen enough of him to judge him on his short sprints across the pitch
  6. Didn’t think the level of cove performance could be replicated but we somehow managed to outdo that tonight. Absolutely abysmal. Shape, selection, tactics, subs everything awful. Summer business has been absolutely horrendous. Unreal how much we’ve gone backwards from last year. We were never going to replicate last season but we could of been pushing for playoffs with everything going right but with this squad and performances we will be lucky to get a relegation playoff. playing at home with no strikers or any real width is stupidity especially in those conditions.
  7. Pretty fair result I’d say, shocking performance from from the officials. Arbroath should of had a penalty and tob could easily been sent off again(tackle was outside the box) Fosu pretty lucky not to get a second yellow as well for 2 stupids incidents in about 30 seconds. If we had a big striker feel we would of won that cause that eze is hopeless don’t get me wrong hilson done well but that boys twice the height of him what formation did we even play cause I have no idea what dicks master plan was. And what does Bobby linn have to do to stay on the park game went dead for us he went of and kareem and fosu came on
  8. Wasn’t very optimistic when I seen the team being announced, the state of our bench and our dismal performance last week but very much improved performance unlucky not to come away with 3 points some great chances early in the game cleared off the line. Bobby linn doing Bobby linn things what a strike! Hopefully kick on and get a few results now with tob and Stewart hopefully back next week.
  9. But we are paying Scott Allan an absolute fortune
  10. Take a few from that select team today in place of our recent signings …
  11. Tob in for little would be only changed for east fife id say. If Allan is brought in I’d probably say for gold which I wouldn’t agree with but can see it happening goldy always the fall guy
  12. I’m all for watching a bore fest 0-0 on Saturday so if the games get cancelled I’ll be raging. as much as we are woeful to watch just now I still look forward to going to the games on a Saturday as I’m sure a lot of other fans feel the same.
  13. I’d like to see shanks play but he needs support 532 with Stewart and Hancock wingbacks linn more central possibly? defence did good today hancock still needs to improve but a lot better today. Who the f**k knows what dick will do
  14. Not one to be critical of DC apart from the subs every now and then but he’s a stinker this summer we are significantly weaker than last season with the incomings (bar tait and Allan) and outgoings losing experienced personnel in crags and JT. this whole thing about only signing better players is utter bollocks Corfe, fosu, oakley, isiaka are all total punts, not keen on jacobs and shanks is one for the future not the here and now what we desperately needed. obviously are in desperate need of two strikers who can actually make us effective in the final 3rd and get us up the park because just now we are hopeless going forward and are solely reliant on Bobby creating something when he plays. personally still think we need a holding midfielder (whatley miko hammy) type player to give the defence some more protection. the longer we are without a striker I really fear for us as we could be really cut adrift from even 8th place
  15. Can’t have any complaints with sending off. Could of easily been sent off for first one then second one he’s deliberately left the elbow in on the second one utterly stupid
  16. Stupidity from Allan and terrible subs cost us a point there. Partick very much the better team but after that sending off Partick were always going to score. With 11 men we shitfest are way to a draw.
  17. Dick needs to give his head a wobble and realise that we need to play are best players in there position. Another game with no recognised striker. The fosu experiment is done and failed I think he’s a decent wide player but upfront no. Play shanks until we have another player in capable of doing so he came on today and on another day would of scored another of they chances (his goal was lucky but in the right position initially which is good) Ld is not a CM and is not good enough to play upfront either I’d be happy to see him out on loan in league one hopefully find his form again. we absolutely need a defensive midfielder our defence and keeper are under waves of attack and have zero protection. Can’t remember the last time I seen us under so many frequent attacks. That includes the preseason and cup games. Even have craigen in there he’s intelligent enough to play there and be disciplined. Need a miko, whatley, Chris hammy type player. subs again were strange but I give up trying to think what the thought process is. leagues very tight get things right sooner rather than later we will be absolutely fine but that was so frustrating today
  18. Hilson never produces in the final 3rd will chase back and win the ball again on half way line then be miles out of position so can’t play ball into his area. And keeping for LD for 4/5 games a season what’s the point. Taking up a space In the squad. Been great servants to the club but the championship is a step too far for them both. The back line will easily outscore them each season.
  19. Thought McKenna was poor if we were to keep him on drop him deeper and play instead of Jacobs offered nothing in final 3rd tonight I feel
  20. Only subs he needed to make were gold injured, McKenna poor game for once and Hancock for linn but them changes he made were atrocious and cost us. Jacobs looks absolutely stinking
  21. Dc not say we have 3 cbs missing next week in post match on Saturday. Kin he havers at times but only be tob suspended no other injuries is there?
  22. Very poor first half performance. Changes made a difference at half time and Bobby stole the show with two absolute belters. Terrible stadium terrible surface but that will get better after some games. Feel sorry for Edinburgh fans enduring that for the foreseeable. Desperately need them 2 strikers in that dc has spoken about cause hilson / LD simply aren’t good enough and can’t rely on shanks to get the goals for the team although the early signs are promising for shanks.
  23. Got a ticket for Scotland end for sale anyone interested face value. Shift at works changed and no getting it off now raging
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