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Duries Air Freshener

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Everything posted by Duries Air Freshener

  1. Feel free to answer my points, if you actually have an argument.
  2. I think it’s unfair to say the US are trying to make abortions illegal. All that’s happened is it’s been brought back to the States, adhering to the constitution and allowing democracy to actually take place. I don’t think he was saying either abortions or vaccines are compulsory though, but just exposing the double standards regarding ‘ma boady ma choice!’ Many only apply the above erroneous phrase to one of these situations.
  3. Really enjoying listening to Peat & Diesel at the moment. Embarrassed to say I’ve only just discovered them!
  4. Is his point not just that they only invoke the ‘ma boady ma choice!’ when it suits them? He hasn’t implied vaccines kill, unless I’m missing something. Not denying abortion kills btw. A life is lost
  5. The only thing he gets wrong is that in the case of abortion, it isn't just the mother's body, but two separate humans, with one having his/her life ended. Other than that, his point is spot on.
  6. Without having the time to read the article, I think the suggestion may not be too bad. Society needs new generations of workers and taxpayers coming through. Not suggesting we force people to have children, but we should take steps to make it the norm. Incentivisation is the key, and there are plenty ways we could do this.
  7. I agree about him being unlikeable. Did you ever see him being interviewed by Big Sexy? He looked like if he was to try and crack a smile, his face would fall apart. Thought the dog collar was decent banter though!
  8. Since it's a Sunday, I think it's appropriate for me to link to the Rev Stu Campbell. Wings Over Scotland | Catch 2022 The true mark of the SNP-cultist is always take accept their leader's words before acknowledging the blindingly obvious. As the Rev rightly says; 'the idea of an indyref in 2023 is stone cold dead' A sobering thought for the Nhats, but a joyous one for everyone else that just wants to get on with their lives.
  9. Mothers and fathers should always give a shit about their kids.
  10. Kruger is correct. There is indeed another body involved. A living, human being.
  11. 38% isn't really tiny, is it? Even if it was, it doesn't mean we should vote for partition, and evidence shows that most Scots agree. You advocate for a minority position.
  12. Superb, and the higher the 'don't knows' - the better for the Union.
  13. The bus said 'Let's spend it on the NHS', which isn't a promise, but merely a suggestion.
  14. Aye, they all say the text on the bus was a lie, but it was actually factual. Although it was highly disingenuous and misleading
  15. We can indeed! What you won’t get though, is a similar reaction from me. I don’t do pointless, meaningless, personal attacks. I can’t tell you how to post though.
  16. Blocking access to the ballot box? What? They are doing nothing of the sort.
  17. QT was actually a semi-enjoyable watch last night. Great to see Duncan-Glancy tear Angus Fibertson a new one. I’ve been impressed any time I’ve watched her, and see her as potential Scottish Labour leadership material. Perhaps it was just Fibertson’s establishmentarian ramblings that made her look good? Who knows. Fraser Nelson was bang on the money too. He ALWAYS speaks sense. Politically, I’m miles apart from Susie McCabe, but still thought she came across as genuine, authentic and likeable. Enjoyed listening to her. Craig Hoy actually performed slightly better than I expected. All in all, a decent showing. Scots often embarrass themselves on QT, but we did well here.
  18. A prime example of how the special breed of Politics Forum Nat will always play the man, not the ball. Imagine if Unionists were to reply in the same way? This place would be even worse.
  19. Sad to see Albus go.. thought he was a good poster. Being a Rangers fan and an outspoken Unionist seems to get you a target on your back on here. Despite receiving constant abuse, I never complain or dish it back out. Still, I'm apparently a troll for disagreeing with people. Even on this thread the abuse has occurred, and I was even tagged to make sure I see it One thing's for sure, some get away with far worse than Albus posted, on a regular basis.
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