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Everything posted by Clangers

  1. Was at the Arbroath game for us this season at it was our easiest win, not the same Dick team that’s been a bane in our sides the previous years, however by all accounts they have improved since then. Hopefully Arbroath stay up one of my favourite away days and Hamilton only team down, with Peterhead also only going down being replaced by Dumbarton. Would make for an exciting away day for Falkirk fans next season 4 trips To the shopping centre at New Douglas (possibly 2 more play off and not counting cups!) and what ever Dumbarton will be called to look forward to. (Do hope Falkirk make the playoffs 2023/24)
  2. Surely that’s what we want I am hoping Queens Park go up and we could have Raith, Dundee, United, Falkirk & Arbroath (my favourite away ground) . Definitely a lot more fun than our first season in th premier league will be!
  3. Nah fucked me up completely, you have to tell guilty you killed your best mate! I have tried to use it towards my family, I have devoted my love to them.
  4. I think we are using this as a slight form of enjoyment. not the true guilt we might have! But if I can bought my best mate cocaine when we met up in Hong Kong and 4 hours later he was dead! Fucks me up most weeks!
  5. I had always heard that the reason for the Maybury double roundabout removal was the queen mum dropped her gin and it was decided to streamline the access. Possibly not true but always made sense.
  6. Actually just reminded me! 10 years later I tuned up day shift very early Monday after a heavy weekend, guts start to go and look at the two toilets that have been used by 100 railway boys over the weekend! Suddenly I remember there is a disabled toilet in our Porto cabin city, it’s used as a paper storage, move the boxes and happiness. Then discovered it is also not got water, it was plumbed in as 10L of screenwash fixed the damage.
  7. Was in Florence about 20 years ago with the future Mrs Clangers, been drinking on and off all day while seeing tourists stuff and eating. Ended up get a drink in a bar/café outdoor at one of the big squares. Suddenly my guts start to go so grab a bunch of napkins (seasoned traveler) and seek the nearest convenience. I spy one down a corridor, I can’t find the lights but i am in a hurry, it’s European the probably don’t work, a few seconds later once finished I try and flush and nothing happens. It’s only then that when I open the door to reassess the situation I discover it’s actually not plumbed in as it’s a storage cupboard. I quickly make my way outside and usher the girlfriend on to a different bar. I felt guilty a bit but at least they could take the whole thing outside and spray it down!
  8. What are the chances on getting Spain away tickets, I currently have 3 points but my son U16 has none, we have the home package but want to start doing away trips and Spain looks like the easiest choice. edit- looks like with Andalusia is the region so have to guess Seville is the ground
  9. Had to check that this wasn’t the Celtic v xxxx forum!
  10. I sit in the Norrie, but was very proud of the young team tonight, in the NW. ((headmaster voice) xxxxx woodmill s4 report tomorrow ) They are the main heart of the stadium and apart from one chant they did us proud, most were in 30 minutes before kickoff, just shows the difference from a few years back. The second half renditions got the whole stadium jumping, the lifeblood of the club requires this influence and it’s definitely there. My boy is playing football at that age group and being a par is definitely the most common team, not just in his team but across the leagues. There definitely seems to be a massive resurgence in younger fans, something most clubs are failing to get! Long may it continue, as this is the life blood of Scottish football.
  11. It’s available on parsTv I think £14, definitely all uk
  12. Feel like I am going on holiday and checking my passport, going out the door now and checked for the third time I have my ST!
  13. Thought I would check before going off to bed, can only speak for my garden but it’s -1c and the top off the grass has a crunch but the ground isn’t frozen at all. The undersoil wasn’t even needed, let the games proceed
  14. Just in from work and it’s still +0.5c here in Dunfermline with no frost at 3:15am temperatures no where as low as predicted, game will be on. Can think the last game I was buzzing for before I went to sleep the night before, games like this is why you quickly forget the majority of others.
  15. Diablo 4 coming out in a few weeks, genuinely been wanting this game longer then The Rangers have been in existence, just realised I had bought Diablo 3 on the PC, Xbox360 then extra Act version, then on the Xbox One, Switch and XBox X! Man am every developers dream!
  16. -1 - -1 not sure if the - and - makes a + but I am sure that’s is probably the only potential highlight of this tie.
  17. I would prefer David Tennent aka Kilgrave as the next Dark Purple Panther
  18. I have to admit I feel dirty now! But I have to give a greenie to a Bairn and second his protest!
  19. It’s 3c in my garden now and cloudy with the BBC forecast for sub zero from 6-10 tomorrow and only just, can’t see it being off.
  20. Was thinking this today but for once our Friday night game is probably in the best location of Arbroath sea salt treated grass.
  21. No 5! Give them the respect they are due, winning that Division 2 title with International players deserves the Star on the crest.
  22. FTFY, Daiwa Autocast is highly recommended
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