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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Hecky needs to acquaint himself with Einstein’s definition of insanity, which is “doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results “.
  2. That is a very scary image of The Sashbashettes. . [emoji149][emoji149]
  3. Think it’s the “MöetMoments” looney stalker bunnyboiler who is presently having “PorridgeMoments” at Her Majesty’s Pleasure.......which is nice. [emoji149][emoji149]
  4. Is Ben Ledi the hill with a couple of false ‘tops’ ? I remember doing it in my youth and thinking “Thank feck we’re at the summit” only to be told there was a few hundred feet yet to go.....(twice !)
  5. I’ve already posted this is in the TV forum ......last week BBC2 had a documentary “Peter Taylor-My Journey Through The Troubles”. A very interesting watch, especially for those who weren’t around/ were too young to realise what was going on back then. It’s on iPlayer and I’d highly recommend a viewing.
  6. This is the crucial point. There is every possibility that Sunday’s game will turn out to be a huge Sashbash with the Peepul desperate to give UEFA a big GIRFUY, especially if Sevco turn over the other cheek. The Songbook will get a full, lusty airing as the bigots believe they can do what they like at domestic games. Petrie, Doncaster and Maxwell have their balls in a vice politically as UEFA can also sanction football associations, not just clubs.
  7. Tav, please stop.......you’re not doing yourself any favours here with your puerile presumptions.
  8. And there we have it......when all else fails, personal insults are the last resort. “Sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, rather than open it and remove all doubt.......” [emoji6]
  9. Very good, TT......[emoji23][emoji23] Can we expect a mahoosive banner of King Billy on Sunday for, if we follow your logic, it’s only a bit of banter and he’s a hero to loads of bigots and he did an amazing job to promote.....err.......bigotry ??
  10. Hmmmmm.........At last, the heid above the parapet......and if Racist Club de Govan hadn’t made it tonight, you’d still be in your basement in full (knock-off) kit with a sippy cup full of Tankedup 10. [emoji149][emoji149]
  11. Here’s the original text which the Ministry of Truth Dept. at BBC Scotland decided to alter :- “And in Scotland, Rangers went into administration and liquidation in 2012 with the club's assets being bought by a separate company - Sevco Scotland Ltd - which changed its name to The Rangers Football Club Limited. The team plays in the Scottish Premiership but even today some fans consider the old Rangers FC to be gone forever.” https://web.archive.org/web/20190827220509/https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-49479847
  12. From a purely footballing perspective, it’s hard to disagree with your sentiment. The downside is that the followers of Racist Club de Govan get more opportunities to export their 17thC ‘kulchurr’ to Europe. Ugh..........
  13. Shagger .......what a despicable cünt of a man. [emoji149][emoji149][emoji41]
  14. Tremendous post from JTS98. I have read that first paragraph many times as I think it perfectly encapsulates the place at which the vast majority of non-Rangers football fans have now arrived with regard to this repellent institution and it’s followers. It begs the question as to when the administrators of the Scottish game, both SFA and SPFL, will engage their moral compass and show leadership (I know.....) and condemnation of the behaviour, both racist and sectarian, for which UEFA is now holding the Govan club to account. Back in 2012, another spineless blazer at Hampden called Stuart Regan claimed there would be “social unrest” if Newco were not allowed access to the top flight. I could envisage “social unrest” at various football grounds in Scotland if Rod Petrie, Neil Doncaster, Iain Maxwell and co. don’t grow a pair and start using points deductions to bring the bigots to heel because frankly, we’re scunnered with ‘the peepul’ from the 17th Century.
  15. Err.......don’t think so...... 25 July 2019, 20:45 CET - Glasgow (Ibrox Stadium) Rangers FC (SCO) - FC Progrès Niederkorn (LUX) Referee: Espen Andreas Eskås (NOR) Assistant Referee 1: Øystein Simon Ytterland (NOR) Assistant Referee 2: Morten Jensen (NOR) Fourth Official: Rohit Saggi (NOR) UEFA Referee Observer: Darko Čeferin (SVN) UEFA Delegate: Rudolf Řepka (CZE) Delegate Trainee: Paul Tompkins (ENG) https://law5-theref.blogspot.com/2019/07/europa-league-201920-second-qualifying.html
  16. Oh, ye of little faith...........[emoji41] https://web.archive.org/web/20190827220509/https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-49479847
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2019/aug/28/bury-expulsion-efl-regulations-meaningless?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other “It is at this point the bleak reality of how football is regulated starts to intrude. In practice, the league rules are something less than rules. There is no proper sanction for failing to provide proof of funding, or at least none that stops you from buying a club. So we end up, as always, at a dead end; the place where the value we see in our football clubs as social concerns meets the cold, hard edges of the market.”
  18. Oh, but they have.........it goes something like “Gonnae no’ slap a “Play behind closed doors” sanction oan us cos’ we’re really sorry that those nasty wee Union Bears cannae behave and we’ll just no’ bother wi’ tickets for the away leg of the next round........OK ? Cheers, Dave and the Boys. xx
  19. Here’s hoping that the repellent troglodytes that follow Racist Club of Govan are so enraged and seething that they give it the Full Songbook / Greatest Hits tomorrow night and suffer further enmity and sanctions from the blazers of Nyon. [emoji41][emoji108]
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