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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. “Avogadro’s number, a basic unit of measure in chemistry, which was named for Avogadro long after his death. It is the number of molecules found in 2.016 grams of hydrogen gas (or an equal volume of any other gas). Its value is placed at 6.0221367 x 10^23, which is an enormously large number. Chemistry students have long amused themselves by computing just how large a number it is, so I can report that it is equivalent to the number of popcorn kernels needed to cover the United States to a depth of nine miles, or cupfuls of water in the Pacific Ocean, or soft drink cans that would, evenly stacked, cover the Earth to a depth of 200 miles. An equivalent number of American pennies would be enough to make every person on Earth a dollar trillionaire. It is a big number.” [emoji44]
  2. Spiffing idea. You might consider using this liberated time to cultivate some friends / brush up on your social intercourse skills ......... Just a thought........[emoji6]
  3. Lieutenant Pigeon - Mouldy Old Crotch Althea & Donna - Up Town Top Ranking Die Töten Hosen - Hier Kommt Alex
  4. Used to have Argus by Wishbone Ash ........just listened to Throw Down The Sword for the first time in yonks, still the best twin lead solo. [emoji7]
  5. An interesting cover........still love the original though......
  6. Probably fed up / got bored molesting barnyard animals. Decided to try this “man-as-baby” malarkey........
  7. Why ? Does your vagina look like a burst nectarine ?
  8. That’s money well spent so that we can all enjoy advert-free TV. [emoji56]
  9. Pentland Fry in Currie, l’d think........
  10. Danny be gone...... https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/may/09/danny-baker-apologises-for-chimp-tweet-about-royal-baby?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other Don’t think he’s racist at all, but for a London based media stalwart, that was incredibly badly judged. What the fùck was he thinking ? ETA - great spot by Z. Archer to capture the image.
  11. Honestly........John Hughes.....whilst I have very faint feelings of squidgy niceness towards the man from his days at Hibs, whenever he comes on the radio (at the moment, every fücking week [emoji35]), my heart sinks and my blood pressure heads skywards. Must he always smash a box of Maltesers into his gub before speaking into the microphone. Along with Tam Cowan, another ear-assault merchant.
  12. That had me chuckling into my porridge......thank you sir, a pleasant way to start a Sunday.......🤣🤣
  13. Wizard’s sleeve ? “Fallopio expectatum “.........🧙
  14. I’m at a loss as to why you didn’t grab a couple of cans of skooshy cream off the shelves and cover the harridans in mid-fight.
  15. Am I alone in thinking that the top and middle pics are inhabited by sets of twins ?? Bottom pic is just Ian’s Hen Night........[emoji307]
  16. Apologies. I was obviously distracted by La Coren, must have misheard.........[emoji44]
  17. Mussus FP and I just binge watched both series of ‘Bodies’ on iPlayer. Marvellous. Neve McIntosh was quite a looker 15 years ago. [emoji7]
  18. And the twat’s team won.....now through to final. He’s deffo OFTW.
  19. Much to my embarrassment, I freely admit to having never seen Ms. Walker prior to LoD. [emoji44] I have much catching up to do. [emoji7]
  20. ........and Christian, don’t forget Christian. [emoji7][emoji41]
  21. Maybe that first marriage is just a figment of your imagination.
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