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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. Aye, f**k it. It's getting done. Edit: Fired ths on as a status... See how it goes. Last one vanished so I put it up again. Someone must have reported it.
  2. Loads of stuff about this posted on my FB page just now... I'm choking to write a status about having traded in my Focus for an old style Silver Astra and how I've enjoyed recent drives to Burntisland but I don't have the bottle.
  3. You know otherwise. I'm not going to encourage the boredom. Folk don't read your content any more and think, "Oh look at that pesky rapscallion winding people up again!" they think, "What bumf is this boring c**t repeating this time?!"
  4. You are easily in the top three boring posters on this fine website. Probably ranking in at no. 1. Change the record, man!
  5. Thanks a lot. Appreciate that. I'd like to expand that part but getting people to take 5 minutes out to answer questions is harder than I anticipated.
  6. My improved version... Special request to all kids returning to school in the next few days. If you see someone who is struggling to make friends or being bullied because they don't have many friends or because they are shy or not as pretty or not dressed in the most "in" clothes, PLEASE AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS!!!. Don't say hi or smile at them in the corridor because acknowledging the needy wee c***s will bring your reputation down quicker than having a ride at Jordan. You never know what that person might be facing outside of school so just stay the f**k away from them in case they tell you and you have to pretend to be concerned. Your avoidance might just make a BIG difference to your reputation at school and you might get to hang about with the cool folk!! Help stop the Bullying by refusing to punch the minky kids on the premise that your fists may get sticky!
  7. Aye! Grainy streams that are about ten minutes too slow or free SBO HD? Nae contest. I'm actually getting in to the wrestling with my wee boy taking an interest and have booked this for tonight.
  8. I've knackered my right thigh at football today. Totally shot and it feels like it's burning. My own daft fault for not stretching, like but a petty nag nonetheless. Would swimming be beneficial?
  9. Wis. The perpetrators are being sent to Azkaban to get sooked by the dementors.
  10. Facebook would be much better with an, 'Honestly, who gives a f**k?!' button.
  11. We need away from Stark's Park to a new stadium that is capable of bringing money in throughout the week and not just on match days. There's a decent business to be had at the core of Raith Rovers and most clubs like us but until we have other facilities to supplement the match day revenue, that potential will lie dormant.
  12. An American tried to re-kidnap her. That's proof enough for me.
  13. I always thought with McNeil that if he did something confidence inspiring early on in the game, he'd go on to have a good game. If he fucked something up early on (A harmless high ball straight over his head and nearly in to the net against the Pars for example) he'd tend to follow it up with more mistakes. He's shown that he's more than capable at this level but his mistakes are often extremely costly.
  14. I feel for you, man! In a rare billing call last night I had to explain the intricasies of it at least 4 times before the brain donor on the other end finally got it. Maybe not for much longer though.
  15. Using my biceps routine as an example I'd do 3 x 10. I usually start off at a weight a bit higher than I'm comfortable with and then decrease it thereafter for the other sets of 10. The big thing for me was shifting my belly. I used to look like I was about 6 months pregnant but a combination of fat burning and that ab app have me near flat again. Last time my belly was flat was when I was 18, just before I broke my leg quite badly. Unfortunately I've become one of those gym bores and have to tell myself to shut up before I start telling folk my boring gym stories. It's borne out of sheer amazement at the results I've seen!
  16. I've lost about two stone in about two and a half months sticking rigidly to this... Toast in the morning. Gym on a Tues, Wed, Fri & Sat doing 10 miles each time on the bike, 30 reps each on the weight machines and an ab app on my phone. Low cal meal for my dinner. (Sainsbury's and Tesco's ones are actually tasty!) Toast before I go to bed at night. Had to fight serious hunger pangs at the beginning as I was a fat bas but once you get over them it all seems to fall into place.
  17. To annoy the EF contingent that come on to the 1st Div forum to see how their big neighbours are doing?
  18. Chill oot Big Berk, man! None of us know how the season will pan out. We all just jump on the Raith Rovers rollercoaster and enjoy the ride.
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