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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. Jamie Mole was told that he wouldn't be getting a contract renewal therefore wouldn't be classed as a loanee so doubt we'll be seeing him at Stark's Park.
  2. Here's hoping! I like it too (Surprise, surprise) but it'll definitely split opinion.
  3. I don't mind the sponsor at all. My favourite strip since the 125 and I might even like it better than that.
  4. Players literally flying down the wings. I think I like the collared strips due to being able to replicate Cantona's famous celebration.
  5. I really like the kit. Always prefer it when the tops have a collar.
  6. I downloaded a free app for my phone called, '5001 Amazing Facts'. One of the facts was.... In 1843, a Parisian street mime got stuck in his imaginary box and consequently died of starvation.
  7. Planking has to be the shittest craze ever. It's quite embarrassing seeing some daft c**t lying face down thinking that it's funny.
  8. Created a wee event on FB called, Fill Stark's Park v Falkirk. 06/08/11. It's completely open so please generate some interest among your pals if you can be bothered. Doubt we'll fill the ground but the more interest and advertising the Rovers get, the better. Cheers guys. Fill Stark's Park.
  9. From blowing out of my arse after doing 5 minutes on the bike a month or so ago, I've upped that to 30 minutes and feel that I could do more. Still stick rigidly to my toast-Low cal meal-toast routine of meals too and the weight has dropped off me.
  10. I agree. My personal opinion is that we need to have a shopping precinct similar to what is available in Livingston. A massive sports, arts and cinema complex would compliment it perfectly. It'll never happen in my lifetime but It'll be great for the town one of these days.
  11. The high street is dying a slow painful death anyway. Foregoing sentimentality, big, purpose built shopping precincts are the way forward. That's the fucking spirit Raith Michael W!
  12. The dream would be a massive complex close to the main roadways that accommodated all of the popular sports in Kirkcaldy. Get some big joint built around a stadium that would house football pitches, ice hockey rink, tennis courts, boxing club, swimming, basketball and also have a venue built in for music, plays etc and last but not least, a fucking picture hoose! Name a lot of the clubs under the Raith Rovers banner. Raith Tennis club, Raith boxing club etc. It'd regenerate the whole town.
  13. It's a harsh world geo! I agree that the Rovers should be able to attract more than 3000 supporters with the catchment that we have by the way.
  14. I'd be interested in this Yoss and I'm sure my neebur would be interested too. Feel that I should stand up for the Gallatown but apart from the Overton part of it I can't really think of any decent bits. The Fairway and surrounding areas are alright too. Great place to grow up but Fife Council's magnificent policy of filling a great community with junkies has been to the serious detriment of the district.
  15. See the big machines in the Terminator films?... Is there a normal Terminator robot flying/operating them? I always took them to be self aware but wondered what others thoughts were.
  16. She could eat an apple through a tennis racket while her right eye goes to the shop and her left eye comes back with the change.
  17. Two squirrels roasting a fitba and the shocker thrown in for good measure. Dirty b*****ds.
  18. The top part of the Kilmarnock badge reminds me of 'The Shocker'...
  19. I had a couple of the Royal Blue efforts, my favourite being the Kingsway bingo one as it was stud fastened and very modern at the time. Our 125 Blackburn-esque strip is the smartest we've had in my opinion. This coming season's strips are very smart by all accounts.
  20. At the end of the game tonight a Barca player had a Brazil flag around him. Wife - "Why is he wearing that?" Me - "Probably because he comes from Brazil." Wife - "Thought his team were from Rome?" Me - "You thought Barcelona were from Rome?!" Wife - "Oh, is it Barcelona? I thought it was AC Milan!" ME - "You thought that AC 'Milan' were from Rome?.."
  21. The difference to my fitness that a wee bit of running every night has done is amazing. Managed the mile and a bit around my block in under 8 minutes the other night. The first night I did it, it took me about double that as I had to stagger most of the way. Forgot to time myself tonight but it felt quicker than the 8 minutes. Aiming for 5 minutes.
  22. Most modern houses are installed with gas hobs and an electric, fan assisted oven. Is your gas oven a hand me down from your great, great grandparents?
  23. I spoke to John McGlynn about Ross Laidlaw a year ago and he spoke very highly of our young 'keeper. I'm not bothered about him being on the bench at all and I hope he gets a few pre-season friendlies under his belt too. Fantastic that we've still got Dave McGurn though.
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