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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Saturday, Feb 11th according to the BBC. TBH I was hoping for an Aberdeen win as that would at least pay us some money and a defeat wouldn't give us a big riddy! I must be turning into a shitebag in my auld age!
  2. I've watched the penalty highlights about a dozen times and still can't decide if the defender touched the ball or Rowe first. If really pushed to decide however I think I'd probably say he just got to the ball. What I'm not so clear about is the rule now regarding tackling from behind and going through a player, I thought that had been outlawed therefore should a penalty not have been given anyway?
  3. Absolutely correct. It was a complete waste of money for the club to put these guys through their football commentating degrees. I'm really starting to think that you're just some massive troll now.
  4. If I remember correctly, Kirkie Lawson scored the winner in the fourth one!
  5. Thought we were poor generally and that Alloa just shaded it, so delighted to get away with the win. Our best man was probably young Rowe at FB I thought. I'm not in the camp that thinks that McGinn has gone backwards or that his legs have gone in games however that was comfortably his worst game for us. Good that it was a cup game and that we got through it anyway and I hope it's not the start of a trend. Henderson had a poor game game also which caused Nesbitt to have to wander from his attacking central role at times so the midfield in general were quite poor IMO. Burrell made a big difference when he came on, taking his goal very well however I feel we need to persist with Oliver at the moment as Burrell starting means we wouldn't have an upgrade to come on. We obviously need to get a couple of strikers in pronto though. Anybody know why Henderson had to go off down at the corner then go and speak to McGlynn just as we were about to take a free kick?
  6. Awe haud the bus here! Are you saying I'm not getting a baseball cap or something at some point? Seriously thinking of cancelling now!!
  7. We've had five home games since the end of November so I'm assuming that our income to date has now surpassed the total for last season and that we've started to eat in to the surplus figure.
  8. I think it's more likely that the gap hasn't been fully closed or else they would have said so. My reading of the 98% bit is that they have reached 98% of our TOTAL income for last season by November not 98% of income over the same period? Could be wrong though.
  9. So, would your preference be to bring in loan players or our own from the academy?
  10. For me it wasn't just Kennedy, who certainly had hit a rich vein of form, it was the fact that, with Rowe signing, we at last had a system that suited us. Two wingers with over (or under) lapping full backs and a goal threat from midfield. Whilst Oliver has done well enough in the last two games we've lost an option in Alegria being away and I don't think McGuffie would give us the same impact as Kennedy has been doing in recent weeks. It'll be difficult to replace them with similar quality; McGlynn must be tearing out what little hair he has left!
  11. I think it will be very difficult, even if they could get George and Ringo in to help them!
  12. I'll bow to your superior knowledge on the subject then. Surely can't be by much though?
  13. Aye, very good. We're trying to do something good with the FSS but we're not getting the numbers that we need to make sure it succeeds. Surely trying to understand why that is can't be a bad thing? IMO, to encourage more people to sign up we need to understand why they haven't so far. I should add also that I merely subscribe to the FSS, I'm not on the committee or on the BOD or anything like that but I would like it to succeed (or else I wouldn't have subscribed) and won't apologise for trying to promote it. I never at any point said that buying a season or anything else wasn't enough, once again you're trying to put words in my mouth. And please don't don't refer to me as an 'uberfan', I am not suggesting that fans who 'only' pay at the gate or buy a season or whatever are not good enough - we're surely all in the same boat?
  14. Do we have smaller crowds than we did 4 years ago?
  15. Yes, you're correct, it doesn't make much sense to me. I didn't say that it wouldn't make sense to the people who haven't signed up. Please don't try to put words into my mouth either, I did not suggest that any Falkirk fan should reproach themselves for not getting involved.
  16. My point is that I believe that your assertion that fans may have had their fill is incorrect.
  17. You're contradicting yourself a wee bit here IMO. We're attracting a support of just under 4000 who must be happy to buy a season or pay £18 or £20 at the gate yet they're unwilling to invest the equivalent of £2.30 a week on top? That doesn't make much sense to me.
  18. Exactly, and we need it now, so, if you haven't already, then get signed up to the FSS.
  19. The idea is to give fans a voice in the boardroom by becoming owners (or part owners) of the club. A majority shareholding will ensure that we can't be taken over by the Mark Campbells of this world who almost certainly had some ulterior motive in wanting to own us. You won't achieve that by buying shares on your own (unless you're seriously loaded). If you can afford it, and we're talking as little as a tenner a month, then I would urge you to visit one of the pop-up stands at our next home game and get signed up.
  20. I see that the FSS now plan to have pop-up stands in the concourses with members available to help and encourage people to sign up. This is something that I suggested a while ago because some folk won't know how to go about applying on line and some maybe just need a wee push to sign up which they wouldn't get if left to their own devices. I'd be interested to know the reasons of those posters on here that haven't yet signed up. Would maybe give some indication of the issues we face in getting folk on board.
  21. I watched the highlights and didn't see the 'imaginary card gesture' at all. He had his hands up for sure but didn't make the card thing at all as far as I could see.
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