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Thanks mate. Yes, I scrubbed up and apparently I suited the scrubs lol. Without a doubt being there for the section was the most traumatic thing of my life. I felt completely helpless and because of the anaesthetic she was shaking continually and I was in tears pretty much the whole time. Yes, I'm a wuss. I just wanted to help her but could do nothing but hold her hand and talk to her all the time. I was absolutely fucking petrified of something bad going wrong. Thank f**k it's all done and ok, and I will never forget the moment the surgeon held my daughter up and said congratulations. I will also never forget the next 30 minutes after that as I held my daughter whilst they tried to stem the bleeding and get my wife sorted. That felt like ten hours. The fucking NHS. Anyone who criticises them can f**k right off.

I had to don the scrubs and crocs too. You did all that's needed. You were there for your wife when she needed you most. It was probably the longest moment of your life yet also one of the quickest ( from op start to baby out in air).

Plus you get to steal the first cuddles. Thats a bonus for the stress you were under worrying about both.

Just dont let her go on about 'push presents' haha

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If you don't get that feeling, you're probably way too overconfident about the whole thing!   :lol:


Sheer terror's OK; you just have to work at keeping yourself calm and take everything step by step. And don't feed the wean too much like I did. I figured he'd just stop when he'd had enough   :shutup


I did that with Jack (whenever we were babysitting), every time he opened his mouth I stuck a bottle in it. He was a wee fat fool, but now, 16 years later, he's as thin as a rake.

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My wee girl was born this morning by emergency section. I will leave any more details than that for the good lady to tell you if she wants to but all is ok now and wee have a happy and healthy wee baby girl.

7lb 15 oz at 01:21 this morning

:) :)



Good news and congratulations.

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6 and a half weeks in. So far so good. Got a good routine going. Feeding is going well, she smiles ever time she farts, doesn't cry too much and sleeps enough that me and my wife can get enough rest to operate. There's still the occasional night where she will resolutely refuse to sleep, but for the most part it's going fairly well.

A lot of people talk about the first six weeks being hard but I'm more worried about when she's a bit older and can actually move and properly wreak havoc. Looking at Friends/family with toddlers, they seem more stressed than us with newborns.


I do that, and I'm a lot older than six and a half weeks...

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Congratulations Ruggy and HSF.

We have a chicken pox outbreak in our house, Josh is covered in spots from head to toe and I suspect that Alice will soon be similar. Both are feeling unwell and just want their mummy, so I have been relegated to sleeping on the couch.

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Priton for the itch. Aqueous calmene is better than cream. But I didn't use it.

I gave mine broufen too.

My youngest had awful dose that ended up infected so she had anti botics.

Middle one spots came out about two hrs after checked into centre parcs. So we spent week in the lodge 😵

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Benjamin is the grand old age of one tomorrow,it has been a very quick year and I love being a grandpa.Took the wee man to the park on Sunday and his mum phoned me asking when I was bringing him home so I just said tomorrow.

She seemed quite happy at that lol


You can take mine as well

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My wee girl was born this morning by emergency section. I will leave any more details than that for the good lady to tell you if she wants to but all is ok now and wee have a happy and healthy wee baby girl.

7lb 15 oz at 01:21 this morning

:) :)


Congrats :)


What a fantastic day to have for a birthday ;) 


Benjamin is the grand old age of one tomorrow,it has been a very quick year and I love being a grandpa.Took the wee man to the park on Sunday and his mum phoned me asking when I was bringing him home so I just said tomorrow.

She seemed quite happy at that lol

Its never a year?  :o

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Congrats to all the recent new parents :)


My daughter was born last Tuesday and got both Mum & baby home on Saturday. She's a happy wee soul who eats very well from breast & bottle. Seems to have gotten into a decent nightly routine of only waking at 2am for a feed so all good.


Nappy changing ain't so bad.....might not fancy a curry for a while though.... 


Any tips for me going forward guys? All new to me this!

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Dont stress about shit, hard though it is. They do things to test you.

And see when everyone and there dug says to you "oh they dont stay that way for long" and you think, standard cliche bullshit, I can assure you that is one of lifes cast iron facts. Enjoy it all because the first year goes by in a blink.


Cheers mate. I will! The baby period has been the one I've been most dreading tbh but enjoying the early days thus far.

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For me, every new day is the best age my wee lassies at. Constantly changing. Theres nowt better than when you can actually sit and watch a wee person learning a new skill, something you take for granted.

When the shite happens (Colic, teething, night terrors et al) and it will happen, the main thing is to try and mind it is temporary, and its no ones fault baby or parent. Cos at 0200 during a screaming match it doesnt feel like it.


Will bear this in mind. Thank you and good luck with your daughter. How old is she now? My ex gf had 2 girls 4yo & 6yo and was with her for 3 years so that was an eye opener....still miss those two!

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And see when everyone and there dug says to you "oh they dont stay that way for long" and you think, standard cliche bullshit, I can assure you that is one of lifes cast iron facts. Enjoy it all because the first year goes by in a blink.


Been struggling with this today as the 2nd approaches a year old.


It's when you realise they're going to be 6 one day, and 12, and 18, and 40, and 70. In her pushchair in the park the other day, passed a decrepit but alert woman being pushed in a wheelchair coming the other way, all kind of shit goes through your head and wondering what is going through the auld biddy's head. It flies in.

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The changes are amazing and we are only 4 days in! Amazing how alert she is now and faces they pull etc. I actually feel human again too which is probably helping. We've had no visitors as well which has been great. First set arrive on Saturday so it has given us time to settle at home.

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Had some eating issues with the bairn (she's 19 months now), she has really struggled with hard or lumpy food or food with bits in or basically anything that wasn't puréed or melt in the mouth. She would choke then throw up which is bad at home but an absolute pain when out and about.

She's been a little braver the past few days so today we gave her some chips to munch on, the last time we tried she found the too stodgy and well, choked and spewed. However today she munched them up and was looking for more and all the time smiling and charming one of the lassies clearing tables.

Was sitting with the other half having a proper moment, one of those "everybody look, she's eating chips!" moments that only a child eating a McDonalds chip can give you.

You think steak and egg would be too much for tomorrow's breakfast?

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The changes are amazing and we are only 4 days in! Amazing how alert she is now and faces they pull etc. I actually feel human again too which is probably helping. We've had no visitors as well which has been great. First set arrive on Saturday so it has given us time to settle at home.

Don't be afraid to kick them out. I had a set turn up and wouldn't leave. 5 hours later.

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