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Need to have another go at swaddling. Last few attempts I have had he has managed to wriggle free. Should probably do it a little tighter.
You can buy blankets that' are shaped to spend themselves to it. Swaddle pods if memory serves, or something similar. Look into them. I couldnt do it worth a f**k with a blanket.
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31 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

You can buy blankets that' are shaped to spend themselves to it. Swaddle pods if memory serves, or something similar. Look into them. I couldnt do it worth a f**k with a blanket.

These things - https://www.target.com/p/miracle-blanket-swaddle-wrap-lattice-coral/-/A-79482964


They're halfway between a sleeping bag and a straitjacket. We had one and it worked. 

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That’s a pain in the dick. I’m not that bothered about finding out but the gf wants to. Didn’t find out last time and it was more exciting on the day not knowing what to expect.
My wife had her 20 week scan last friday. She didnt want to find out without me so they updated her online notes and she waited til she got home to read them.
Think she has an app where all her scans and checkups get updated.
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9 hours ago, keithgy said:

Well that didn't last,least i can laugh about it.

Aye you’re not doing the normal thing, but you’re both doing the right thing, respect 

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Really pulling my hair out with this, not sure how many are in the same boat? 

Daughter is 2 next month and since the start of the year I can seriously count on one hand how many times she has slept past midnight. Its just turned half 10 and she's up screaming already 😭. Before we used to be bad at just bringing her into bed and unfortunately I think this is coming to bite us. In her near 2 years she's only slept a full night a couple of times 🙄

Any pointers would be much appreciated!! 

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55 minutes ago, Ingo ohne Flamingo said:

Really pulling my hair out with this, not sure how many are in the same boat? 

Daughter is 2 next month and since the start of the year I can seriously count on one hand how many times she has slept past midnight. Its just turned half 10 and she's up screaming already 😭. Before we used to be bad at just bringing her into bed and unfortunately I think this is coming to bite us. In her near 2 years she's only slept a full night a couple of times 🙄

Any pointers would be much appreciated!! 

No advice, sorry! Oldest sleeps like an absolute dream and gets upset if she can't have a lie in (is she actually 3 or 15!). Youngest wakes up anywhere between 5am and 6.30am every morning. Will not go back to sleep once awake. Why so opposite 😭

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On 06/05/2020 at 20:56, Ross. said:

1 month in. Mostly going well. Only real issue is that he won’t sleep unless one of us is holding him. Bed time is a fucking killer now as a result. Generally I will take him from around 8pm until midnight so that Jennifer can get a kip, then she will take him until he is fed at around 4am, then whichever of us feels least worst takes the next few hours. Works while I am able to work from home but when they recall us to the office I doubt I will manage. Anyone had this before?

Yes, I had this, well I suppose still do.
Kaitlyn is two months on Wed. She's just had her jags and that seems to have upset the rhythm we had goin. First 4 weeks or so I was up til 2/3am and then the Missus would take over as she is breast feeding. We had it sorted that she would sleep from 10pm or before in her crib getting up once maybe twice for a feed. bit that's a bit off just now. She's a bit restless then eventually goes down.

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7 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

Yes, I had this, well I suppose still do.
Kaitlyn is two months on Wed. She's just had her jags and that seems to have upset the rhythm we had goin. First 4 weeks or so I was up til 2/3am and then the Missus would take over as she is breast feeding. We had it sorted that she would sleep from 10pm or before in her crib getting up once maybe twice for a feed. bit that's a bit off just now. She's a bit restless then eventually goes down.

Think he is due is his first round of jags in a week or so. At least we have no rhythm to break. Noticing that his sleeping pattern seems to alternate day to day. One day he spends most of it asleep, only waking up for a feed every 3 hours or so, the following day he is a tad unsettled and sleeps a lot less. I assume this is normal behaviour.

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5 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Any advice for an 18 month old who is being a wee besom at dinner time? He eats his breakfast and lunch fine but dinner is just half an hour of him wailing and thrashing and pushing away food and spitting it down his front till we've finally got him sort of fed. Been like this for about a week.

The only thing I could get to work was reading him a book he really likes and shovelling it while he was distracted....

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1 hour ago, MixuFixit said:

Any advice for an 18 month old who is being a wee besom at dinner time? He eats his breakfast and lunch fine but dinner is just half an hour of him wailing and thrashing and pushing away food and spitting it down his front till we've finally got him sort of fed. Been like this for about a week.

Maisie is 3 and a very lazy eater,sometimes she just pushes it away saying me no like it.But if make a game out of it she eats a lot better.

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Looking for some input on this.

My 9 year old son wants Fortnite on his switch, most of the boys in his class already play it. My wife told him "ask your dad", I said no. Am I being too strict here? When I was growing up I was always made to wait until I was old enough to meet the restriction on the game, and in my head my kids would always be the same. No other parents seem to think this way though, and I don't want my son to be the one that isn't allowed anything.

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27 minutes ago, die hard doonhamer said:

Looking for some input on this.

My 9 year old son wants Fortnite on his switch, most of the boys in his class already play it. My wife told him "ask your dad", I said no. Am I being too strict here? When I was growing up I was always made to wait until I was old enough to meet the restriction on the game, and in my head my kids would always be the same. No other parents seem to think this way though, and I don't want my son to be the one that isn't allowed anything.

I relented when my son was ten as all his pals were playing it. He’s not gone on a manic shooting spree this far! 
I’m not keen on letting them play games they’re not old enough for either and always check with my ex.

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Looking for some input on this.
My 9 year old son wants Fortnite on his switch, most of the boys in his class already play it. My wife told him "ask your dad", I said no. Am I being too strict here? When I was growing up I was always made to wait until I was old enough to meet the restriction on the game, and in my head my kids would always be the same. No other parents seem to think this way though, and I don't want my son to be the one that isn't allowed anything.
Just my opinion but if it's an age thing you're worried about then I wouldn't be. I played GTA at around 11/12 and I've not killed anyone. Yet. Also (not sure if you're familiar with the game) it's not brutal. You're of course killing opponents but there isn't blood and gore, when you die all that happens is you hit the deck and all your collectables burst out. Being honest, if my daughter was capable I'd let her play it even at aged 3 because it's almost like a cartoon.

The real concern is the addiction. It really has hooked a lot of people, kids and adults and that's far more concerning IMO. My 9 year old nephew has went apeshit in the past when he hasn't been allowed to play it but I fully blame the parents because they let him go on it constantly. The dad is hooked as well which doesn't help. And the temper when he gets killed is quick concerning.

The other side from your son is that if all his pals have it and he doesn't they make take the piss a bit. Hopefully not the case but we all know what school kids are like and that was certainly the case when I was at school. I doubt kids have got nicer since then!

I'd let him have it but under the strict agreement that he plays it for a certain amount of time a day/weekend and then it's off. If he isn't willing to agree then it's a no.
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