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Aye, they're on the list. I have also been advised to take a towel of my own (the ones G_Man thought you were on about) as I don't think the hospital do provide them. If they do, I can always put it on my bed at night so I'm not sweating on that horrible plastic matresses!

Ours provided them for baths and stuff I think. It was a dark coloured towel for after the birth I remember needing. I have no idea whether that was just for the home births, but something's telling me it was hospital. Somehow things merge when I try to think back these days and it's not really been all that long! :o

As for the nipple cream - I wouldn't buy it in advance. Using your own milk is just as effective. I'm not sure there's any sound evidence the creams work, although some people swear by them so who am I to comment if it's worked for them?!

Lovely attractive disposable knickers? Tesco and Boots both do decent ones. Well worth it IMO.

Camera! That was the one thing I forgot to take to hospital with me, so couldn't take any photos of Sam until later in the day.

Sounds like everyone's doing well. There'll be a whole batch of little P&Bers shortly.

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Sounds like everyone's doing well. There'll be a whole batch of little P&Bers shortly.

Excellent news! The new P&B generation are on their way! :D

Mines are 14 and 16, the current P&B 'young team'. B) :lol:

Best wishes to all expectant Mum's & Dad's on here - and if you're first timers, don't worry, it's a lot less daunting than it may feel to you right now! ;)

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Pregnant Glasgow wifie in a phonebox, dials 999, gets through to the Ambulance service . . .

Ambulance personnel - ''What is the nature of your emergency ?''

Glasgow wifie - ''Am pregnant !''

Ambulance personnel - ''I'm sorry, but being pregnant in itself isn't really an emergency.''

Glasgow wifie - ''But ma waters hiv broke.''

Ambulance personnel - ''Oh that's different. Where are you ringing from ?''

Glasgow wifie - ''Fae aboot ma fanny tae ma feet !''


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31 weeks today. :) Saw the midwife this morning who gave me a prescription for Gaviscon. She is officially my new best friend. :D I love hearing the heartbeat and she showed me where the head is and I got to feel it, which was weird! Felt like a cricket ball. Still not engaging, but that's still a good thing. All my test results were normal, iron levels a bit on the low side, but she is not worried as they were normal for a pregnant woman, apparently. So everything's hunky dory. I can't wait to meet him/her!

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31 weeks today. :) Saw the midwife this morning who gave me a prescription for Gaviscon. She is officially my new best friend. :D I love hearing the heartbeat and she showed me where the head is and I got to feel it, which was weird! Felt like a cricket ball. Still not engaging, but that's still a good thing. All my test results were normal, iron levels a bit on the low side, but she is not worried as they were normal for a pregnant woman, apparently. So everything's hunky dory. I can't wait to meet him/her!

:D pleased all is going well for you reina. We are 33 weeks now I think - getting close!!

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:D pleased all is going well for you reina. We are 33 weeks now I think - getting close!!

Seconded! ;)

Ok, is there anyone here who isn't reproducing? You randy little buggers. :lol:

Me! Firing blanks but still on active service! :D

Give Adam and Charlie my best wishes.

Again, I second that sentiment. :)

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I'll show you my tips if you show me yours.

If you use velcro-fastening bibs, get a net wash bag to put them in, otherwise they stick to anything remotely delicate in the machine and ruin them.

When packing your hospital bag, you can never have too many packs of disposable knickers or maternity towels.

I'd be grateful for any tips on easy ways to get baby off dummies. Charlie won't let his go at all during the day. It doesn't matter how tired he is, he won't sleep during the day without one, even though he never has one at all when he goes down for the night. We've got a great routine of bath, bottle, bed and story which works an absolute treat, but isn't exactly practical to do three or four times a day! I know the obvious answer is to just stop giving him the dummy and bear it for a few days, but I can't bear hearing him scream like he does, and he can keep it up for hours. :(

Edited by Lyn-Marie
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Dummys i wont be introducing to my baby boy.

Heh, we'll see if you're still saying that after 2 weeks of sleep deprivation ;)

I hate dummies personally, but I've been reading up a lot on breast feeding and a pal of mine recommended a dummy to give them something to suck on so that they're not just latching onto you for the sake of having something to suck. (If that makes sense?)

Sorry LM, no sensible ideas about how you can get Charlie off his - my dad used to dip my thumb in mustard to try to get me to stop sucking it...

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Its what the wife wants, my mates we girl dosnt have a dummy and she seems to be fine, without a dummy they would not crave for one when crying, and now people like lyn-marie are gonna struggle to get there baby off them as the baby will be use to it.

That isn't true.

In both cases with my kids we found that the dummy helped them calm down and relax. Coley had it up until about 6 months and decided he could do without and Isla only used hers on the odd occasion.

We were weary of them being dependent on a dummy but when the wee things are screaming their chubby little faces off and a dummy is the only thing that'll sooth them you can bet your sweet Irn Bru drinking ass that you'll be ramming a dummy in their gub.

Congrats to The Chief.

Edited by Andy.C
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My mates 17 and got a girl pregnant who he was with for a while. He was devastated and it never really sunk in the seriousness of it all until the child was born, now he says being a Dad is the best thing that ever happened to him and describes it as an experience you can't describe.

Obviously he's considered too young to be a responsible Dad but it just shows the effect that a child can have on people.

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:lol: yeah i suppose yer right, i guess ill soon find out, but from the start anyway we willnot be using a dummy for our baby and shall see how things go. Love the name isla

Congrats to the chief also

G_man, I had lots of set ideas about how I was going to be but things change once the baby is born. Not having a dummy was one of them, then when he was 10days old he had cried ALL night, he'd been on the boob and fed and fed but he wasn't hungry, wet or colic.....so at 4am I went to Asda to get a dummy, he was alseep 10 mins later. I think we used it maybe half a dozen more times and he hasn't wanted it since he was about 4 months old.

I hate seeing, as I did yesterday, kids who are about 3 or 4 walking around with dummies in their mouth.

Interestingly the only thing he puts in his mouth are his fingers.

Dummy's aren't reccomended at the start until feeding is established, especially if you are breastfeeding.

Another thing I wasn't going to do was co-sleep, but when the choice is co sleep or walk the floor for hours with a screaming baby I feel that it's better for baby and me to sleep.

You ideas and attitudes evolve once you actually have your baby.

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