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Not sure why I'm telling internet strangers this when I haven't told close personal friends but back on the morning of 6th of December my wife found clotted blood in our 6 month old daughters nappy. We immediately took her to the hospital where she was given an ultrasound scan. We found out that she had a tumour in her right kidney as well as her bladder and were referred to a urologist specialist at another hospital across the City.

We were seen within a couple of hours where the "tumour" in the bladder was ruled out as congealed blood but the tumour in her right kidney was confirmed with the likely diagnosis being Wilms Tumour (a rare kidney cancer). Further blood tests and x-rays and CAT scans told us that there had been no spreading to any other organs, bones or the brain thankfully.

On the 15th of December she had surgery to remove not only the tumour but her right kidney, ureter and lymph nodes from which she is recovering very well and back to her smiley self.

The Histology report from the tumour came back on Wednesday this week which confirmed that it was Wilms Tumour with a favourable histology and that we caught it very early into Stage 2. My daughter started an 18 week course of chemotherapy on Thursday which will hopefully remove any cancerous cell that remain within her blood. The survival statistics are in our favour but obviously we're not taking anything for granted at present. 

She's currently 3 days into the chemotherapy and doing very well with no sickness, nausea or side effects to report. She will have to remain in isolation within the hospital for the full 18 weeks (10 weeks depending on how her immunity system is doing).

Wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Sounds like a cliche but my wife and I are just focusing on taking one step at a time and trying to stay positive although our daughter is way ahead of us on that front!

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15 minutes ago, Rowan said:

Kids are far more resilient than we think and than us grown ups. 


9 minutes ago, Rugster said:

Fucking hell. All the best SJC I hope she makes a full recovery. 


3 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

That's horrific sjc. Really sorry to read that. I'm sure she is a wee fighter. What a gorgeous happy wee girl! She is so cute.

Thanks guys. Appreciate that. Since we were told of the tumour (it was two initially) back on the 6th we've had the best news we could have hoped for given the situation really. All you can do is break it down into small steps otherwise the enormity of just the word cancer leads to anxiety. We're 3 days into step 3 and her response is going well thus far.

My wife and I just have to stay strong for each other and her really. 

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4 minutes ago, 8MileBU said:

Jesus, SJC! emoji46.png
That's some tough reading never mind what you and yours must've been going through and feeling!

Hopefully the surgery has been a success and she's on the mend. Fingers crossed, thoughts and prayers with you all, especially the wee one!

Cheers mate. Appreciate that.

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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

A year from now youl still be scrathing your head wondering how the bairn absolutely breezed this mate.

I sincerely hope you're right mate. Although we need to wait for the year 2 and year 5 "survival" scans for any all clears are issued.

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Must be worse not knowing the language. I had a bad accident as a kid in Sweden and my parents didn't have a clue what was going on in the hospital. Sounds like you're fully informed though. All the best and hopefully your kid will have no memory of it all when she's rampaging around as a ruthless toddler.

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Awful news SJC. I can only echo what Rowan said. I know it won't be of much comfort but kids are genuinely amazingly resilient. I did a placement in a kids ward during my nursing and couldn't believe how well the kids took their awful predicaments in their stride.

With any luck this is her first and last dealing with Cancer and she doesn't remember it when she's older.

Just a rambling mess of a post as I don't know what can be said in such circumstances. Hope everything turns out OK for you and your family.

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