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On 13/10/2018 at 03:10, Rugster said:

Hi all. Not been on for a while. Didn't really know what thread to put this in but this one seemed most appropriate given wee Fraser's role in it all. I'm just copying and pasting what I've put on my Facebook page below rather than type it all out differently. This is like our wee P & B family in this thread so wanted you to know. Hannah is Honest Saints Fan just for anyone who doesn't know that. 


Apologies in advance but this will be a long and personal post, but stay with me please. Social media these days is the simplest way to share news with those around you who don't already know what's been happening through family. I'll start with the really good news. Fraser is absolutely thriving in SCBU. He is over 5lbs in weight today, and is regularly taking a bottle feed. The wee bleed on his brain has cleared up and he is getting stronger every day and is a right wee monkey. 

Now for the good news. As many of you will know, Hannah has been in chronic pain with a number of issues for the last 20 weeks or so. Back pain, chest pain, fatigue, anaemia, and a compete lack of mobility. We've done everything to try and get to the bottom of it, or we thought we had. Again, as many of you will know she was rushed to hospital on Thursday with a severe bleeding episode and on Monday she underwent surgery to clear remaining product from her womb that was left behind after the delivery of Fraser. Meantime, there were some strange blood results showing some problems with her kidney function and all sorts of investigations were going on. The good news is they've got to the bottom of what has been causing all her pain and associated issues and it can be tacked head on and give her some relief and restore a quality of life which she has been badly lacking recently. 

Now for the not so good news. I said on Thursday that every time you climb that mountain, there's another one left to climb, well we've just been taken from the top of K2 and plonked at the bottom of Everest. I'm devastated to say that Hannah has been diagnosed with an extremely rare, particularly for her age (normally only affects over 60 year olds, and mainly men) form of blood cancer. It is called Myeloma. It is generated in the bone marrow and is not currently curable. It is highly treatable though. She was diagnosed on Tuesday just past and partial treatment started almost immediately. More treatment will start next week, and on Monday she will undergo more surgery under general anaesthetic to remove 7 of her teeth (as if she's not been through enough already!) as the treatment will affect healing of the mouth sockets in coming years should she need an extraction, so it's much safer to remove any potential issues ahead of time. The full chemo and associated treatment will start quickly thereafter and will move up in intensity as time passes. In her favour is her age which allows the more intense treatment, and as usual her unbelievably positive attitude. This has without doubt been devastating news and a massive shock, and whilst it is still sinking in we are being very positive and are ready to tackle this b*****d head on. 

Fraser has saved Hannah's life. If he hadn't come early, and she didn't have the bleed on Thursday then who knows how long this would have gone undetected.

We want people to know. We don't want to hide it. We don't want anyone to treat Hannah or any of us any differently. All we ask for is your friendship and support as we fight it. We will do that as a family unit and we will live every day to its fullest. The hospital staff have been beyond magnificent with us, finding me accommodation to stay on the hospital grounds and all sorts of other help they have given. Our amazing daughter Catherine, whilst too young to know the details, knows mummy is unwell and has just been amazing with it all. 

I love my wife so much and cannot fathom how she has coped with what she has done recently but now we know what it is, and while it is obviously not what we wanted to hear at least we can deal with it and get her fighting fit again soon. 

It's good to talk. We've spoken to a lot of family, friends and medical people about this since Tuesday and every time we do it is cathartic. So we wanted to share it on here for those who did not already know. Thanks if you're still reading. 

Lots of love. Hannah, Robert, Catherine and Fraser xxx.


2 hours ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Thanks for all your messages!

My head is rattling with pills so awake at stupid hours just now, just as well I'm use to it as hopefully Fraser will be home in the not too distant future. That's him taking quite a few bottle feeds this week and his oxygen is even lower. The wee smasher. :thumsup2

As for me, it's all positive from now on. 


Happy to hear the wee one is on the mend. xxx

Not so chuffed to hear your other news but you're taking the right attitude in tackling it. i.e: The positives in finding it relatively early, acknowledging it and taking it on one step at a time.

It'll be tough at times but stick together and you'll get through this.

Love and a big group hug from Scott, Michiko & Sakura xxx

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4 hours ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Thanks for all your messages!

My head is rattling with pills so awake at stupid hours just now, just as well I'm use to it as hopefully Fraser will be home in the not too distant future. That's him taking quite a few bottle feeds this week and his oxygen is even lower. The wee smasher. :thumsup2

As for me, it's all positive from now on. 


I was going to chastise you for wasting your time running around an anonymous football forum handing out "greenies" to (mostly) strangers, but that post explains it.

Excellent news about Fraser, and as for yourself - keep on keeping on, best of luck with your treatment.

Edited by Jacksgranda
Absolutely appalling grammar for someone with Higher B English and a Certificate in Sixth Year Studies (English). Yes, I'm that old!
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5 hours ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Thanks for all your messages!

My head is rattling with pills so awake at stupid hours just now, just as well I'm use to it as hopefully Fraser will be home in the not too distant future. That's him taking quite a few bottle feeds this week and his oxygen is even lower. The wee smasher. :thumsup2

As for me, it's all positive from now on. 


Post of the century imo.

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8 hours ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Thanks for all your messages!

My head is rattling with pills so awake at stupid hours just now, just as well I'm use to it as hopefully Fraser will be home in the not too distant future. That's him taking quite a few bottle feeds this week and his oxygen is even lower. The wee smasher. :thumsup2

As for me, it's all positive from now on. 


All the best Hannah x

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Hi all. Not been on for a while. Didn't really know what thread to put this in but this one seemed most appropriate given wee Fraser's role in it all. I'm just copying and pasting what I've put on my Facebook page below rather than type it all out differently. This is like our wee P & B family in this thread so wanted you to know. Hannah is Honest Saints Fan just for anyone who doesn't know that. 
Apologies in advance but this will be a long and personal post, but stay with me please. Social media these days is the simplest way to share news with those around you who don't already know what's been happening through family. I'll start with the really good news. Fraser is absolutely thriving in SCBU. He is over 5lbs in weight today, and is regularly taking a bottle feed. The wee bleed on his brain has cleared up and he is getting stronger every day and is a right wee monkey. 
Now for the good news. As many of you will know, Hannah has been in chronic pain with a number of issues for the last 20 weeks or so. Back pain, chest pain, fatigue, anaemia, and a compete lack of mobility. We've done everything to try and get to the bottom of it, or we thought we had. Again, as many of you will know she was rushed to hospital on Thursday with a severe bleeding episode and on Monday she underwent surgery to clear remaining product from her womb that was left behind after the delivery of Fraser. Meantime, there were some strange blood results showing some problems with her kidney function and all sorts of investigations were going on. The good news is they've got to the bottom of what has been causing all her pain and associated issues and it can be tacked head on and give her some relief and restore a quality of life which she has been badly lacking recently. 
Now for the not so good news. I said on Thursday that every time you climb that mountain, there's another one left to climb, well we've just been taken from the top of K2 and plonked at the bottom of Everest. I'm devastated to say that Hannah has been diagnosed with an extremely rare, particularly for her age (normally only affects over 60 year olds, and mainly men) form of blood cancer. It is called Myeloma. It is generated in the bone marrow and is not currently curable. It is highly treatable though. She was diagnosed on Tuesday just past and partial treatment started almost immediately. More treatment will start next week, and on Monday she will undergo more surgery under general anaesthetic to remove 7 of her teeth (as if she's not been through enough already!) as the treatment will affect healing of the mouth sockets in coming years should she need an extraction, so it's much safer to remove any potential issues ahead of time. The full chemo and associated treatment will start quickly thereafter and will move up in intensity as time passes. In her favour is her age which allows the more intense treatment, and as usual her unbelievably positive attitude. This has without doubt been devastating news and a massive shock, and whilst it is still sinking in we are being very positive and are ready to tackle this b*****d head on. 
Fraser has saved Hannah's life. If he hadn't come early, and she didn't have the bleed on Thursday then who knows how long this would have gone undetected.
We want people to know. We don't want to hide it. We don't want anyone to treat Hannah or any of us any differently. All we ask for is your friendship and support as we fight it. We will do that as a family unit and we will live every day to its fullest. The hospital staff have been beyond magnificent with us, finding me accommodation to stay on the hospital grounds and all sorts of other help they have given. Our amazing daughter Catherine, whilst too young to know the details, knows mummy is unwell and has just been amazing with it all. 
I love my wife so much and cannot fathom how she has coped with what she has done recently but now we know what it is, and while it is obviously not what we wanted to hear at least we can deal with it and get her fighting fit again soon. 
It's good to talk. We've spoken to a lot of family, friends and medical people about this since Tuesday and every time we do it is cathartic. So we wanted to share it on here for those who did not already know. Thanks if you're still reading. 
Lots of love. Hannah, Robert, Catherine and Fraser xxx.

That’s just horrible news, but as you say Rugster, a strange set of events have led to an early diagnosis. Stay positive, seems HSF has the right attitude. All the best to you both & of course the wee ones.
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@Rugster I have little words, all I can say is keep strong brother.

I came here to post of happy news of my 1st love (wife) had a beautiful baby girl on Wednesday (P&B Qizzers know already). They are both doing well. (I could type for days)


My heart is with you Ruggy 

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21 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Not going near the vasectomy thread, but a mate is asking if you need to shave yer knackers prior to the op. He has heard conflicting reports on this has my mate.

They’ll do it for you anyway but why not do it for the hell of it first?

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