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Mo Wonderboy

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Who the f**k cares about dots? :blink:

I still read this pretty regularly as there is some good points and rumours posted but I'm not sure what this SOL chap adds to this thread.

"Any1 watching Raw?" "This iz gd" "Thiz iz bad" "Cena :angry: "

Nothing of note to add really.

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The Boogeyman was a good laugh. IIRC that was around the time of the awful "King Booker" stuff?

No one dislikes The Muppets, Forehead. No one.

For a second there I thought you were talking about last night and I was thinking "how the f**k did I miss the Bogeyman?"

I do. They're lame as hell. They're puppets, I've never been amused by puppets.

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The Boogeyman was a good laugh. IIRC that was around the time of the awful "King Booker" stuff?

That was about the time I stopped watching wrestling or even following it all for a period of about four years. The Boogeyman was horrendous and at about 14-15 years old I felt embarrassed watching it even by myself. King Booker was dreadful too. JBL winning the title just before that really put me off too, impossible for me to suspend my disbelief when a midcard tag team wrestler gets a haircut and becomes world champion (although he turned out to be awesome).

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Just finished reading the first Jericho book I mentioned yesterday. Brilliant stuff.

Any recommendations on wrestling autobiographies? Is Goldust's worth it? Jericho's 2nd as good as the 1st? Shawn Michaels?

Reason I ask is I really enjoyed Jericho's and Mick Foley's (Have A Nice Day) but I've read some absolute crap like The Rock's. The guys my all time favourite but that was so disappointing. I'd rather avoid rubbish like that!

Edited by garymcc1874
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The Rock's promo and The Muppets were the best parts FACT.

CM Punk is good in his current gimmick and as face though, and his entrance music is quality. Hopefully they put him in the WWE title match at WrestleMania next year.

Edited by Paulo Sergio
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The Rock's promo and The Muppets were the best parts FACT.

CM Punk is good in his current gimmick and as face though, and his entrance music is quality. Hopefully they put him in the WWE title match at WrestleMania next year.

Got to imagine they will go with Punk in the main event, possibly against Del Rio?

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WWE has announced that tag team champion Evan Bourne has been suspended for 30 days. The official statement from the WWE website reads:"In accordance with its Talent Wellness Program, WWE has suspended Matthew Korklan (Evan Bourne) for 30 days effective immediately for his first violation of the company's policy."Bourne and his tag team partner Kofi Kingston lost non-title matches on both Friday's SmackDown and Monday's RAW.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Just finished reading the first Jericho book I mentioned yesterday. Brilliant stuff.

Any recommendations on wrestling autobiographies? Is Goldust's worth it? Jericho's 2nd as good as the 1st? Shawn Michaels?

Reason I ask is I really enjoyed Jericho's and Mick Foley's (Have A Nice Day) but I've read some absolute crap like The Rock's. The guys my all time favourite but that was so disappointing. I'd rather avoid rubbish like that!

Jericho's 2nd is also excellent. As mentioned Bret Hart's is cracking. The Rock, Stone Cold, Eddie Guerrero etc ones are all written by the same folk and are generic pish. Avoid. Goldust's one is dreadful and may be the worst one I've ever read. All 4 of Foley's wrestling ones are good, although the first two are far superior to the 2nd and 3rd. I once saw DDP's in a charity shop for a quid and bought it, and it's really rather quite good. Track it down if you can! Shawn Michaels one, 'Heartbreak And Triumph' is a good. I've heard Brock Lesnar's is decent, but I've not read it myself. General rule here seems to be that if the wrestler themself has written/co-written it, then it'll be good, but if it's dictatated to some WWE flange then it'll be pish. Foley talks about how dire the WWE book writers are in his 2nd book I think.

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Worth noting that I'm close to giving up on RAW. I'm thinking an episode featuring the muppets and The Rock will be enough to keep me on board though.

* The Rock brings out his best promo since coming back to WWE, which admittedly isn't actually a hard task, but this was very good. It makes sense that The Rock hates The Miz and R-Truth, so it also makes sense that he tag teams with John Cena.

* Punk vs. Henry: CM Punk is fucking OVER on this show. Either this is a hot crowd, or the audience is ready. If Henry loses clean, I'm going to go fucking mental. Some decent big man vs. little man stuff going on here, which I always appreciate when it's done right. Punk using the speed and kicks to try and keep his distance while Henry just goes with the old "rag doll" tactic. Crappy ending. Surely they could just have Henry go over clean if he was going over? He didn't look TOO weak though as we never did get the chance to find out if Punk had a clear cut advantage. So it was booked well enough in that way. No rating as it was too short, but nice post-match stuff too.

* The Muppets: Well... erm... it had it moments. I loved the mother comment from Kermit. The "pirate or cowboy" comment was quite good too. Largely crappy though.

* Divas battle royal: Right. Battle royal + divas = double shite. Not even much amusement to be had in the costumes they were wearing. It picks up a rating because it's long enough to be shit. DUD The post-match adds some intrigue to things. You just know one of these babyface ladies is going to turn.

* Air Boom vs. Rhodes/Wade: More crappy muppet stuff is quickly followed by this. Good to see Cody got back from the Newcastle game in time for this. More solid stuff coming from the WWE tag division. Cody Rhodes really comes across as a very good tag team wrestler, and I hope he finds a permanent partner, because he's such a great fit. This was enjoyable for the time that it was on. *** This new faction with Christian and others is fun, and it also sets up a potential belter of an elimination match for the PPV, which is shaping up well.

* ADR vs. Show: Dull match really between these two. The Big Show as a face is always a bit shifty because of the weird dynamics of how the matches will go. Especially in a match like this which goes for a while. It works with Henry because you know exactly what to expect in that match. The result undoes a lot of the work done by the incredibly strong showing that was done before with Del Rio looking good. Boring match. * Post match stuff was predictable when Show won clean.

* Santino vs. Swagger: More crap on this show. They're really trying my patience at the moment, with this on top of the crap muppets stuff that's been going on. DUD

* Ryder vs. Ziggler: Dull match. Not horrible. It's begun to get to the point that I'm realising that Ryder isn't actually very good as a wrestler. WWE don't seem sure what to do with him as a character either. *

* The Cole/Ross stuff is already boring. I'm getting close to the brink here. It's up to the next thing to save it.

* The Miz vs. John Cena: The new Cena gear looks absolutely ridiculous. How am I supposed to take him seriously wearing that?! The match itself was pretty good TV stuff. I don't think these two guys have ever had the quality match that they are capable of, but they consistant give you a decent outing whenever they wrestle.

This was a real patience testing episode. I think I've finally had enough of this show.

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