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Mo Wonderboy

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Rumours suggest the Foley vs Ambrose rivalry have been scrapped as Foley hasn't reacted kindly to Ambrose's style - Could well be a work, however.

I'm hoping its a work. Foley has said he doesn't want to work with him because Ambrose keeps tweeting and bringing his kids into it which was a step too far. I'm hoping if it was genuine neither would have came out and said anything about it, it would just be swept under carpet.

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I'm actually going by what Austin himself said. Not surprising longer down the line he's backtracking as he misses it. Of course, that quote was a while back. I highly doubt WWE will ever put him back in a wrestling ring.

You can't trust a wrestler with their own body. If you could, we wouldn't have had so many RIP Misawa posts. Edge is in the same boat and has made the same noises. I bet the same amount of time down the line, we'll be seeing these same comments from him.

Someone with the spinal injuries that Austin has is a bit more likely to snuff it in the middle of a ring. If you put him in the kind of match he had with Rikishi at No Mercy 2000 then it could work, but would that main event a show?

Taker/HBK closed two years ago. ;)

The Taker/HBK point has already been answered so I'll leave that be.

I think it's more than likely that Austin will be competing at either this coming Wrestlemania or the next, in fact, I think that it's almost guaranteed. Rock vs Brock probably won't top the bill because it's two part-time wrestlers competing, so if Austin did compete against Punk that would get the nod because overall, that would be the bigger, and better event simple as.

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I'd agree that Rock/Lesnar won't headline. I'd imagine that whatever Cena is doing will headline. There IS the chance that Lesnar/Cena is just a precurser to next year as well. Rock/Punk? It's not like it hasn't been set up. The Undertaker may well be done too, so who says he'll be back? There's all sorts of things going on. WWE are also interested, as is HBK, in a final HHH/HBK match, but on the chance that Austin DOES come back, they would NEVER have that many big matches on the one show. I can see them keeping HHH/HBK for the year after though when it'd catch people off guard.

I don't know where people are getting this idea that Punk vs. Austin WILL happen. It's just about the only match that WWE HAVEN'T made any noises about.

Edited by DomDom
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I really hope Austin stays away from the ring. He is one of the few to retire on top and stay retired. He is a very rich man from his WWE career and his acting roles, so he doesn't need another payday.

I urge anyone who hasn't seen it, to watch the 'Mania of Wrestlemania' documentary that was filmed around his last match in 2003, he was in a very bad way back then.

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Would like to see Jericho vs 'Taker with Jericho spouting his usual best in the world pish and wanting to prove it by beating the best on the biggest stage.

Undertaker vs Cena would be gash.

You think Jericho-Taker would be good but Taker-Cena wouldn't? Jericho is absolutely garbage so I'm not sure I understand your point of view here.

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I'm hoping its a work. Foley has said he doesn't want to work with him because Ambrose keeps tweeting and bringing his kids into it which was a step too far. I'm hoping if it was genuine neither would have came out and said anything about it, it would just be swept under carpet.

I hope it's a work as well, could turn into a cracking rivalry. It is a bit far though but then again, we've had the Katie Vick storyline so absolutely anything is possible.

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Because Jericho can actually perform more than 4 moves. Jericho can sell himself as both heel and face.

Cena can perform more than 4 moves as well. He can also sell himself as both heel and face, hence how his heel character was so highly acclaimed, thus leading to the face turn.

Jericho isn't "garbage" though. He's clearly a good wrestler. He's yet another on the long list of names who you just could NEVER buy beating The Undertaker. It'd be like "lets sit through these nearfalls and get to the second Tombstone so as we can watch the next match".

Chris Jericho hasn't delivered in the main events nearly as much as John Cena has anyways. RVD, Umaga, JBL, Bobby Lashley and The Great Khali can all thank Cena for giving them their best WWE matches. The guy is a total workhorse.

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Stone Cold is one of the new columnists in FSM. As is Jim Cornette, and in typical Cornette fashion, he rips into WWE and TNA and even gets in a dig at Russo. What he says is bang on though (he talks about how shit WWE and TNA are at getting through new talent and how they treat development wrestlers).

Re Austin wrestling at Mania:

"Austin was asked about wrestling at WrestleMania 29 and said he was on the bubble about it. Austin added that he'd consider it if everything worked out right. Austin said he feels great right now at age 47 but doesn't want to have trouble getting around at 57." (http://www.lordsofpain.net/news/wwe/Austin_Talks_About_His_Future_at_CAC_DDP_Talks_About_Randy_Orton_s_RKO_and_More.html)

That doesn't prove anything mind, but it shows he's thinking about it.

Also what's happened with Christian? I'd love to see him come back and challenge Punk for the title. Think they could have some great matches.



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It's widely acclaimed Cena only uses the same 4 moves in each match probably something which different people have different opinons of though so we can agree to disagree.

Since when has a moveset mattered anyways. :huh: People with massive movesets can be shit, just like people can have small movesets and know how to use them. An actual good wrestler should be able to have a good match and hardly use a single move. Out of curiosity, what are the four moves you're putting so much stake in?

I'm sorry I've got to disagree on the heel part though, He hasn't sold himself as a heel since he first started when he rapped about his opponents before each match and finished them with his padlock chain if they let him go back to that then yeah he'd be a good heel but they wouldn't ever do it with the PG rating and him being super face.

So that means that he couldn't do it again? :huh:

A lot of the audience already hate him. It wouldn't take THAT much of a stretch from what he was doing in the fued with The Rock if he decided to turn heel to make the casuals hate him too.

And who's to say he wouldn't do a complete character 180 if he turned heel? Doing what Jericho did and take EVERYTHING that made people cheer him and throw it all away. To just dismiss Cena and say he can't work as a heel when he has, and then suddenly sidestep and say that the old rapper gimmick doesn't work in current WWE doesn't work.

Well who can you actually imagine beating the Undertaker? We all knew HHH wasn't going to but it was still a great match. We all know Cena won't it doesn't leave many options bar the best the business has had e.g. Your Hogans, Warriors, Rocks, Austins etc.

The second time, it was more than believable that Triple H could have beaten The Undertaker for a number of reasons. Primarily, the 20-0 being stopped. If someone is going to beat The Undertaker, it's going to be a megastar. Either that, or a younger guy on the edge. The two guys they were looking at before were Wade Barrett ( who knocked back the oppertunity himself ) and Randy Orton ( who got injured ). I could buy Cena taking it. COULD have bought Orton a couple of years ago, and Batista before he fucked off. Maybe even CM Punk or Alberto Del Rio since WWE do put a lot of stock in these guys, but Jericho is someone who's been there, seen it, done it, and still isn't that big a name.

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He's already beat Randy Orton and that was one I thought could have ended the streak since that was him in his 'Legend Killer' phase.

Aye, he was due to win that one. Injury stopped him. The RKO spot was the intended finish from the Chokeslam counter. Shame what happened there, but shit happens I suppose. I still think if they got Orton in the right spot again, it could work. Wouldn't be the first time they have completely forgotten a Mania match.

If it was going to be Wade or Del Rio they would need to be getting raised to be the next huge thing in WWE e.g Rock/Hogan level IMO.

It was certainly going to be Wade Barrett. Personally, I don't think he was big enough then. He turned it down because of the pressure it would bring. There will never be another Hogan or Rock I reckon, but they'd need a win like that nowadays to propel them to the top. The streak is the only thing left that really means anything. Alberto Del Rio is one I brought up because WWE seem to be sticking to their guns with him. He's never looked bad and people buy him as a main eventer. That extra wee push might do the trick.

CM Punk... well, I'm not his biggest fan as a babyface. However, again, I can buy it because WWE seem intent on really giving him a go. Even after the depush after Money in the Bank, he's always at the forefront of what they do, so it's a possibility.

1. AA


Five Knukcle Shuffle

The diving one similar to a Fame-asser

If we're gonna count the Five Knuckle Shuffle, we need to include the Flying Shoulder Block. Then you have the Protobomb that he does before the Shuffle. You have the mad Sitdown Powerslam he does on the big matches too. Release Fisherman Suplex in there too. That ( rather shit ) Bulldog as well.

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1. AA


Five Knukcle Shuffle

The diving one similar to a Fame-asser

Outside of those it just seems a pound and ground.

3. He's already beat Randy Orton and that was one I thought could have ended the streak since that was him in his 'Legend Killer' phase. If it was going to be Wade or Del Rio they would need to be getting raised to be the next huge thing in WWE e.g Rock/Hogan level IMO. CM Punk just meh.

What about the bulldog or the slam he does from the german suplex position(I have no idea what it's called but he lifts them up like a reverse atomic drop, spins them and drops them like a powerbomb). There's two more just off the top of my head that Cole would call "Vintage Cena".

That's just it, if Taker does lose the streak then it will be to make someone a massive star. Cena is already there but if they wanted him to be regarded as one of the biggest ever (even bigger than the Rock and Hogan) then they could give him the streak. Punk is massive at the moment. If he manages to maintain that level or keep it steady enough then he'll start to get mentioned amongst bigger names.

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Aye, he was due to win that one. Injury stopped him. The RKO spot was the intended finish from the Chokeslam counter. Shame what happened there, but shit happens I suppose. I still think if they got Orton in the right spot again, it could work. Wouldn't be the first time they have completely forgotten a Mania match.

Never heard of this, any chance you can fill me in on the details? Just watched it back and nothing looked out of the ordinary ie, injury wise?

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Curtis Hawkins has been future endeavoured going by his twitter.

Just a work I'd say, he was in a match in Cardiff last night with Reks and McIntyre against The Uso's and Mason Ryan..

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Good news folks - the Ambrose thing is all a work 8)

FCW Wrestling ‏ @fcwwrestling Reply Retweet Favorite · Open

#FCW n Starke 2nite. Gainesville Area this is your lst chance to see #Antonio Cesaro, #Damian Sandow, #Dean Ambrose b4 they head to #WWE.

Talk is he may be debuting on the 3 hour Raw

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