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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Toys flying out of prams everywhere down West Lothian way...


Livi Legend In The Making

Join Date: Sep 2008

Posts: 352


Originally Posted by airdrie76

BBC now saying the club will likely take 24 hours before deciding on weather they will pursue their greetin', sorry, appeal.

source:herald and post

"sources at the club say further fixture chaos will happen as officials are set to take the matter to the highest court in the land if the relegation decision is not overturned at an sfl meeting at hampden today"

you know i had adopted the approach lets just accept it but due to theghostofjimmorton and others being truly frank about how they feel i think ill be the same

i hope we appeal appeal and appeal some more as the sfl is full of biased views with their own selfish interests at heart and not their member clubs like they should.

fixture chaos for other teams

money lost for other teams

"provisional" results



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The numbers growing. Did you not say 10 before??

Call it 11! :lol:

From an article that an ex-Meadowbank Thistle fan did for an AFCW fanzine, very few went to support Livingston and the buses from Edinburgh to livingston were stopped pretty quick. (PM me if you want to read the article) Of couse LLD who posts on here is one scab that went to Livingston, but he was lining his own pocket by getting paid for writing in the programme I believe - a bit like the other mercenary MCL on here.

TBH, even if it was 20 fans out of a hardcore Meadowbank support of 200 os so - it was pretty piss poor.

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Toys flying out of prams everywhere down West Lothian way...


Livi Legend In The Making

Join Date: Sep 2008

Posts: 352


Originally Posted by airdrie76

BBC now saying the club will likely take 24 hours before deciding on weather they will pursue their greetin', sorry, appeal.

source:herald and post

"sources at the club say further fixture chaos will happen as officials are set to take the matter to the highest court in the land if the relegation decision is not overturned at an sfl meeting at hampden today"

you know i had adopted the approach lets just accept it but due to theghostofjimmorton and others being truly frank about how they feel i think ill be the same

i hope we appeal appeal and appeal some more as the sfl is full of biased views with their own selfish interests at heart and not their member clubs like they should.

fixture chaos for other teams

money lost for other teams

"provisional" results



:o I think I'll steer clear of there for a good while as I agree with ghostie on this one! :(

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Is there any posters on here who'd stake their lives on Livi's interpretation being wrong in the eyes of the law courts?

Anyone who says yes is a fcukwit of the highest order as those who govern under those rules don't even know which interpretation is correct.

But we all know it's never going to a Law Court - so we can postulate and claim all we like :lol: !!

Appeal rejected according to the BBC


The right and proper decision, which no-one should ever have doubted. Justice was served IMO.

The only club adversly effected by the impasse over the SFL and Livingston's interpretation of the relevant rules are East Stirling. Livingston were due to play away from home, so haven't lost out through their stance.

Failing to play scheduled ties is disgraceful... Short of criminal acts, it is about the worst thing a club can do. Particularly as (opposed to Hamilton, etc.), Livi were capable of fielding a full team.

Anybody know whether they are still a First Division team until the outcome of any appeal to the SFA? ;)
Apparently the SFL have postponed the game vs. Montrose and we are going to appeal to the SFA.

I think everyone misunderstands what an appeal to the SFA is likely to result in anway...? If SFL had not followed it's own rules (i.e. Livingston hadn't been in insolvency) then the SFA might be minded to uphold an appeal. If the appeal is on the severity of punishment (i.e. demotion to Div 3), then it would be unheard of for SFA to do anything but send it back to SFL for another look.

A Court of Law would not change the punishment. They rule on laws, not on footballing morality.

There is no right of appeal to CAS in the SFL rules... so, Livi'd have to get FIFA to force SFL to change their rules in order to get to CAS :lol: ... and, bizarre as all this has been, that's too far!!

4 third division games this weekend again

If Livi fail to play the game v Montrose - either out of pique, stuborness, claims that they've not enough preparation, or lack of a safety certificate - they should be absolutely hammered IMO...

If Livi have appealed to the SFA, then I'd question the morality of them participating in the SFL.

The SFA can only overturn a decision and not, it would seem, a punishment

This is the case. SFA either find Livi didn't breach SFL's insolvency rules - or send back to SFL...

Livi will achieve nothing by appealing to the SFA, the Courts, FIFA, UEFA, or CAS... other than to create massive disruption within the game which could last months. To do so would be IMO an utter disgrace. You have lost, Livingston FC, and rightly. Accept it. Accept it and move on.

I still don't believe that Livingston FC, even under new owners, will make an appeal to the SFA...

Edited by HibeeJibee
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IP ban.. I could of course get round that but frankly I couldnae be arsed.. Our season starts on Saturday and I have better and much more interesting things to concentrate on ( Like us getting pumped every week. I put that in just to stop you doing it VT :P )

Yeah, that's why I haven't been on LL yet.. I'm saving my one input for the final appeals verdict rather than this. ;)

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"scab" is uncalled for, KtfS, it was their club not yours - they were entitled to make their own decision and aren't obliged to agree with you.

I watched Meadowbank Thistle quite often when I lived in Edinburgh as a student in the 80's. I knew a few of their fans. I drank in the GG pub before and after games. I had more than a soft spot for them as the third Edinburgh club fighting for support with the Edinburgh big-boys Hibs and Hearts. I think I'm entitled to the view that anyone who went to support Livingston against the will of the vast majority of the fans is a scab.

I won't even tell you what I think of the very small minority of Wimbledon fans who went to watch the McDongs. ;)

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If Livi fail to play the game v Montrose - either out of pique, stuborness, claims that they've not enough preparation, or lack of a safety certificate - they should be absolutely hammered IMO...

They have a safety certificate now. It was announced on their website this morning.

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So has anything changed at Livi?

Have these new fella's been checked out like the Livi fans wanted? All their past dealings okay? Nothing in their business/personal life to worry about? All past the measure of fitness demanded by the Livi fans?

They Have?


Let the livi fans commence licking the arses of their new board!! :lol::lol:

Edited by AND180Y
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