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Livingston - all the threads merged

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If he's due then I hope he gets it; and you get an horrible STD.

Lavvy have been getting away with screwing people out of money for too long.

To be fair, Pearse has some cheek after what he put Manny Dorado through.

Pearse is a semi-literate charlatan.

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Is it true that the Italians were until this week - possibly even still - adding to the debt at a rate of knots?

One has to wonder why they're making a bad situation worse.

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And I have simply asked him some questions regarding information that I had been advised of, at no time did I say he was not right for going to the papers, after all he needs to make money some how. Question would be if I was a livi fan and I was owed money by the club, would I contact the papers and sell my story, I am not so sure I would, I know of a few other livi fans also owed money but have they sold there story to the papers ?

Do you actually think MCL has 'sold' the story to The Record or the 'paper has paid him for his quotes?

Not a chance on either count.

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would be interested to here if he has not been paid a penny by the record for the story

they will normally pay for a story, but I may be wrong and happy to accpet that if MCL confirms.

I am not having a witch hunt here guy's I do feel for him, but just have a few questions in my mind to clear up

Hope the Italians show us the money or get to feck so we can get someone with some real idea on how to run a football club in

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would be interested to here if he has not been paid a penny by the record for the story

they will normally pay for a story, but I may be wrong and happy to accpet that if MCL confirms.

I am not having a witch hunt here guy's I do feel for him, but just have a few questions in my mind to clear up

Hope the Italians show us the money or get to feck so we can get someone with some real idea on how to run a football club in

OK, just to clear up, I have not received any renumeration for the story. I didn't instigate the story. I haven't invoiced for the story.

I was contacted the same as the other people in the story and asked about my circumstances.

I have an account with the Record for when they use my pictures but no money has been received for anything other than pictures.

I was also called by Alison Walker at the BBC (yummy, mummy) on my mobile a couple of times. I work with various people in the media and they knew that I was chasing Livi for my money but there were more companies than mine chasing them and that's why the story broke.

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Hahaha at least I know who my mother actually is.. :P

You traced yours yet :rolleyes:

I believe she's actually in charge of finances at Morton, and as such Morton are not going bust...

But you'll have to wait for Swampy to confirm/deny/point and laugh/etc.

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You should ask your bumchum Plug the p***k as it was he who posted the gay porn on livilions. You know, the guy who got arrested at Easter Road for abusing a 14 year old and held in the cells at Gayfield Square until he got bailed out at half nine :lol: That still cracks me up :lol:

You probably give him a good seeing-to when he's got his head stuck up Pearse's arse :lol:

He refers to this site as pish and bile yet posts under 2 different usernames :lol:

I missed all the fun that Sunday morning as I was at Harburn playing golf but apparently he found the image on google and posted it and tried to say it was from the official site :lol: He should stick to going down holes for a living :lol: Oooops, another gay double entendre :lol:

Bumchum? If you insist.

Nice body-swerve again though.

Stcik to going downholes? That'll be opposed to you taking pictures of them, then posting them on websites, eh? Creep.

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still abuse other peoples kids though ?

You're treading a thin line.

How funny if MCL was to sue you all for defamation of character and receive the money he's due from the club. In saying that, he's got bigger fish to fry and I'm sure he'll laugh off this ridiculous internet speculation.

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