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Quick Question Thread

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I'm pretty moist with anticipation of Goldenneye being released on Friday and after seeing the adverts, it appears that you have to play the game with the "xbox" type controller that the Wii has. I've two questions. First one, I bought a Gamecube controller to play some old N64 games that I downloaded on my Wii so will that work with the game. Second one, is the "xbox" type controller a wireless controller?

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I'm pretty moist with anticipation of Goldenneye being released on Friday and after seeing the adverts, it appears that you have to play the game with the "xbox" type controller that the Wii has. I've two questions. First one, I bought a Gamecube controller to play some old N64 games that I downloaded on my Wii so will that work with the game. Second one, is the "xbox" type controller a wireless controller?

I've pre ordered FM which arrives on Friday. Lets send Charlie to his gran's, punt LM off to the Zumba and have a Goldeneye/FM wankfest.

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I've pre ordered FM which arrives on Friday. Lets send Charlie to his gran's, punt LM off to the Zumba and have a Goldeneye/FM wankfest.

There isn't Zumba on a Friday. I'll come to yours! :P

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Is there any law where caravans are not allowed parked on the street all year round? The amount of space these 2 caravans have take is a joke and both of these people have drive ways.

I totally agree,its a total joke and shouldn't be allowed

I think it all comes down to regional legislation but as a guideline you're not allowed to park a caravan

• where it may cause an obstruction

at night on a road without lights

• in street parking bays as some local laws forbid this

• at a parking meter, as caravans are not permitted

• unless securely braked or chocked to prevent movement

Also bear in mind that when parked on pubilc roads,most caravans insurance policy becomes nul and void.

As most of them are plywood and aluminium,a gentle dunt with your car should result in sufficient damage

If the "accident" were to happen at night and the caravan in question wasn't sufficiently illuminated,you could also have a nice wee compensation claim. wink.gif

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Is there any law where caravans are not allowed parked on the street all year round? The amount of space these 2 caravans have take is a joke and both of these people have drive ways.

Funny one with caravans really. As someone else mentioned it really depends where you live.

There are some problems now and then with them round where I live. There's not an awful lot you can do from Planning perspective as they have to be living in it to get them moved. If its obstructing a highway then just ring the Highways department and they'll go out and investigate it.

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Funny one with caravans really. As someone else mentioned it really depends where you live.

There are some problems now and then with them round where I live. There's not an awful lot you can do from Planning perspective as they have to be living in it to get them moved. If its obstructing a highway then just ring the Highways department and they'll go out and investigate it.

They shouldn't be on the public road if no road tax is being paid. I bet the owners are on the dole and have 50" plasma tellys. Burn them to the ground is the obvious solution.

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Burn them to the ground is the obvious solution.

Take matters into your own hands and become a masked crimefighter. Á la Batman.

That's what I said. Not in those exact words admittedly.

G_Man, these aren't your Mother in law's caravans are they?

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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