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Question for the 30+ demographic:

You see when you now watch 80s / 90s films and you see some rather dated special effects (e.g. Superman flying across the Niagara or whatever), do you remember thinking "well that's utter pish" at the time or did it completely bypass your thoughts because it was all cutting edge stuff at the time?

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Question for the 30+ demographic:

You see when you now watch 80s / 90s films and you see some rather dated special effects (e.g. Superman flying across the Niagara or whatever), do you remember thinking "well that's utter pish" at the time or did it completely bypass your thoughts because it was all cutting edge stuff at the time?

Watch Monkey clips on Youtube and prepare to have your childhood memories shattered to smithereens. I can remember being mesmerized by him flying in on his cloud as a boy - it's a fucking plastic model on a bit of cotton wool. I was devastated when I watched it recently.

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Question for the 30+ demographic:

You see when you now watch 80s / 90s films and you see some rather dated special effects (e.g. Superman flying across the Niagara or whatever), do you remember thinking "well that's utter pish" at the time or did it completely bypass your thoughts because it was all cutting edge stuff at the time?

You could see it wasn't real at the time, like the little blue haze around people on poorly-done bluescreen scenes, but generally you didn't mind unless it was really egregiously bad. I really miss the old Harryhausen stop-motion animations, as they can be done so well these days that the results piss all over most CG creatures. I still think even the old ones look great now; the slightly jerky nature gives them a bit of life, and made things like the skeletons in Jason and the Argonauts seem slightly unpredictable and creepy.

I miss the old matte painting backdrops too. Some were poor, like every type of effect, but sometimes you'll see a lovely one in an Indiana Jones film or something and realise it would've been done in CG today, and it would've lost the beauty that the artist put into it. Quite a lot of the time it didn't even occur to the viewer that they were looking at a painted backdrop because they were so well done - or if it did, it was only in the same way that you know you're not really looking at an actual city in flames in the latest CG extravaganza.

CG's great, but it should be used with the old technologies to best effect, and Hollywood isn't quite ready to admit that yet; everything has to be the latest tech. See the prequel to The Thing for the worst example of that :angry:

Edit: I guess what I'm trying to say is that you viewed the old effects as a piece of artistry that someone had created for your entertainment, like a painting, rather than the high-definition photograph that modern computer effects are usually seeking to create. And both have their place.

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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Watching Star Trek TOS on tv here and it's amazing how well it stands up

I watched most of the repeats digitally restored a few years ago and was amazed how well they stood up. I remember thinking as a kid how boringly similar all the alien planets and inhabitants were, second time around it didn't seem to matter.

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I'm doing a bit of fundraising just now and I'm looking at putting on a five a side tournament. I've never played in one before so I'm not sure how much you'd generally expect to pay per team. Has anyone played in one, and if so, how much was the entry fee?

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To early for heating on?

At most an hour or two at night as our daughters room is a bit chilly as its laminate and we don't have a rug at the moment to try keep the heat in as much as possible, the room is pretty empty which isn't helping anything I suppose and the sun doesn't shine in that way during the day.

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To early for heating on?

At most an hour or two at night as our daughters room is a bit chilly as its laminate and we don't have a rug at the moment to try keep the heat in as much as possible, the room is pretty empty which isn't helping anything I suppose and the sun doesn't shine in that way during the day.

Don't worry, social workers have been called and are on their way.

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