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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Looks like Jordan Thompson could be back at Rangers now. Saw he tweeted something on twitter about remembering the fallen and he normally tweets something on the morning of the Rovers game about looking forward to the game. So I went on his twitter page, it used to say "On loan at Raith Rovers" in his bio. It just reads "Rangers FC" now. Could be looking too much in to it though. Would be a massive blow to lose him.

Surely if we did lose either Thompson or Roberts at Rangers , then something would be on the OS though, like there was with Wighton last January and Liam Smith in November.

Also if we lost Thompson, it would also mean David Bates would be back and that would surely be on the OS as well..

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Ryan fucking Stevenson. What is Locke thinking about? No wins in over two months and a side containing Skacel and Ryan fucking Stevenson is pretty much how I expected things to go when he was appointed.

And yet, if we win the derby we're in a very strong position.

Ryan Stevenson though... he's finished even at L1 level. What in the name of f**k is he doing.

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Another signing to boost attacking options. Just how many options does Locke need before he actually stumbles across a plan that works?

We'll surely need to punt a few out the door now. I'm guessing Osei and Coustrain will be sent on loan and another one or two will also be moved on because we can't keep everyone happy with this side of squad. I would be happy if we could somehow cut short the contracts of McManus and Skacel but that won't happen.

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