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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Ah Kevin McHattie. Scored a peach of an equaliser away to Dundee United in the glorious sunshine followed by about a thousand Rovers fans chanting Gary Locke’s name at full time. If only we’d known what was to come...

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Ah Kevin McHattie. Scored a peach of an equaliser away to Dundee United in the glorious sunshine followed by about a thousand Rovers fans chanting Gary Locke’s name at full time. If only we’d known what was to come...
Was that not Jordan Thompson?
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10 minutes ago, grumswall said:
57 minutes ago, Raithie said:
Ah Kevin McHattie. Scored a peach of an equaliser away to Dundee United in the glorious sunshine followed by about a thousand Rovers fans chanting Gary Locke’s name at full time. If only we’d known what was to come...

Was that not Jordan Thompson?

Mchattie scored the equaliser. 

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In terms of McGlynn, he’ll be given the summer to pull something together, what that’ll look like, I’ve no clue. It’d be a huge disappointment to lose Murray as he’s been solid and showed a sliver of loyalty to the club last year. If these clauses are in contracts, would it be all who have signed? I was under the impression that Gillespie had one from the start of the season but unsure on Vaughan, Nisbet etc

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Moving off topic. See the Jim McMillan Club handed over £3k to the club the other week. Well done guys. Wonder what total donations from fans group would be this season ? I can remember a couple. Fund a player with £5k each from 200 Club,Jim McMillan Club and Supporters Club. Quinnys events can't remember the amounts but it's always about £2k and sure the 200 club made a donation recently also. No matter the results the Supporter Groups never fail to amaze me with their continued vocal and financial support. To all well done. 

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Flanagan and Wedderburn out of the Arbroath match. Davidson, Nisbet and Crane all doubts.

Bene and Duggan might feature which is something.

Can only feel for McGlynn really. ‘But wur foooool time’....

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Saw a thread on Twitter where the post asked about the worst players to have played for us since 2004. Some of the names have me in tears. One boy, in one post, said Robbie Thomson, Chris Duggan, Ross Matthews and Liam Buchanan! Maybe he just started going this season...

Other notable outrageous mentions include Nathan Flanagan and Stephen Simmons. Folk have short memories. None of those players would even make the top (bottom?) is 100 of shite in the last 15 years.

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25 minutes ago, Paco said:

Flanagan and Wedderburn out of the Arbroath match. Davidson, Nisbet and Crane all doubts.

Bene and Duggan might feature which is something.

Can only feel for McGlynn really. ‘But wur foooool time’....

Yeah, the injuries we've had this season can't be ignored. It's insane. 

Can only imagine where we would have ended up if we had the piss thin squad we had at the start of the season. 

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29 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

Saw a thread on Twitter where the post asked about the worst players to have played for us since 2004. Some of the names have me in tears. One boy, in one post, said Robbie Thomson, Chris Duggan, Ross Matthews and Liam Buchanan! Maybe he just started going this season...

Other notable outrageous mentions include Nathan Flanagan and Stephen Simmons. Folk have short memories. None of those players would even make the top (bottom?) is 100 of shite in the last 15 years.

The one I saw retweeted was Jean-Yves Mvoto. He won player of the year in his only season with us, FFS! 

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Sorry but injuries aren't the reason for us fighting to stay bloody 2nd, it's a pathetically weak and spineless team, a board who seem to be immune to any substantial criticism and a manager who has made some strange decisions and some bonkers comments.

We've scored 69 goals this season so only Rangers and Celtic have scored more. Are we really saying we haven't gone up 'cause we missed Vaughan? You shouldn't need to score 3 goals a game and 80 goals a season to win a league. Arbroath have proven that! We haven't really had a injury issue in central midfield or defence. Yes the occasional game where someone had missed out by every team in the county has to deal with that. It's a complete deflection from the mistakes that have been made. We've lost 8 games this season half of which have been from losing positions. 3 have been by one goal when we were still drawing and had a chance. To blame injuries for losing matches like Saturday and Brechin away is ridiculous.

I'm all for giving managers a chance but McGlynn has some awful decisions none more so than giving Flannigan a new deal after calling him one of the best wingers he's worked him. Flannigan epitomises exactly why we are where we are. A moaning prima donna who throws his toys out the pram whenever he loses the ball. McGlynn brought in Crane and look what's happened to him compared to what Goodwin did up him. McGlynn talks about us sorely missing Benedictus but we lost 6 of our 8 defeats with him in defence with Davidson.

There's nothing I'd love more than for us to go up and McGlynn to be the man to do it but I feel some fans are looking at him with blue tinted specs on.

The board and owner as well are getting away with murder. Their decisions have led us to talking about going to part time to survive. Just read that sentence back. Of course if it's that or no Rovers I'll choose part time every second of every day but the decisions that have led to this potential point in our history should not be brushed away. We have a board with zero commercial sense who have taken us to our lowest point in over a decade. Does anyone honestly trust that board to be the ones to take the club forward?

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3 minutes ago, Ding Dang Doo said:

Sorry but injuries aren't the reason for us fighting to stay bloody 2nd, it's a pathetically weak and spineless team, a board who seem to be immune to any substantial criticism and a manager who has made some strange decisions and some bonkers comments.

We've scored 69 goals this season so only Rangers and Celtic have scored more. Are we really saying we haven't gone up 'cause we missed Vaughan? You shouldn't need to score 3 goals a game and 80 goals a season to win a league. Arbroath have proven that! We haven't really had a injury issue in central midfield or defence. Yes the occasional game where someone had missed out by every team in the county has to deal with that. It's a complete deflection from the mistakes that have been made. We've lost 8 games this season half of which have been from losing positions. 3 have been by one goal when we were still drawing and had a chance. To blame injuries for losing matches like Saturday and Brechin away is ridiculous.

I'm all for giving managers a chance but McGlynn has some awful decisions none more so than giving Flannigan a new deal after calling him one of the best wingers he's worked him. Flannigan epitomises exactly why we are where we are. A moaning prima donna who throws his toys out the pram whenever he loses the ball. McGlynn brought in Crane and look what's happened to him compared to what Goodwin did up him. McGlynn talks about us sorely missing Benedictus but we lost 6 of our 8 defeats with him in defence with Davidson.

There's nothing I'd love more than for us to go up and McGlynn to be the man to do it but I feel some fans are looking at him with blue tinted specs on.

The board and owner as well are getting away with murder. Their decisions have led us to talking about going to part time to survive. Just read that sentence back. Of course if it's that or no Rovers I'll choose part time every second of every day but the decisions that have led to this potential point in our history should not be brushed away. We have a board with zero commercial sense who have taken us to our lowest point in over a decade. Does anyone honestly trust that board to be the ones to take the club forward?

Injuries have played a role though. Firstly, regardless of scoring a good few goals, the simple fact is that having a guy like Vaughan fit adds more creativity to the team, gives you a willing outball which will reduce pressure on the midfield and defence and yes, will also score many more goals. Being able to take off a striker or midfielder and replace them with another fit body would also help us in cutting down on mistakes, not to mention the cohesiveness that comes with being able to pick a consistent 11. 

That doesn't mean it's the sole or even the chief reason for our issues. I have written before and will reiterate here: The board's big mistake was on keeping Smith in the first place and then not trusting him sufficiently to fund a decent team. We ended up with a bunch of guys from the last chance saloon and on top of that couldn't field a specialist senior full back. The team brought in over the summer was woefully unbalanced and lacking in technical ability in key areas.  If you don't get the Summer recruitment right, and that goes for the board selection of coaches as much as the coache's selection of players, then your season is fucked from the get go. Coming in 8 games into the season with the window shutting on him, there was a very limited amount that McGlynn could do, and he actually did react to try and shore up our midfield and full back options. Crane has not really put in the performances  he did for Alloa last year, but to claim that this is all down to who's coaching the boy is to deny Crane any agency of his own, people have good spells and bad. 

The board just gone should shoulder some of the blame on where we currently find ourselves. No doubt Sim has made mistakes - recruiting and then keeping Smith would be top of that list. Not sure about the zero commercial sense as they seem to have done wonders on trying to reign in costs and find new avenues of revenue. It's on the footballing side they've been naive. I don't particularly care if we're part time or not, it's not some terrible stigma, it's just a decision we'll need to make. We've been there before and did fine if that's what it eventually comes down to.

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The club have been much improved this season on the commercial side of things. The guys doing the social media putting out some great content.

Flannagan started really well under mcglynn so you can see why he got another deal. He's turned to shit since though. You've said we haven't had any cbs out injured but our captain who is a cb has been out for 2 months. We also brought in hendry at cm who looked like he was going to be a brilliant signing until he got injured. Vaughan offers alot of protection to the players behind him aswell so he wasn't just a loss going forward.

It seems to be the norm that people are sensationalising everything these days. The board have taken criticism since last summer when they didn't punt Smith. Before then they hired Gary fucking locke. They have taken plenty of just criticism the past few seasons.

Going pt or with a hybrid model at this level isn't the end of the world. It's damn near impossible to turn a profit in league 1 as a ft team and as we've seen there are some very good pt players who are better than the shitest ft ones, which is the market we've been shopping in.

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Injuries have played a role though. Firstly, regardless of scoring a good few goals, the simple fact is that having a guy like Vaughan fit adds more creativity to the team, gives you a willing outball which will reduce pressure on the midfield and defence and yes, will also score many more goals. Being able to take off a striker or midfielder and replace them with another fit body would also help us in cutting down on mistakes, not to mention the cohesiveness that comes with being able to pick a consistent 11. 
That doesn't mean it's the sole or even the chief reason for our issues. I have written before and will reiterate here: The board's big mistake was on keeping Smith in the first place and then not trusting him sufficiently to fund a decent team. We ended up with a bunch of guys from the last chance saloon and on top of that couldn't field a specialist senior full back. The team brought in over the summer was woefully unbalanced and lacking in technical ability in key areas.  If you don't get the Summer recruitment right, and that goes for the board selection of coaches as much as the coache's selection of players, then your season is fucked from the get go. Coming in 8 games into the season with the window shutting on him, there was a very limited amount that McGlynn could do, and he actually did react to try and shore up our midfield and full back options. Crane has not really put in the performances  he did for Alloa last year, but to claim that this is all down to who's coaching the boy is to deny Crane any agency of his own, people have good spells and bad. 
The board just gone should shoulder some of the blame on where we currently find ourselves. No doubt Sim has made mistakes - recruiting and then keeping Smith would be top of that list. Not sure about the zero commercial sense as they seem to have done wonders on trying to reign in costs and find new avenues of revenue. It's on the footballing side they've been naive. I don't particularly care if we're part time or not, it's not some terrible stigma, it's just a decision we'll need to make. We've been there before and did fine if that's what it eventually comes down to.
The club have been much improved this season on the commercial side of things. The guys doing the social media putting out some great content.

Flannagan started really well under mcglynn so you can see why he got another deal. He's turned to shit since though. You've said we haven't had any cbs out injured but our captain who is a cb has been out for 2 months. We also brought in hendry at cm who looked like he was going to be a brilliant signing until he got injured. Vaughan offers alot of protection to the players behind him aswell so he wasn't just a loss going forward.

It seems to be the norm that people are sensationalising everything these days. The board have taken criticism since last summer when they didn't punt Smith. Before then they hired Gary fucking locke. They have taken plenty of just criticism the past few seasons.

Going pt or with a hybrid model at this level isn't the end of the world. It's damn near impossible to turn a profit in league 1 as a ft team and as we've seen there are some very good pt players who are better than the shitest ft ones, which is the market we've been shopping in.
Firstly we've lost games to sides who have regulatory had to field less than the 7 maximum subs and only used 2 of them, Stranraer on Saturday being a prime example. We lost to Brechin away and they only had 3 subs and only used 1. Full time teams should always be fitter than part time teams, just like how teams in higher leagues should be fitter than lower leagues. We have the top league scorer and the reason we have lost the league is due to the defence not our failure to score. Yes we've lost players this season but so had every club and that is not the reason we have lost the league.

Completely agree the squad is awful and that fault lies with the board and Barry Smith. But McGlynn cannot be immune to criticism and it seems that a lot of fans just cannot see fit to say he's in any way at fault. He's brought in some of his own players and taken decisions to use virtually none of the club's own youth. Jamie Watson was binned after East Fife away wherein he was by no way the worst player the day. David McKay will be out of the team on Sunday if Davidson and Benedictus are fit. He's chosen a bang average Rangers midfielder who clearly doesn't give a damn what happens to us this season over any of the club's own youth. I'm not saying if we'd played them it would have made any difference, we'll never know that, but I'd far really see us give that a try. Yes Benedictus was injured but as I said we'd already lost 6 games before with him in the defence so the cannot be used as an excuse. Arbroath had their best defender out when we beat them in December so who knows what would have happened that day had he played.

The commercial side of things there's improvement but that's not saying much. Compare us to the Pars and we're light years behind. Why do we not offer fans the chance to buy tickets for all ticket matches after the game? Or show the live football after in the lounge? You have a captive audience and we just let everyone leave. Even Brechin have a club bar and try to get folk to stay later on. Better going in the clubs own pockets than in Eddie Melville's! We have a social media sponsor but Dunfermline had the same sponsor years ago and we took years to catch onto it.
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Much as I'm happy to lay into Drysdale and co, we can't keep blaming them when events have now moved on. 

Under Sim, Callachan was sold and Smith wasn't sacked at the end of last season. Both those decisions had a huge impact on how last season, and this one, turned out. 


Edited by Michael W
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