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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Two nil...

It'll be more by the end which is lose-lose all around. McGlynn or Raith will try and claim it proved a point that the team are all together or some such pish and our manager will slink away again claiming the Goodwillie debacle affected their prep or some such shite.
Projector on the wall?
Aye. Magic.
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9 minutes ago, lichtie23 said:

Popped into hesgoals to see the stream. Its silent there. The support who have turned up should be constantly venting their anger towards the board and McGlynn. Not just sitting in silence 

Anyone there either doesn't know who Goodwillie is or doesn't give a f**k. 

Anyone disgusted by Goodwillie almost certainly isn't there. 

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7 minutes ago, OhnononoGeordieMunro said:

Live and let live - not your place to tell other people how to act at a football game or whether they should go or not.

Nah, if you've went there tonight you're a belter. 

Not like the fans there are making there feelings known or that, just meekly accepting that there apparent community club has signed a rapist, pathetic. 

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4 minutes ago, SanStarko said:

Commentary on the official stream, If it's a Hesgoal stream I think it uses a pixelot stream so no commentary. 

Aye, it's Hesgoals...I was interested to see what the attendance and general vibe would be, but I certainly wasn't going to give them any money.

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Just being discussed on Sportsound now.


Michael Stewart saying that Raith "pretty much shot themselves in the foot" with this signing. Also made a good point about how this will affect the victim. He also said that rehabilitation is a two way street and that Goodwillie hadn't done his part. 

Tom English making some good points now that Goodwillie never showed any contrition or regret and has never spoken about her. Also pointed out that the victim was subjected to death and rape threats for speaking out. Never knew that and it just makes things worse for me. He added that the club should have thought about that but failed to do so, and insinuated that they have in turn failed the victim. He's noted that the club didn't think of the fans at all, calling it 'shoddy' and 'shabby', saying he feels for the fans and the victim, but not the club. They've torched the good work and good will of the fans. "An act of complete self sabotage".

Richard Gordon saying he can't understand the decision making. Asked what Raith saw that other clubs didn't.

They're all pretty incredulous about this signing, and I felt that English and Stewart were holding back a bit and choosing their words carefully for the most part. They were all very clear that they felt most for the victim as well.


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2 minutes ago, OhnononoGeordieMunro said:

Don't think he is, not seen it mentioned anywhere. Mind you the RaithTV coverage haven't mentioned it at all and have suggested the lower crowd is due to coming out of lockdown.

Who is on comms tonight?

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