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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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3 hours ago, Frank conner said:

No you're just a twat and if you don't come back no one will care.


3 hours ago, Frank conner said:

The true fans will be there next season with or without you get over it.

See, you've repeatedly played the "why don't you do something more meaningful than posts on a forum if you care strongly about this" card, which could actually be considered a valid criticism if you were coming at this from the angle that the signing is a disgrace and Raith fans have fallen into line by treating things as business as usual far too easily after some half arsed apologies with no consequences for McGlynn whatsoever.

These posts however suggest that if people did do something such as a protest at games, you would be dismissing them as not being real Raith fans, asking why they can't just get over it, and ranting about them being 'woke' and easily offended because they have the temerity to think rape is a bad thing.

You probably don't even see the contradiction here, what with being so thick you can't spell your own username.

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4 hours ago, Grant228 said:

While he undoubtedly is a dreadful poster this is as valid a question to the normal Raith fans on this thread, as the ones they're asking Frank. 


What are yous going to do about the rape apologist running, and managing your club? A few weeks back McGlynn the rape apologist was getting his name sung for winning the challenge Cup, will it take Sim winning the playoffs to have his name chanted? 

The withdrawal of the volunteers was swift last time and at least prevented Goodwillie from playing for Raith, unless I've missed it there's been nothing at that horror statement. 

To say the fans have no power is ridiculous, withdraw your funds, withdraw your time, protest outside, but surely you have to do something? 

Spot on.

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I'm not surprised nor overly bothered over Sims opinions he expressed in that interview.

What bothers me is that it was a completely needless thing to do. It stoked a fire that was burning out and reignited an issue that the club could do without. It is, again, a pretty remarkable failure to read the room - and has people talking about Raith Rovers for very much the wrong reasons.

It's not going to be cause anywhere near as much of an stir as a few months ago, but it certainly doesn't help. It is quite surprising that someone who has held as senior a position across business as he has doesn't recognise the fact that sometimes shutting up is the best way forward. You don't have to completely agree with your customers, but at least appear as though you've taken their views on board and are using them to shape things for the future. I can't think of any other industry where you'd tell your customers to fuck3 off and go somewhere else if you aren't satisfied.

If I'm being cynical however, it could be partly designed to take attention away from the pretty stark collapse we have seen on the footballing side of things. Buried within that article is the fact that Sim knows about as much about the managerial situation as we do.

Harsh reality is that short to medium term the club heavily relies on him.  The best situation available really is trying to have as much separation between himself and the club as possible,  whilst still having the funding to exist.  Certainly doesn't appear at face value to be something that is particularly achievable at this stage.

In short, more fun and games.

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"Whatever people may think of me, I'm not a dictator" and "Well, if he can't play for the club, let's close the club" seems like a massive contradiction. 

Something has happened that he doesn't like so he's going to bring an end to nearly 140 years of history?

Very worrying that he's mentioned doing so as flippantly as he did. 

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"Whatever people may think of me, I'm not a dictator" and "Well, if he can't play for the club, let's close the club" seems like a massive contradiction. 
Something has happened that he doesn't like so he's going to bring an end to nearly 140 years of history?
Very worrying that he's mentioned doing so as flippantly as he did. 
It's like reading a statement from a Russian spokesperson. "Stop supplying weapons to Ukraine or there might be severe consequences".

I think Sim has gambled by trying to make people grateful he hasn't done anything extreme and also to dangle a proverbial carrot by talking about updating the stands, pitch and how well our sponsorship situation is. Instead all he's done is reopen the wounds.
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Just read through this. Did Sim actually say that he feels sorry a rapist. Raith Rovers stepping on more rakes. John Sim is no fan that’s for sure. No fan would admittedly want to close us down. 

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If the remaining people in the club with influence have its interests at heart, they need to demonstrate it by telling him what harm he is doing and that he needs to back away and keep his mouth shut. 

I'd like to see the Trust take the lead and push the board into this as far as possible. 

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35 minutes ago, L. Brilliant said:

If the remaining people in the club with influence have its interests at heart, they need to demonstrate it by telling him what harm he is doing and that he needs to back away and keep his mouth shut. 

I'd like to see the Trust take the lead and push the board into this as far as possible. 

I think the fact the he managed to give this interview shows the level of influence anyone at the club has…

Either someone has said “listen things have settled down, from a PR perspective this is a bad idea. Let’s focus on positive stories and rebuilding” and he’s ignored them, thinking he knows best.

Or he’s surrounded by people who are too scared, or too beholden to him, to voice an opinion.

I can totally understand that he feels hurt and angry after the backlash. He’s put a lot of time and money into the club on and off the field. Lashing out in the media, after things had quietened down and after the “we got it wrong” statement, was completely the wrong move to make.

His threats aren’t just about punishing those who disagreed with him, they were about punishing everyone. 

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There are a vocal minority of bitter, angry wee guys who think what they want is a club that doesn't care who it upsets or excludes. Same guys will be raging that all the folk who don't think that club is for them are no longer buying tickets, strips, or bringing their kids. 

Yes there's a big sponsor for next season. Can you look any further than that? It's going to be severely diminishing returns if Sim's stance is allowed to define us as that wee angry guy club.



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6 minutes ago, Nairney said:

I think the fact the he managed to give this interview shows the level of influence anyone at the club has…

Or he’s surrounded by people who are too scared, or too beholden to him, to voice an opinion.


Kind of what I'm getting at, it might be easier for those people to stay very quiet - so any person or group with a platform who can challenge them to align with, or disown, Sim's position should really do so.

I'm sure we'd all want to know what the new chairman's position is.

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Yes, unfortunately it doesn’t say much for the new chairman’s position that Sim has decided to jump in and do this interview.

I’d also have welcomed an interview with Macdonald and an opportunity to hear what his ideas for moving forward are. This just makes him look like a puppet. I’m maybe doing him a dis-service here but that’s certainly the impression (rightly or wrongly) Sim is creating for him.

Edited by Nairney
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The chairman voted for Goodwillie so I fear we already know the answer to that. Whether he has since realised that it was a monumental f**k up or not is unknown, since he's in hiding like the rest of them until Sim stood up and unloaded a pile of verbal diarrhoea. 

Sim's level of control has had me uncomfortable for a long time, but I thought it was benign, even if far from ideal. It's not benign; the man is unfit to be anywhere near the club. 


Edited by Michael W
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Up until now, my anger of the signing mainly fell on MacDonald, Morgan and Sinton. Casting aside any moral or football case, it was a PR disaster (especially in the manner the club chose to handle it) and harmful for fan and community relations. I felt angry that these guys, custodians of our club, didn’t have the ability to judge what was sensible vs what wasn’t.

I kind of understood McGlynn’s position - he’s too focused on football and was maybe blinded by the fact he knew Goodwillie personally.

I kind of understood Sim’s position - he’s older, lives abroad in a country that has a different culture to ours and he probably misunderstood how easily you can bluster some negative press out.

I felt the other three were too blinded by the excitement of potential promotion (hob nobbing in Premier League boardrooms) and lost sight of what was important - being engaged with the fans and wider community. I felt angry that they didn’t listen to Clark and Mill, who were clearly more tuned into the wider picture. 

I suppose I see now why else they voted the way they did and why we’re unlikely to see any real change. 

Edited by Nairney
Unlikely, not likely!
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