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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Going by Murray’s comments - he wants the squad pretty much settled for the start of the cup campaign. Interview with Mullin suggested the players are reporting back the 12th of June - so hopefully see another face or two in the door before the players return

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A goalkeeper, two centre backs and possibly a left back and I think we’ll be pretty much there.

Glad to see us in a good spot with squad building, maybe a lesson learned from our unpreparedness for the League Cup group stage last season.

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There was a lot of chat from the new owners, Sim and Murray about getting more value from our playing squad.

We've just issued 3 year contracts to Hamilton and Mullin. Compare that to Keatings and Goodwillie over the last 2 years and I think the net economic impact of that comparison would be broadly equal. I know its an extreme comparison but these are signings that have been well thought through and assessed by people who really know and understand this level of football. 

If Hamilton catches fire we could even make a huge financial benefit either through a sale or (dare to dream) promotion.

Of course there is a risk it could all go Pete Tong, but even with the squad we have right now I would fancy us not to get relegated this coming season.

Genuinely believe that some good times are ahead though. About time it was our turn :)

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Fits the mould of the younger aged bracket perhaps let go from a bigger club. 

Few Hibs fans commenting on the post saying they are gutted to see him go. Some good feedback from Queens fans during his spell too. 

would be happy if he was a target!

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33 minutes ago, RRFC_Liam said:

I can’t see Dabrowski signing he might want to go back and play in Poland or he would probably have better offers over here, would I take him? Aye definitely, do I think he’ll sign? No 

Been over here since 2017 maybe hes settled in Scotland, Kirkcaldy not to far for him to travel, wants to be a number one keeper

Who better for him than us and of course our Polish community  

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19 minutes ago, SirJimmyofNic said:

Been over here since 2017 maybe hes settled in Scotland, Kirkcaldy not to far for him to travel, wants to be a number one keeper

Who better for him than us and of course our Polish community  

Wants a 3 year deal and a charging socket.

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Not sure how accurate Wiki is but it's saying he's only played 6 games for Hibs and has been out on loan to a number of lower league clubs. If he's keen to stay in Scotland how many clubs are in the market for a first team starting keeper? I think we'd be silly not to at least open some talks with him and see what comes of it. He'd be our number 1 keeper and with our new boards vision for the future he might be keen to come here knowing he's guaranteed games. We're also massive and minted*


*said in jest.

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9 minutes ago, Jives Miguel said:

Sad to see Raith trying to follow in Queen's Park footsteps by buying the league. When will these smaller clubs learn?

‘Buying the league’ ?

Hamilton - small fee

Mullins - no fee

Also comparing us in size to Queens is laughable. Whilst we’re not some massive outfit there’s no comparison with them. They’re on East Fifes level imo.

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