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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Can see what they are trying to do even if their marketing language grinds a bit.

I know some are not going to like it but.... times are hard and when its this bad odd partnerships form. Good luck to them.

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This is not a sensible move by Fife Flyers. They've always had a Kirkcaldy identity, and a lot of their support are Rovers minded. Now they're undermining it for the sake of a short term commercial stunt. They obviously must think the amount of punters they'll attract from West Fife will outweigh local loyalty.

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Most of the locals who go to Flyers games don't support Rovers anyway.

Really? I know a good few who go to Raith and Flyers games. I know quite a few of one of the younger hockey teams who follow both. I really do feel we've missed a trick with this, but then it's been the choice of the Flyers to either cash in or actively seek. We really need to start actively competing against them as much as possible.

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If they dont follow Rovers neither would they be following Dunfermline, so what would be the benefit of the link up?

There isn't a link between Flyers and Raith, the Flyers are based in Kirkcaldy, yet that doesn't mean that they're associated with Rovers.

They represent all of Fife and the scheme has been created in order to increase their following from the West of Fife, so it makes sense to link up with Dunfermline.

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Rovers turned down the same deal. Dunfermline accepted it, that's unfortunately all there is to it.

Flyers are very much not a "raith minded" team, it's a different sport with now loyalty to either dunfermline or raith.

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The only games which do not qualify for DAFC will be those against Rangers and Celtic and fans will only be able claim the discount for up to a maximum of three football games. All Fife Flyers games qualify for the scheme.

Oooh, if they can't go and see Rangers and Celtic that won't go down well.

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I too know a few guys who follow both the Rovers and the Flyers. They're pretty shocked by this news. I'm quite happy though as any scheme to get fans into EEP has to be considered good business. Much better stuff from the club.

Fife Flyers or Dunfermline are unlikely to get many more fans through their gates with this scheme.

The Flyers :lol:

With Hank :lol:

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I'd like to hear from the club why they didn't pursue this opportunity, if indeed it was offered to them first of all.

I'm not slavering for excuses, I'd just like a sentence or two of "We didn't think that the benefits that the scheme would bring would outweigh the extra costs, such as additional admin expenses" or whatever.

There's obviously a legitimate reason why the Rovers decided to turn down the Flyers, and I'd quite like to know what it is, out of interest more than anything else.

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this post from fantalk probably sums up why the club did not take the opportunity

"the only way for this to be commercially viable is if Flyers fans who don't already go to Stark's Park start taking up the offer, and this outnumbers the number of people who currently do follow both.

So, for example, if there are 100 current Raith/Flyers fans who would get half-price entry to Stark's Park in this type of deal, you would need to attract 100 Flyers fans who don't go to Stark's Park just to break even"

saying that,the cut price admission for the game against hamilton last saturday only benifitted those that already go to starks park

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My understanding is that Flyers have a new commercial guy (Allan Paul) who was mis-informed that Rovers had already been approached and turned down a partnership deal. He therefore went to the Pars to try to arrange a deal with them. Then when the shit hits the fan it becomes apparent that Rovers were never contacted in the first place. So only now are there moves in place to do some kind of cross promotion between Rovers and Flyers.

I have come to this opinion through trawling this and the Flyers forum and through FB. I don't claim to know first hand what is happening behind the scenes at the Flyers. However, it is disappointing that this initiative didn't originate at Stark's Park. Unless of course, it had been discussed and the numbers didn't add up.

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